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How Universities Are Cleaning, Crowdfunding And Buying A Mile’s Worth Of Plexiglas To Reopen Campuses

How Universities Are Cleaning, Crowdfunding And Buying A Mile’s Worth Of Plexiglas To Reopen Campuses

Purdue University President Mitch Daniels recently told a U.S. Senate committee hearing what his institution was doing to ensure a safe campus reopening for Purdue’s 45,000 students this fall. Along with cutting classroom capacity in half, setting aside 500 beds to handle quarantined students and removing 1,000 beds from dormitories to de-densify residences, Purdue has bought one mile’s worth of Plexiglas, pieces of which will be used to shield faculty from students during lectures.

The retrofitting of the Purdue campus, along with the planned testing of hundreds of thousands of students and faculty, will cost an estimated $50 million, against a loss of possibly hundreds of millions of dollars due to enrollment shortfalls, costs due to the disrupted spring semester and financial fallout from the pandemic. To offset expenses, Purdue launched a crowdfunding campaign on May 28.

Among the donation options are $135 for a Plexiglas shield for campus instruction, $62.50 for five Covid-19 “wellness kits” including two “Purdue-branded” face masks, and $3,000 for 20 Covid-19 virus tests.

“Together we can make Purdue safe, and keep Purdue special,” Daniels said in a videotaped message. As of this writing the campaign had raised $130,554.

Colleges and universities have announced multiple plans for reopening this fall. In addition to changing start and end dates for the fall term, they are adjusting plans for buildings and dormitories.

“It’s a complete rethinking of what ‘clean’ means,” said Marc Stitt, vice president of marketing at FMX, a facilities management software company based in Columbus, Ohio, whose clients include Chipotle and Wendy’s, along with University of California, Davis, Florida State University and the University of Miami.

“Prior to a few months ago, we didn’t really think too much about cleanliness,” he said. “But now, if you have a person coughing at a table that needs to be cleaned, you need to have dispatching capability, to track hours and chemicals used, and record the task was done. You cannot have user error. Cleaning used to be an ad hoc thing, but it can no longer be that way.”

Dr. Jay Hess, Dean of the Indiana University School of Medicine, chairs the IU Restart Committee which has been tasked with overseeing the reopening of his institution’s 15 campuses. More than 80 subcommittees are recommending modifications to buildings and cleaning protocols, including installing sensor-triggered doors, cleaning shared bathrooms at least twice a day, and emptying trash at double the current frequency. Students will receive washable cloth masks upon arrival, and will be required to wear them in public spaces on campus.

“It’s all-hands-on-deck, there’s so much work to do,” Hess said. “This will be a social experiment. How do you get everyone to do the right thing?”

The university will partner with its largest health care provider to provide screening, testing and management of Covid-19 for the 140,000 Indiana University faculty, staff and students across the state.

“I’m confident in the long run,” said Hess, “but we have to be ready for resurgence as happened with the 1918 flu, where the second wave was even more deadly.”

A report from the higher education subcommittee for Reopen Connecticut provides guidelines for the reopening of colleges and universities in the state, which currently enrolls 190,000 students. Among them is a suggestion that, for courses where a faculty member is teaching remotely, the instructor’s image be projected onto a screen in the room where the students have gathered while observing social distancing protocols.

“This might create a greater sense of community than having students participate from their rooms,” the report said.

Whatever lengths universities go to this fall to enhance what will inevitably be a compromised campus experience, success will depend on students, and their ability to adapt to an uncertain, constrained environment.

“It’s human behavior we have to figure out,” said Indiana University’s Hess. “We need to set an example that others will want to follow.”



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