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Help! My Leader Is Panicking: What To Do When Your Boss Is Lost

Help! My Leader Is Panicking: What To Do When Your Boss Is Lost

Through all the news regarding the coronavirus, we’ve seen examples of leaders who took the reins of the company and insured their employees were cared for during this time of uncertainty. There are even some leaders who are figuring out ways to help the health care community as they slave away at helping the sick. But many employees are finding themselves at the mercy of leaders who may not be captaining the ship as well as one might hope.

Glassdoor, one of the world’s largest job and recruiting sites, released results today from a survey conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of Glassdoor among nearly 1,000 employed U.S. adults about their employers’ response to COVID-19 and sentiments on working from home. The results showed some key trends:

  • How well are employers responding? Nearly three in ten employees (28%) across all income ranges said their employer has done nothing in response to concerns of the COVID-19 outbreak.
  • Are all employees receiving support? Turns out 42% of employees with a household income of less than $50K annually say they have heard nothing/seen no action from their employers about COVID-19, compared to only 19% of employees reporting the same with a household income of $100K+ annually.
  • Are employers caring for their staff’s health through this pandemic? Only 16% of employees said their companies offered additional paid/unpaid sick leave in response to concerns of the COVID-19 outbreak.

Is this really as easy as pinning it all on good old fashioned corporate greed? Or is it also possible that many leaders are in their own state of fear and panic sending them into a tailspin. Many are thrown off by the sudden waves of change and they’re not sure how to get their bearings. They are human after all. But where does that leave you?

If you find yourself working for a leader or leadership team that are more focused on rearranging the deck chairs on this Titanic-level of unexpected chaos, than doing anything productive there are some things you can do to stay afloat yourself and, hopefully, help your leadership in the process.

1.    Take care of yourself. The rule of putting an air mask on yourself before anyone else applies here. If you are one of the employees whose livelihood is being put at risk, you need to focus on you and yours. That means looking into what your options are available to you.

  • Watch your own self-talk. It’s very easy to get sucked in to all the worst-case scenarios out there. Stop piling up on them. Instead, take in factual updates on a limited basis. Focus on self-soothing practices that include focusing on the present, all that you have to be grateful for and reassuring yourself that all will work out. Stress doesn’t do anything positive for the immune system and staying healthy should be the primary focus. Plus, optimism increases the chance we’ll spot opportunities others are missing.
  • Research options. Federal and local government, as well as companies may be providing support to offset the hardships many families are dealing with at this time. But you have to know about it to even have a chance at benefiting from it. Spend as much, if not more, time researching what’s out there for you as you do reading all the bad news coming in at you.
  • Seize opportunity. Look into taking on a side hustle going or start looking into your options for the long-term. This whole event will be changing the way we look at work forever. Similar to what the 9/11 aftermath did to career fluidity, these recent events will most likely cause many people to look into creating multiple streams of income vs. having all their eggs into one basket. It’s not a bad idea to see what might work for you.

2.    Imagine what future success looks like. This may be very hard to do when all you hear about is what could go wrong. But thinking about what you want to see in the future invites your brain to calm down, take in the big picture and take strategic action. Ask yourself, no matter what happens, what do you want to be able to say you did by this time next year. That is your goal. Align everything you do to that goal. Surviving the chaos of the environment is no longer your goal. It’s navigating that chaos to get where you know you are going.

3.    Start thinking like a business owner. If your leader isn’t finding their footing the worst thing you can do is wait for them to tell you what needs to get done. There’s no need to judge them or look down on them. Instead, recognize that this is the time for you to rise up and start acting like a true business owner vs. an employee.

In reality, we are all business owners. Sure, you may have set up shop under the big umbrella of a larger company and you file your taxes differently than you would if you were out on your own, but you are still paid to deliver a service to a client. That client, your primary client, is your manager. When you take that lens, you stop waiting for them to tell you what needs to get done. If you’re a good business owner, you start looking for what they need to be set up for success. If they succeed, you keep and grow your business.

4.    Make the most of whatever situation you have to work with. If your leadership is able and willing to look out for you and make sure things are set up for short and long-term success, make the most of that. If you are being neglected or left to your own devices by your leadership, make the most of that. If your leader is all out panicking and handing the reigns over to whomever will take them, you guessed it, make the most of that.

5.    Prep for the future. If your leadership is too stressed or uncertain to build for the future right now, what can you do to prepare for the future? Are there materials you can set up or processes you can lay out? If you know there is work to be done and it doesn’t fly against any official policies, then do as much prep as you can. The future will show up. This too shall pass. The more you have ready the more you will be able to kick into gear when the time is right.

6.    Be productive. If you are one of the employees who’s been sent to work from home be sure that this time is not treated as a time to check out. By all means, find time to sleep, recharge and be with family. But also remember that this time is temporary. If you can’t work on key priorities, work on yourself. Leverage the time to read, attend webinars and develop your knowledge base on things that can help you in the future. This may include getting savvy at how to make money work for you.

We are all in this together. That means the person who can see the next best steps and remain calm needs to step up to the plate as much as possible. These are definitely strange times, but also a time where deep levels of trust can be built or destroyed. As a business owner, keep your eye on the future and your efforts on the present.




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