Home Business ‘I’m Jill Biden’s Husband’: Biden Highlights Family, Drawing Stark Contrast With Trump

‘I’m Jill Biden’s Husband’: Biden Highlights Family, Drawing Stark Contrast With Trump



Democrats drew a sharp contrast with President Trump on the second night of the Democratic National Convention, putting former Vice President Joe Biden’s family front and center and highlighting the warm relationship between their presidential candidate and his wife, Jill Biden.


Biden and his wife celebrated his formal nomination by roll call vote on Tuesday at the library of the Delaware high school where Jill Biden once taught English, with Joe Biden saying the nomination “means the world to me and my family.”

The convention also featured a documentary about Biden’s relationship with his wife, who he married after his first wife and daughter were killed in a car crash.

“She put us back together. She gave me back my life. She gave us back a family,” the former vice president said, with Dr. Biden adding, “We don’t use the term step-mother,” but rather just “mom.”

Standing in a classroom, Jill Biden, who earned a doctorate in education, decried the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic “as a mother and a grandmother” and extolled Biden’s ability to “bring us together and make us whole” and “carry us forward in our time of need.”

Speaking of her husband’s return to work after their son Beau died of brain cancer, she said, “There are times when I couldn’t imagine how he did it—how he put one foot in front of the other and kept going. But I’ve always understood why he did it,” Dr. Biden added, declaring, “He does it for you.”

Biden introduced himself in his remarks by saying “hello everyone, I’m Jill Biden’s husband” and told the audience to “think of your favorite educator who gave you the confidence to believe in yourself. That’s the kind of first lady Jill Biden will be.”

Key Background

By putting Jill Biden front-and-center, the Democratic Convention presented a glaring contrast with First Lady Melania Trump’s unprecedented absence from official and campaign events. Trump is not known to speak often about his wife or children. In her tell-all book, President Trump’s niece Mary Trump introduced the nation to a Trump family largely devoid of sentiment and loving relationships, casting it as a “malignantly dysfunctional family” that engages in “casual dehumanization” at family functions.

Crucial Quote

“She wasn’t really a Washington person and I don’t think ever imagined herself being part of that,” Cathy Russell, Jill Biden’s chief of staff when she was Second Lady, said of her during the documentary. Biden said she realized she had to “step it up” when her husband became vice president and explained her frequent presence on the campaign trail, stating, “running for president is too tough to not be together.”

Surprising Fact

Jill Biden’s performance earned praise from even some of Trump’s closest allies. “Tonight, Jill Biden did a very good job representing herself and Joe in the causes they believe in,” tweeted Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who called the former second lady “an outstanding person who has led a consequential life.”



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