Home Business House Passes Police Reform Bill That Faces Slim Chances In Senate

House Passes Police Reform Bill That Faces Slim Chances In Senate



Democrats in the House of Representatives on Thursday passed a sweeping police reform bill in the wake of George Floyd’s death, but Republican Senate leaders have said it faces steep opposition in their chamber.


The Justice In Policing Act was introduced by Democrats earlier this month and passed with a 236-181 vote on Thursday.

The bill bans chokeholds and any maneuvers that would restrict airways; ends no-knock warrants in drug cases; makes lynching a federal hate crime; and reforms the qualified immunity doctrine that gives police officers substantial protection from lawsuits.

But the bill faces steep opposition in the Senate—Majority Leader Mitch McConnell already said the bill is “going nowhere.”

Republicans in the Senate have their own police reform bill, which calls for data collection on use of force and created incentives for police to ban chokeholds, but it was blocked on Wednesday by Senate Democrats who called it a “half measure” and “fake reform.”

Further reading

After Senate Democrats Block GOP Bill, Gridlock Threatens To Stymie Police Reforms (Forbes)



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