Home Business How common are slip and fall accidents in stores?

How common are slip and fall accidents in stores?

How common are slip and fall accidents in stores?

Dealing with a slip and fall accident can be traumatizing, especially if it happened in a crowded public area. You may not get treatment too quickly or you may be improperly cared for by a bystander who just wants to help. A slip and fall that happens because of the negligence of another party can result in a lawsuit for compensation for the ensuing damages.

Malls and shopping centers are areas where slip and falls can happen at any given moment. If you were injured in a slip-and-fall accident, find a qualified personal injury attorney who can give you the best representation possible.

A slip and fall accident can cause trauma, especially in a busy public place. It is possible that you do not receive treatment quickly, or you could be treated improperly by someone who simply wants to help. Slip and fall caused by negligence can lead to a lawsuit to seek compensation for the damages.

What are the Most Common Slip and Fall Accidents?

According to the National Floor Security Institute, slip-and-fall accidents are much more common than you might think.

  • Every year, over one million people visit emergency departments because of slip-and-fall accidents.
  • Slip and fall injuries are more common to male employees than for female workers.
  • Flooring material is a common cause of slips and falls.
  • People over 60 are more susceptible to getting hurt.
  • Most slip-and-fall injuries are caused by bruises, strains and lacerations.
  • A long-term rehabilitation is required for approximately 20% of slip-and fall injuries.

What are the Most Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents in Stores?

A slip and fall in a store can occur because of poor maintenance, staff, or property owners. These include:

Wet floors

Although it isn’t common for employees to clean floors during business hours, they might have to do so if there has been a spillage. You can mop the floors and place a hazard signal. Sometimes, floors can be polished but can be slippery. Customers should be aware of any hazardous signs. However, if workers forget to place them, it can pose a danger.

Accidents caused by escalators

Escalators can be found in almost every shopping center. If you’re not careful, you can get your shoe caught on slightly raised lips at both the top and bottom of each escalator. Your shoelace, pant leg or animal leash, purse strap or other items may also be caught. This could cause you to trip and fall.

Merchandise in aisles

Although the common area of the mall does not have specific merchandise, people can stock up at the stands or shops to replenish them. They may leave their goods in the walkway, which can pose a safety hazard. Workers could leave merchandise all over the store, hidden out of view, so that patrons don’t trip or fall.

Incidents at a food court

Most malls have a food court that includes a variety of eateries. Restaurants offer many types of food and other spillages that sometimes occur because of customers or workers. Sometimes spillages are not completely cleaned up and may need to be attended to for a while. Many injuries can occur when you fall in a food court, especially because of the proximity of tables and chairs.

Accidents in parking lot or parking structure

Parking lot structures are generally the property of the mall. The property owner is responsible for maintaining the lots. Because of the potential dangers that they present, the property owner must repair cracks, damaged stairs or raised sidewalks as soon as possible. These risks are compounded because cars constantly enter and exit the lot. If someone falls, they may not be visible to drivers, which can lead to severe or even life-threatening injuries.

What are the Injuries from a Slip and Fall Incident?

There are many types of injuries that can result from slip-and-fall accidents. While it is common for people to sustain the same type of injuries, others may suffer more serious injuries. Below is a list of injuries that we have seen in handling lawsuits.

  • Broken bones: hip, arm, leg and wrist fractures.
  • Neck injuries and spinal cord injuries
  • Concussions, traumatic brain injury, and concussions
  • Head injuries that are close to the head
  • Joint dislocations and sprains
  • Torn muscles
  • Nerve damage
  • Abrasions and bruises
  • Disks that are herniated, bulging or slipped
  • Paralysis


The best time to seek counsel is as soon as possible.



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