Home Business Grocery Stores And The Effect Of The COVID-19 Pandemic

Grocery Stores And The Effect Of The COVID-19 Pandemic

Grocery Stores And The Effect Of The COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic measures have changed how we obtain food, whether from restaurants or for our own cooking at home. It has exposed weaknesses in the supply chain, especially meat processing, and the vulnerabilities in the distribution model. Closer scrutiny of third party delivery companies have also uncovered discrepancies in payment models and accusations of a pricing system that skews too heavily away from the restaurants themselves.

In terms of groceries, as the consumer gets more accustomed to a curbside or home delivery structure, this shift also represents a change in mindset moving forward. For those fortunate enough to have the resources to access these services, the new normal transforms the notion of grocery shopping from one where you can feel, handle and assess the quality of goods to one where that value is assessed for you (and in the future, one where pickers may be rated by the consumer similar to Uber drivers). 

“Even so, confining a row of fresh vegetables on Walmart Grocery to the same grid style Walmart.com uses to sell smartphone cases can look clinical and confusing, like an auto-parts catalog of a supermarket rather than a digital storefront for one,” writes Ian Bogost in The Atlantic. Food shoppers want to touch the avocados or shake the cantaloupes. Slicing the grocery store up into individual, pixelated goods doesn’t feel like grocery shopping anymore.” Although Bogost sees some opportunity for smaller, local business to thrive post-pandemic by functioning as a community space, he also warns against a shift in the opposite direction towards a one-stop mega conglomerate from monoliths such as Amazon and other brands.

Another curious effect that the pandemic has brought to the grocery system is the rise of brands skipping the store entirely and using a direct to consumer model — made easier by the rush towards stockpiling canned and shelf-stable goods in the early days. By using their own website and delivery, brands can gain insight into the mind of the shopper and interact with them directly, rather than attempting to gain market share by jockeying for premium product placement. 

“It’s new for us, but I’m amazed by the kind of data you can get,” said Jean-Philippe Nier, U.K. head of ecommerce at Kraft Heinz told The Financial Post. As the pandemic changes these behaviors and data points, brands such as Pepsi Co. can capitalize on this information. The brand’s new PantryShop.com and snacks.com entices consumers with themed packages in personal and family sizes of pantry essentials or workout related items. The snacks site allows consumers to curate their own collections of Cheetos or Funyons and get them delivered to the door. 

As more data emerges, it’s becoming apparent that the convenience of delivery and shopping by proxy are things that the consumer has adapted to over the course of the pandemic. Only three to four per cent of grocery store spending in the US occurred online pre-pandemic, according to research firm Bain & Company. Steve Caine, a partner from the firm, told CNBC that this number could increase to between five and 10 per cent in the future. Who knows what the grocery store may look like by then?



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