Home Business How Trump’s Dog Whistle Memes Fuel Carefully Designed Outrage

How Trump’s Dog Whistle Memes Fuel Carefully Designed Outrage


Over the last several years, memes have become widely used political tools. Political memes, like political cartoons, require the audience to have some knowledge of the information in order to unpack the layers embedded in the image messaging. For the most part, political memes are easy to read, but for some, layers of nuance and intent have to be examined as the reference sometimes contains additional disguised rhetoric. On June 17, Donald Trump’s reelection campaign posted a series of ads that displayed an image of an upside-down triangle gratuitously added to a highly partisan post. The next day, the post was removed, but what occurred in the twenty-four hours between the ad being posted and Facebook’s decision to remove the ad is an experiment in dog whistle meme politics designed to cause outrage.

Even amid the socio-political protests and unrest enveloping the US since late may, Donald Trump’s reelection committee continues to use social media platforms to occasionally broadcast divisive campaign messages. While Twitter has outright banned political advertising, Facebook continues to permit campaign messaging, intervening only when ads cross the line into what they deem inappropriate. On June 18, Facebook removed Team Trump’s ad campaign. The digital campaign called for supporters to “stand with your President and his decision to declare ANTIFA a Terrorist Organization” and included an inverted red triangle.

Aside from the divisive nature of the campaign, especially during the tumultuous environment of protest and direct action, the ad was loaded with nuanced rhetoric to set in motion an outrage experiment. Since June 3, the Trump campaign had been stoking anger and fear in regards to “antifa.” Antifa, short for anti-fascist, is less a political party than a method of protest and response to fascist ideologies. In its reductionism by the Trump campaign, the term has become a bogeyman of sorts. The reason for the removal of the advertisement wasn’t in the text of ad, but rather the fact the ad contained the icon that violated Facebook’s terms of service. In a statement to Media Matters, Facebook wrote “We removed these posts and ads for violating our policy against organized hate.

Facebook’s policy disallows the usage of a symbol from a hate group without “context that condemns or discusses the symbol.” After Media Matters and The Washington Post reported on the ad campaign, the ads were deactivated by Facebook. The posts were publicly condemned for their use of the upside-down triangle, an icon that specifically references the patch that Nazis used to mark political prisoners during World War II and the Holocaust. However, the Trump campaign argued that the triangle was used as an emoji and is a recognizable Antifa icon. Soon after, this argument was debunked by NBC News reporter Brandy Zadrozny.

The Trump War Room Twitter account argued that the design was a “widely used” image of antifa activists, though in reality, could only be sourced to an on-demand internet t-shirt shop. This is the act of dog whistle meme politics.

Dog whistle memes are a type of advanced memes that require additional knowledge to interpret. The term dog whistle comes from the way it could only be “heard” by the specific audience. Depending on the dog whistle meme, the audience could be a small group or call out to an entire political base. In addition, dog whistle memes have the unique ability to be multipurpose, designed to upset but also be played off as a “meaningless” joke. However, in order to have lasting meaning, memes need to be recognizable as a replacement for text, actions, or emotions. This is done through a method of codification where usually someone of authority uses the meme and it becomes seen widely.

The President consistently uses dog whistle memes as a method of energizing his base supporters. For example, Donald Trump used Twitter to post a dog whistle meme loaded with potentially violent rhetoric this past January. The image in the Tweet was a snowplow with a decal that said “TRUMP 2020: PUSHING SNOWFLAKES ASIDE” and Trump captioned the image “That is a real fan. Thank you!”

This example of a dog whistle meme refers to an unpleasant anti-protestor trope, but it also means literally what the words say: the plow pushes snowflakes. The multiple layers of reference in the image avoid any labeling as dangerous rhetoric as there’s multiple interpretations and references to decipher its nuanced meaning: “snowflakes” as derogatory term for liberals, plow is also used a verb, and the Trump reelection in prominent display. Is it funny? Is it a threat? Is it dangerous? The answer to all the questions is “yes” but relies on personal interpretation regardless of who you are or what your political affiliation. That is the nature of a dog whistle meme.

Facebook taking a stand against the inverted triangle post was in due part to the fact the icon is historically situated. The inverted triangle has a very long history that includes its re-appropriation in the 1970s. Used as an icon by the Nazis to designate political prisoners, the gay community reclaimed the icon in the 1970s. The usage of the inverted pink triangle was a reminder to prevent history from repeating itself. In 1978, the inverted pink triangle was used politically to vote down Proposition Six, an act that would have banned lesbian and gay people (and sympathizers) from teaching in public schools. The campaign worked, Proposition Six was defeated, and the icon was reclaimed.

The inverted triangle was given new meaning and an activist stance. Throughout history, this method of image re-appropriation is common. In effect, the iconography is similar to memes, but still requires context and setting as part of the message strategy.

Why did the Trump campaign use the inverted triangle in the campaign ad against antifa? What was the overall goal? While the definitive answer will likely never be known, but the outcome of outrage was successful.

In a detailed Twitter thread, Media Matters Editor-at-Large Parker Molloy identifies the likely goal of the campaign: to dog whistle to as many people as possible. There were likely any number of graphics that could have been used in the ad to better sell the idea that Trump supporters need to stop antifa, but a variety of other icons were used instead including the upside-down triangle. As a result, outrage by non-Trump supporters who saw the inverted triangle and assumed anti-semitism followed by a takedown by Facebook followed by outrage by conservatives for censorship. Outrage by design.

When memes are used by political entities, regardless of the political ideology, the message requires an additional skillset of interpretation. The goal of a dog whistle meme is to operate in a borderline space where right and wrong are interpretive. Therefore, the goal of any dog whistle meme is engagement. In the reductionist environment of social media, interpretation is subjective and the outcome is outrage. Finally, the focus becomes the advertisement itself and derails the discourse necessary to examine policy, politics, and issues. Dog whistle memes may be getting louder, but so is our ability to properly read and discuss their meaning.



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