Home Business GOP Lawmakers Don’t Back Trump’s Call For Election Delay

GOP Lawmakers Don’t Back Trump’s Call For Election Delay



Republican lawmakers nearly universally opposed President Donald Trump’s  suggestion Thursday that the November election should be delayed—something only Congress, not the president, has the power to do—suggesting Trump’s controversial idea is unlikely to actually be put into effect by his congressional allies.


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told NBC affiliate WNKY that “never in the history of the country” has the election been delayed, adding, “We’ll cope with whatever the situation is and have the election on Nov. 3 as already scheduled.”

“No way should we ever not hold our election on the day that we have it,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy told reporters.

“It doesn’t matter what an individual in this country says, we still are a country based on the rule of law, we must follow the law until either the Constitution is changed or until the law is changed,” Sen. Chuck Grassley told reporters.

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) tweeted Thursday that he will “oppose any attempts to delay the 2020 election.”

“There will be no delay in the 2020 election,” Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.), who serves as the ranking member on the House election subcommittee, tweeted Thursday, adding the date “will not be changed.”

Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso told Fox Business, “We will not delay the election.”

Sen. Lindsey Graham told reporters that he doesn’t “believe we should delay the elections,” and Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) told CNN he doesn’t support a delay.

“Election fraud is a serious problem, we need to stop it and fight it, but no, the election should not be delayed,” Sen. Ted Cruz told CNN.

Sen. Marco Rubio told CNN he “wished Trump hadn’t said that,” but said the date would “not change,” adding, “We are going to have an election in November.”

“The election is going to happen in November, period,” Sen. Thom Tillis told CNN.

Rep. Dusty Johnson (R-S.D.) tweeted, “Moving Election Day would seriously jeopardize the legitimacy of the election.”

Other Republican lawmakers who oppose an election delay include Reps. Chris Stewart, Tim Burchett, Troy Balderson, Fred Upton, John Curtis, Don Bacon, Michael Guest, Steve Sivers, Bruce Westerman, Jim Sensenbrenner and Susan Brooks.

No Republican has yet publicly supported Trump’s delay suggestion, though Sen. Joni Ernst declined to publicly comment.

Chief Critic

Democrats have similarly been universally opposed to Trump’s suggestion to delay the election, with congressional leaders Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Chuck Schumer pointing out that the decision is not Trump’s to make. Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), who chairs the Committee on House Administration that oversees elections, said in a statement that “under no circumstances” will Congress consider moving the election date “to accommodate the President’s inept and haphazard response to the coronavirus pandemic,” and Federal Elections Commissioner Ellen Weintraub has also publicly condemned Trump’s tweet.

Key Background

Trump’s suggestion to delay the election confirmed fears by Trump critics that the president could try to somehow interfere with or delay the November election, after he repeatedly attacked the practice of mail-in voting and falsely claimed the election will be “rigged.” “Mark my words, I think he is going to try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can’t be held,” presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden said in April. The Trump campaign, however, has attempted to somewhat walk back the president’s controversial comments in the wake of his Thursday tweet, with press secretary Hogan Gidley saying in a statement to ABC News that the president was “just raising a question about the chaos Democrats have created with their insistence on all mail-in voting.” While GOP lawmakers have been willing to vocally oppose the president’s call for a delay, his administration officials have been more evasive in their response: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said at a congressional hearing Thursday that “the Department of Justice and others will make that legal determination,” after U.S. Attorney General William Barr demurred and refused to speculate Tuesday when asked during a congressional hearing whether the president could delay an election.

Surprising Fact

If Trump does somehow delay the election, Trump and Vice President Mike Pence must still leave office at noon on January 20 as mandated by the 20th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. If there isn’t a clear successor in place at that point, the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 dictates that as Speaker of the House (assuming Democrats retain control), Pelosi would then be sworn in as president.

Further Reading

Trump Suggests Postponing Election—Which He Doesn’t Have The Power To Do—Citing Unsubstantiated Mail-In Ballot Fraud (Forbes)



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