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How ‘Stranger Things’ Encouraged Limahl To Release New Music And How COVID-19 Almost Stopped It

How ‘Stranger Things’ Encouraged Limahl To Release New Music And How COVID-19 Almost Stopped It

“I haven’t stopped working for the last 20 years,” explained Limahl ahead of releasing his first new music in eight years, Still In Love.

“I’ve been mainly concentrating on live shows. 80s-related events are massive around the world. I’m firmly locked into that kind of thing because of Too Shy and Never Ending Story and after several TV shows used my music last year, and the streaming numbers went crazy.”

“I just thought that maybe this was an opportunity; maybe there is an audience that will be interested in hearing something new. It’s an experiment for me. It’d be lovely if this goes well. I’d be quite happy to do an album.”

The former lead singer of Kajagoogoo has had a successful solo career in his own right partially thanks to the title track for the 1984 movie, The NeverEnding Story. The classic family film grossed $100 million against a $27 million budget.

“The songs have got their own life now, and occasionally nice things happen like Never Ending Story popping up in the third season of Stranger Things. That was absolutely brilliant, and I loved what they did with it,” he enthused. “Too Shy has been used in a lot of things as well, including the Adam Sandler movie, The Wedding Singer.”

“The first time I heard about American Horror Story using our music was very funny. My 21-year-old nephew loves that show, he was watching it at home, and he realized they’re featuring me, so he sends me this WhatsApp message of him watching TV and saying they’re going to kill me. He was laughing his head off.”

With Stranger Things, American Horror Story: 1984, and Black Mirror, Limahl saw his Spotify monthly streams jump from 300,000 to 1.5 million.

“A lot of this is a little thing that you need in life called luck,” he added. “The publishers of the songs have a department that deals with permissions week in, week out, day in, day out, and they’re constantly talking to production companies for TV, movies, commercials and so on. The rule is that if somebody wants you to do a sample of Too Shy or Never Ending Story and change it, then we get consulted, but if they’re simply using the music, they’re allowed to do that legally, and we don’t get told about it.”

While he believes luck plays a big part in his continued relevance and popularity, Limahl’s worried about how his new material will be received. Material, by the way, that we almost didn’t get.

“Still In Love was ready at the end of 2019. I shot the video in January, and then COVID-19 happened, and all my gigs for this year have been postponed,” he revealed. “Initially, I thought, ‘Oh, well, this is a pandemic, the first one in my life, so who’s going to care about music? Let’s cancel our plans.’ I was disappointed, obviously. Two weeks later, I started thinking, ‘Well, hang on a minute. We’re going to go into lockdown, and we’re going to be hungry for music, arts, and culture. People will be looking forward and wanting more. So, I rang the team, and I said we were going to go ahead with it after all.”

“It’s quite scary. I’m a 61-year-old 80s pop star. If I’d have gone to my old record company, EMI, which has now been swallowed by Warner, I think they would have just slammed the door in my face. However, because of the technology we have these days and being able to release it via digital distributors like Tunecore, I can go directly to an audience.”

He added, “We’ve got decades and decades of popular songs and melodies and lyrics, so how the hell do you find something new? I liken us to the metal detectors you see people out with on the beach, but as songwriters, we’re digging around trying to stumble across something new and interesting. It’s tough, but I think you have to dig and dig and dig. Maybe you go into a room with a blank piece of paper and a couple of hours later you go, ‘Oh, that’s a nice interesting eight bars right there, or you might have a lot of different things, and you start singing over it or coming up with phrases.”

As well as constant live shows and recording new material, Limahl’s also been focused on a new creative discipline.

“There’s a famous expression coined by John Lennon that life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans? I love that quote because life does seem to be like that a lot of the time. After having an apartment in Central London for 14 years, we moved out to Hertfordshire because I wanted more space and a garden,” he explained. “So here I am in Hertfordshire, I’m reading a local website, and there’s an advert for a free acting class on Tuesday night. I didn’t have anything to do that night, so I thought I’d go along. I do the free workshop and, of course, after three hours, they encouraged people to pay and sign up for ten weeks.”

Did the other people in the class know who he was?

“No, not really,” he said. “You’ve got to remember that it’s been 36 years since Never Ending Story, and most of these young people at the class weren’t even born 20 years ago. I was one of the older ones. There were a couple of other older people that, when I mentioned it, knew who I was, but frankly, no one cared, and I was okay with that. I forget how old I am because people will sometimes say things to me like, ‘Oh, I love that song. I have no idea who sang it.’”

“Anyway, I did class, and then I signed up for a second course and a third, and then I was addicted. After that I went to Pinewood Actors Studio, the MetFilm School at the old Ealing Studios, I’m down at The Actors Center in Covent Garden, and I got a smallish part in in a play last October. The theatre was only about 100 seats, but we filled it. I’m very interested in acting. It isn’t about being famous or anything silly like that; it’s very interesting, and there’s the adrenaline rush. Acting was this whole new sort of creative challenge for me.”

“I have so much respect for actors after just the three years of training and that one play,” he added. “Some people who make it look easy, but they’ve worked incredibly hard. I would never flippantly say, I’m an actor. My first love remains music, but I’m very interested in acting.”

While some singers dipped their toes in acting at the height of their careers, especially in the 80s, that’s something that didn’t transpire for Limahl.

“I didn’t happen for me,” he lamented. “I think I was too focused on music, but looking back, I should have pursued that a bit harder. Musicals are a natural place for me.”

He’s already had the honor of having his work featured in classic movies, multiple times. However, there is still one Hollywood dream job that has so far eluded Limahl as a solo artist or as part of Kajagoogoo.

“Are you kidding? I would f***ing die to do a Bond theme, no pun intended,” he explained excitedly. “What you’ve touched on there is the biggest question, ‘What if?’ What if Kajagoogoo had stayed together? We only made one album together, and then they phoned me and said goodbye. The moment was gone. Maybe a Bond theme would have come our way after album two or three.”

“I think there was concern that Kajagoogoo was being perceived as a teeny band, and getting rid of this pretty boy singer would change that. However, The Beatles were a teeny band, Duran Duran was a teeny band, and did a Bond theme, Wham! was a teeny band, and their audiences grew up with them. I think our audience would have just grown up with us. Recording the theme tune to Bond movie would have been amazing.”

Still In Love is released on Friday, June 5, 2020.



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