Home Business Great Businesses Start During Booms Too

Great Businesses Start During Booms Too

Great Businesses Start During Booms Too

An article of faith about busts and recessions is that bad times are when the next-generation businesses are born. Teen-retailing phenomenon Altar’d State in 2009, Microsoft and Apple during the 1970s stagflation, Hewlett-Packard in the Great Depression, Carnegie steel in the Panic of 1873. There are plenty of good examples. They give the sense that when assets are cheap and along with labor (much of it idle) free to be reorganized, great new enterprises can be assembled which then drive the subsequent expansion. 

This situation can obtain, but it is far from always the case. Among the greatest businesses ancient and modern, the founding date has often been right smack in the middle of a boom. 

The classic case is John D. Rockefeller’s move into the oil-refining business in the late 1860s. Here was a shipping proprietor who had done nicely during the civil war arranging for the Union to get its provisions from his sentinel port in Cleveland. He noticed in the Cleveland flats there that any number of, well, goofballs, were drilling for or refining oil, making very nice bucks, and pocketing the proceeds for consumption. Seeing the inefficiency, he started buying these people out, and they sold all too eagerly. The boom was going on the whole time. Standard Oil, the paradigmatic business of America’s industrial revolution, was already a healthy going thing when that Panic of 1873 hit. 

The paradigmatic business of our era, Amazon, also got going during a boom, in 1994. The long 1982-2000 expansion had a brief interruption in the early 1990s, but the recovery was well underway when Jeff Bezos emerged from his garage. The expansion was one of the most legendary of all time, with unemployment going to structural levels. 

Bezos saw that the new incredible communication and information-transfer infrastructure that was just becoming generalized—the Internet—offered untold possibilities for the distribution of goods and services. Books would be the tip of the spear. As the Internet grew and became more reliable, capable, and regular, Amazon would both spur that development and grow into it. Bezos chose Seattle as home base because the boom in computer engineering there occasioned by Microsoft provided the climate for the kind of talent his company would need. Success bred success—there was no bust enabling the creation of Amazon. 

Another parallel between Rockefeller and Bezos was that both saw an emerging new network of transport and exchange—in the former case, railroads, in the latter the Web—that had transformative possibilities. These networks, in both cases, were gaining in maturity during economic booms that were in process. Standard Oil would use the railroads to deliver a good product at low prices with great reliability. Amazon’s fulfillment aspired to the same standard with all the merchandise it moved via the network of the Internet. 

Great investment—in railroads and the Internet—had led to further great investment, indeed into ideas about how to take advantage of these new maturing things. There is no necessary or desirable part of the sequence that includes a business bust or a bear market. 

As for the argument that the government, via its sweetheart land deals for the railroads and its defense-department programs for the Internet, was the crucial capital and customer provider for these industries, the likes of Rockefeller and Bezos saved their respective industries. Railroads were in weak moments chasing post-office (and war materiel) contracts until Rockefeller proved the immense profitability of ministering to private needs. Computer entrepreneurs such as Robert Noyce had lamented the lameness of government contracts in the early Net space before Amazon and the rest made these contracts déclassé. An example of a once-great tech company that got stuck for good on the miserable government-contract route is IBM. 

If we see busts and recessions as semi-necessary business things, among the most opportune times to be entrepreneurial, it is an unfortunate part of our official consciousness. It could be an expression some weird residual faux Puritanism. It could be a way of dressing up, of misrepresenting, Schadenfreude at people getting their comeuppance or of scorning the little guy. Booth Tarkington said as much in his writing on the industrial revolution.  

Robert L. Bartley, the famed editor of the Wall Street Journal during the great late 20th-century boom, despised the attitude. As I wrote to close a chapter of my book Econoclasts (2009), “Bartley suggested that recessions were a sort of moral cop-out,” that the serious nature of the mandate to live well, including in an ethical sense, in prosperity, makes prosperity a little too unbearable and challenging if it goes on for a good while and in scale. The challenge vanishes in a bust. “When it is hard to make a living, a compensation is that one is relieved of the duties of prosperity.” We shall be a better, and more better-off, people when we clear out our fears, inclusive of precious rationalizations for recessions, of uninterrupted economic growth. 




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