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George MacKay On How ‘True History Of The Kelly Gang’ Made ‘1917’ Possible For Him

George MacKay On How ‘True History Of The Kelly Gang’ Made ‘1917’ Possible For Him

“Without having made True History of the Kelly Gang first, I could not have done 1917,” revealed George MacKay. “First and foremost, the physical experience of playing Ned Kelly really informed my interpretation of my character, Schofield, in 1917. I felt very close to Schofield in terms of values and things like that, but it was an acting experience. With both movies, I was emotionally and physically at my limit at the end of the shoot.”

The actor’s acclaimed performance in the Oscar-winning movie helped Sam Mendes’ World War I opus grossed $368.7 million at the worldwide box office.

“I remember the last few weeks just wanting to talk about home and to go home. I spoke to the director, Justin Kurzel, about it, but I was worried that if I did, then I was going to unravel, and I wouldn’t be able to put myself back together again to do the job.”

1917, made for an estimated $90 million, is a world away from indie drama True History of the Kelly Gang, which premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in September 2019. Both films, produced on very different budgets, were physically grueling.

“I’m always wary about being an actor and saying, ‘I’ve had a tough day.’ Especially with all the stuff going on in the world right now,” MacKay explained. “Justin has an understanding of how experience bleeds into the texture of the final piece. So, without making it unnecessarily difficult, I think we embraced the feeling of wherever we were, so shooting on location and in certain extremes was really important for that.”

“As much as the film begins with saying that nothing you’re about to see is true, everyone looked at what the truths were of the time that we’re going to pick and use. That was vital when it came to the character’s lives and the things they would have experienced. One thing that came through was the physical hardship and the brutality of life.”

MacKay made an effort to bond with Kurzel even before the filming started.

“We hung out a lot beforehand. The film went up and down, and it fell apart once,” he recalled. “There was one day when we drove for six hours across the state of Victoria to meet a mate of his. He was just like, ‘Well, they’re at a pub six hours away, shall we just drive over?’ We just talked all the way. We talked about life about everything, and he really loves actors. He was telling me about a certain period in the 70s saying, ‘De Niro was just making film after film with amazing performances, no pretentious s**t, just digging in and doing the work.’ He had this infectious passion for how far you can take your craft, to take it seriously, and juice the opportunity that you have. He said that the key is to keep making stuff, keep trying stuff, keep failing, it’s only getting lazy that stops you from getting better.”

True History of the Kelly Gang is the second film in six months, where MacKay’s name has not only got top billing, but his face has been front and center on the poster. That’s something he still finds a bit weird, but he remains grounded, partially thanks to an industry party during awards season.

“When we were going through the whole process with the campaign for 1917, it was a whole new experience doing that level of press and parties,” the actor confessed. “I remember the first event we went to, we were in a room, and it was like, ‘There’s Tom Hanks! There’s Geena Davis! There’s Eddie Murphy! Look, it’s Jamie Foxx!’ They’re all good people, really friendly. But I remember I had a dodgy tummy and I just thought that if I had the s**ts then there’s probably a likelihood that someone like Quentin Tarantino has got the s**ts and that was, in a way, a leveler.”

“You realize that we’re all just people, and when you meet them, they’re just them, they’re normal. It’s strange, but I try not to think about that side of it too much. It’s just a bit weird.”

True History of the Kelly Gang was deprived of a domestic theatrical release because of the coronavirus pandemic, although it has received a limited release in drive-in movie theaters. The situation with COVID-19 has made the actor, like many others, reflective and appreciative.

“I don’t know what we’ll do, but I do feel like there will be a big shift in the way that we interact. I think there will be a greater appreciation of the time that we will have to enjoy certain things, having not had them for a while,” MacKay mused. “Also, environmentally, it shows there can be change there. I care about the environment, but admittedly I do so much bloody traveling as an accepted part of my job. I often can’t avoid that. However, I can’t deny I have felt utterly terrible about it in recent times.”

“I think when people understand that we don’t perhaps need to do a lot of things that we were doing or maybe should do things you meant to do. In this slowdown, you do appreciate things that were there a lot more, you don’t take things for granted, and it distills what is most important to you and why we make certain choices.”

True History of the Kelly Gang is available on VOD now.



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