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How Winemakers Are Adapting To Lockdowns

How Winemakers Are Adapting To Lockdowns

Several winemakers from throughout the world have shared tales of practical adaptations, management shifts and creativity in dealing with day to day affairs during this period of restriction and confinement.

Champagne, France—Maison Henri Giraud

The company logo for this distinguished champagne house includes the capital letter G with two dots above it—to emphasize the city of Äy, where it is based, as well as to represent a second ‘A’ so important to their operations: the Argonne forest from where they secure their oak. Now—these dots have been moved to the left and right of the G to emphasize maintaining distance.

Mendoza, Argentina—Bodega Catena Zapata

This winery was recently awarded The World’s Most Admired Wine Brand 2020 by Drinks International. In celebration, proprietor/winemaker/physician Laura Catena produced a video of their virtual toasting. Despite challenges, staff are keeping the spirit of teamwork strong.

Napa Valley, California, U.S.—Marciano Estate

Winemaker/Director Morgan Maureze of Marciano Estate in Napa Valley, California, shared information about their situation.

“As all hotels, restaurants, bars, and wineries have shut down—unemployment has skyrocketed (hopefully temporarily). Some wineries have been able to be very generous with their employees and are still paying them despite the tasting rooms and kitchens closing—but many companies have not been so lucky.

“In the vineyard, Napa Valley has implemented social distancing making sure vineyard workers / crew workers one or two rows apart.

“Every single appointment / tasting and private event has been canceled all the way to June. Silver lining—it allows me to focus more on the vineyard and winemaking. We are a small winery with four employees and I do all the racking, filtering, cleaning, and shipping by myself with no help. Typically, I ask for support for the sake of efficiency, but given the circumstances, I’m being very strict and don’t want any unnecessary people at the winery for everyone’s health.

“At the winery I’m trying to keep production as usual when possible. We just had a rosé bottling…we did with a skeleton crew and I asked the bottling truck to bring their biggest mobile bottling line because I knew we could practice social distancing with that truck and could not with their smaller truck. This costs more, but it’s for everyone’s safety and the right thing to do. I make sure that everyone who comes to the property has gloves, hand sanitizers and masks. 

“If we have winemaking tasting decisions to do with the owner and consultant winemaker, I prepare everything and all possible blends ahead of time and limit the duration of meetings. I personally sterilize glasses and sanitize all the table tops, chairs, exteriors of wine bottles that someone may touch, and even the pens we use. We clean all handles to all doors in the winery. Is this over kill? Probably, but I view it as a safety issue to keep everyone safe.

“The saving grace for the wine industry is that shipping centers and warehouses have remained open so online orders and email sales campaigns ensure essential cashflow enabling wineries to stay afloat and keep some employees on board.

“When I look at the relatively slow pace the virus is spreading in Napa Valley, I think we have several factors to take into account. One—the valley is relatively small and isolated. Two—because of all closures, tourism and visitor influx has basically been eliminated or at least severely minimized. Third—most of us are in the business of wine, food, and hospitality, all realms in which keeping things clean and sterile is a huge part of operations. We are already well trained and equipped to do so—we just go into hyper drive. Winemakers have a very good understanding of how microbiology works; after all—we are in the business of controlling events on a microbial level.

Médoc, Bordeaux, France —Château Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande

Director General Nicolas Glumineau sent an email describing daily life. Because wine is so vital to the economy and culture of France, the industry moves ahead, despite individuals all needing to fill out signed and dated forms each time they leave their premise for work, shopping, or restricted exercise (within a half mile—one kilometer—of home). Fortunately, this confinement did not occur during harvest.

He wrote:

“In a few words, I do drive every single day from Bordeaux City (where I live) to Pauillac and St-Estèphe. It’s important to me to be close to my teams. A few people have stopped working since the very start of the confinement. Some do work from home. But most of our workers still work in the vineyard and in the cellar.

“In the vineyard, because following a rainy and pretty warm winter, vines have started to grow early and fast, and we need them to grow properly. In the cellar, because we still have our 2018 & 2019 vintages aging in barrels, we do need to take care of them. Of course, everything done respecting safety and healthy conditions!”

I have written about wines from Monteleone before, which Giulia Monteleone makes with Benedetto Alessandro on the northern slopes of Mount Etna. They prepared this video in response to my query of how their current confinement situation will impact winemaking. The answer is fresh and surprising. It also speaks to the power of sharing wine with meals and friends.

Oregon, U.S.—Lingua Franca Wines

Larry Stone of Lingua Franca Wines wrote to describe his business. A Master Sommelier in the U.S., as well as a previous winner of the World’s Best Sommelier award in Paris, Stone also managed Inglenook Estate in Napa Valley during his career. He then purchased vines and started a winery in the state of Oregon together with Burgundian winemaker Dominique Lafon and Thomas Savre. Their 66-acre (27-hectare) vineyard is located in the Eola-Amity hills, from where they produce distinguished Chardonnay, Riesling and Pinot Noir.

Stone described their present scenario.

“We have dramatically changed how we function at the winery and how we sell wine.

“Lingua Franca sales were dependent upon sales to high profile chefs and celebrated restaurants around the world. Most of our distributors were selected for their relationship to these restaurants, rather than for retail connections. As a result nearly all of our domestic distributors are with greatly reduced cash flow.”

Domestic distributors now feel a pinch from two sides: many are unable to sell to accounts, and also unable to collect on some wines already shipped.

“On the bright side, we had worked last year to develop a stronger direct-to-consumer (DTC) presence, doubling it over the year prior. One would expect some shrinkage, but thankfully our DTC shipments are not really down—even if they seem to be on a slower growth trajectory. I think that the quality and scarcity of our more celebrated wines has built in a strong loyalty factor.

“In terms of work, we have not laid off or furloughed any of our employees and hope to weather the storm. We value every single member of our team, both on the winemaking and the sales side of the business. Although everyone is still working, now only one person at a time can be in the office, and one or two workers in the winery. Everyone has to practice distancing from the other and are not allowed to have meals together in the company kitchen.”

Sonoma, California—Ripe Life Wines.

Mary McAuley, founder of Ripe Life Wines, wrote about her future concerns regarding winemakers supplying restaurants, as well as her perceived need to actively encourage others to promote small businesses.

“While the sales of alcohol through retail has been quite bountiful this week (Shanken News Daily reported some retailers were up as much as 400%), small guys who don’t have the brand recognition or merchandising dollars to be the type of retailers being flooded right now are feeling the opposite. 

“My customers are basically split 50:50 between boutique retailers and restaurants, but 85%+ of my total revenue comes from the restaurant accounts alone. Small suppliers need to find a way into the conversations and homes of consumers while restaurants are closed because losing restaurants and not having a way to sell our product will have impacts. 

“The takeaway: Please continue to support restaurants through gift cards and donations and take-out! But also, please get the conversation started about small businesses on the supply side. Safely seek out the artisanal and small grocery stores and markets that are still open and buy from boutique suppliers. Or go directly to small suppliers yourself. Google around and ask a local cheese maker, butter maker, oyster farm, scallop farm, clam farm, winery, craft brewery, distillery, etc., if they can do a curb side pick up, or ask them if they can deliver to you. 

“Anything that you’d find in a restaurant—and not a normal chain supermarket—try and have it delivered by calling up or ordering online, if they have that set up.”




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