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In Effort To Stop Faulty Goods, China Asks Importers To Ensure PPE Meets Standards


China further tightened export regulations on some medical supplies, the country’s Commerce Ministry announced over the weekend, asking importers to formally attest that shipments of PPE don’t contain shoddy goods before they’re released from Chinese customs.

For the first time, all buyers of personal protective equipment not being used in a hospital setting are required to sign an extra form declaring the goods meet quality standards in either the importing country or China. Until now, only the exporter had to make such a declaration. As parts of the U.S. begin to reopen, non-medical use masks, hand sanitizer and gloves for essential workers, nursing home residents and first responders are included in the new regulations.

“In signing this document, the U.S. company is saying to China that they’re taking on the responsibility to make sure the products qualify with our country’s standards,” says Tom Gould, vice president of customs and trade advisory at freight forwarder Flexport.

The additional paperwork added by the Chinese government was triggered by high profile media reports of inaccurate tests or faulty masks exported to various countries. In Spain, for example, the country’s health ministry received a batch of faulty masks in mid-April from Chinese firm Garry Galaxy, potentially exposing more than 1,000 healthcare workers to the virus, according to Spanish newspaper El Pais. The U.K., too, said earlier this month that antibody tests from an unnamed Chinese supplier produced inaccurate results. 

In response, China added extra licensing requirements and more stringent inspections at the beginning of April, contributing to even more delays and more complaints from the U.S. and other countries. While China has dropped some of those requirements for medical-use goods including testing reagents, masks, protective suits, ventilators and infrared thermometers, Reuters reported, the importer attestation adds an extra requirement for non-medical use goods.   

Shang-Jin Wei, a professor at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business and School of International and Public Affairs, says media reports and officials who make public complaints typically don’t emphasize the name of the company that made the low quality product, which puts the blame on China instead collectively.

“This feature of the media reporting creates extra reputational spillover across Chinese exporters,” he says. “This might give the Chinese government extra pressure to create additional hurdles for PPE exports.”

With the additional form, it’s unclear how the public relations battle will play out if there’s a batch of counterfeit goods that make it out of China, or whether either party will use the double declaration to deflect blame.

“I can imagine China customs pointing to the document and saying that it wasn’t their fault because someone else took on that responsibility,” Gould says.

Under normal circumstances, the burden is usually up to the importer to determine whether their purchases comply with regulatory standards in their country. Buyers usually ask for product samples or send people to observe the factories themselves if they do due diligence. But this is the first time Chinese customs agents are involved in the process, and if shipments aren’t in compliance, the goods are seized and buyers aren’t offered a refund, says Omar Allam, the CEO of Allam Advisory Group, a Canada-based trade consulting firm.

Allam is skeptical the new rule will make it easier to ship PPE because it adds a layer of red tape to the export process, and it may cause delays as well as confusion among individual customs officers.

“Beijing wants to appear like they aren’t restricting exports by relaxing quality control and strict enforcement of Chinese and international standards. But they are applying non-tariff measures and adding administrative burden, time constraints and inconsistent/discriminatory behavior of officials, resulting in more shipment delays negatively affecting affordability and accessibility of critical PPE supplies,” he says.

The back-and-forth regulations, implemented on such short notice, have thrown the logistics industry into chaos. The confusion surrounding export rules, along with the global battle for the same limited supply medical supplies from China, has many countries fundamentally questioning the medical supply chain, calling on more products to be manufactured domestically.

“The consequence of this PPE episode is that it casts doubt on the Chinese regulatory body and it undermines the Chinese government’s ability to manage its affairs on these control systems,” Allam adds.

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