Home Business Forecasting The Return Of Fans After Coronavirus

Forecasting The Return Of Fans After Coronavirus

Forecasting The Return Of Fans After Coronavirus

With states across the nation in the throes of reopening in the wake of the Coronavirus-induced shutdown, sports leagues and teams are putting their own reopening plans into action as the PGA returned last week with the Charles Schwab Challenge and the NBA slated to resume action in Disney World next month. But while a resumption of sports of any kind is a positive step, one of the biggest questions on everyone’s mind is when fans will be able to return to the stands.

Not a single sports league or organization that has designs on returning has truly entertained a return to action that includes live spectators in attendance. As of yesterday, New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo announced that the tennis US Open, will return as scheduled in late August without fans. The significance of this move centers around the timing of the event. If a late August/early September event isn’t even entertaining the notion of having fans, it doesn’t bode well for sports like professional and college football whose seasons typically commence around that same time. Perhaps the scale and locale of the US Open as the largest ticketed event in the world, hosted in the city hardest hit by the pandemic has something to do with that decision. That said, all eyes will still be on football, specifically the NFL to see how they approach the notion of having fans in attendance at all.

The culture of football games also makes the notion of bringing fans back all the more daunting because leagues and teams don’t just have to worry about ingress and egress of stadiums but also of the festivities before and after the event – tailgating. In addition to the 80,000 or so fans that typically flock to football stadiums on game day, there are probably at least 10,000 or more who show up simply to enjoy a parking lot party without even attending the game itself. It’s all just a long way of saying that in theory, the logistical hurdles appear pretty daunting.

However, the timing may be fortuitous for these leagues, in that the Federal Government has been doing everything in its power to ensure that a true “Point of Care” test for COVID-19 will be widely available by the Fall. Initiatives such as the National Institute of Health’s RADx (Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics) program, known colloquially as the “Shark Tank Program” have been doling out millions of dollars in government grants to ensure that the nation has a test that will deliver immediate results in your hand by the time football season comes around.

But the widespread availability of rapid point of care diagnostics is just one piece of the puzzle. The other just as important piece is managing the immense logistical challenge of ensuring tens of thousands of fans get tested and cleared to attend a sporting event (or any mass gathering for that matter). One company who has been at the center of ensuring hundreds of thousands of Americans get tested might very well have that solution. Though eTrueNorth might not be a household names for those outside of the healthcare industry, chances are you have interacted with their business at some point in the past four months. ETrueNorth originally set out to close some of the more prevalent gaps in healthcare coverage by enabling retail pharmacies to conduct standardized clinical diagnostic tests. But when Coronavirus began to wreak havoc across the United States, the technology and infrastructure originally developed to close this aforementioned gaps in care were then used to help create the screening and voucher system that would enable those in need or in search of COVID-19 tests to get tested at their local government-run drive-thru testing site or at similar such sites at their local Walmart
or Kroger

As a contractor for the Department of Health and Human Services, eTrue North supports 56% of HHS-funded drive through testing sites. ETrue North’s software asks those who think they may need a COVID-19 test a series of screener questions, if the system determines that the individual needs a test, they then receive a voucher for a test and are directed to a drive-thru location where the test is administered.

In order for fans to safely return to the stands prior to the approval of an effective vaccine, a system with the infrastructure and capacity similar to that of eTrueNorth’s is going to be necessary. “We have talked about playing a role in sports,” said eTrueNorth’s CEO, Coral May. “I absolutely believe we are at the point from a technology and science standpoint for large scale events to return come the Fall,” May added.

Obviously the development of a true rapid point of care test would make that all the more feasible but May believes that the current testing and technology infrastructure could suffice as well. “I believe that sports teams and leagues have the ability to administer large scale testing programs with the current state of technology but it would require the right kind of assessment on the front end, the right technology, and the right lab partner on the back end.”

Realistically, fans who bought a ticket would likely need to go to their local retail pharmacy location to get a test or have a self-swab test processed and then be issued a separate ticket or voucher, similar to the kind eTrueNorth has been issuing for the drive through testing it currently facilitates, and then that fan would have to present both their ticket for admission and the voucher at the entrance to the venue. Such a system probably wouldn’t be without its hiccups or complications but such is life in the brave new world we find ourselves in.



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