Home Business In Napa Valley Wine Country, Sip But Don’t Shake

In Napa Valley Wine Country, Sip But Don’t Shake

In Napa Valley Wine Country, Sip But Don’t Shake

For two days last week I visited friends and wineries in Napa Valley, California. My visit, based in the town of Rutherford, was supposed to last five days—but those plans changed when word emerged that France (or the European Union)—where I live—might close borders to non-essential travel.

The result was that within an hour of breakfast last Sunday morning, I booked an alternate return flight and drove off to San Francisco for early departure. The timing was fortunate: 18 hours after arrival home in Bordeaux, the E.U. effectively closed borders.

But those two days in Napa Valley? Splendidly enlightening. I visited five wineries (more about those in future articles) where hand shaking and shared lunch plates were omitted as part of a new social paradigm, but elbow bumps and ‘air hugs’ were in. Despite such social mores, camaraderie with winemakers was still so high that a few tastings ended with—imagine!—hugs. Such risqué spontaneity of just four days ago now seems improbably distant.

In 1981, Napa Valley became the second designated American Viticultural Area (AVA) in the United States (the first having been, surprisingly, the Augusta AVA within the state of Missouri). Today it includes 16 ‘nested’ AVA’s—or appellations. Traversing and tasting wines within these AVA’s highlighted characteristics that keep Napa Valley unique as a wine destination.

The first is hospitality. Winemakers truly want others to appreciate their wines, but also their specific geographical locations and foods.

One French winemaker working in the St. Helena AVA was disappointed at my early departure (the sentiment was mutual) because he and his French wife had been planning our 7.30 p.m. dinner—to  be preceded by homemade lomo and prosciutto. Another winemaker—an iconic woman of the valley who was instrumental in creating the first Auction Napa Valley (as well as establishing more than one renowned winery)—asked during a tasting for a raised hand and solemn promise to return to visit her unique Howell Mountain vineyards at a future date when travel becomes more flexible again.

Another American winemaker—who once interned with renowned Château Petrus in Pomerol, Bordeaux—was disappointed that my altered schedule resulted in his not cooking us a joint dinner of entrecôte grillée sur sarments de vigne (steak cooked over burning vine roots).

A prevailing desire from these winemakers was to share not only time, meals and wine, but enthusiasm for their specific locations and situations—their own terroir of life.

Another characteristic of ‘Napalese’ residents is rapid adaptability.

Yesterday, the Napa Valley Vintner’s board voted unanimously, according to the Napa Valley Register, to close winery tasting rooms as part of their effort to reduce the potential spread of illness.

During a Friday afternoon porch lunch at Brix Restaurant & Gardens, part of the Kelleher family vineyard, one of the owners told of a decision—in light of anticipated public dining restrictions—to make their comprehensive and upscale tasting menu (including such jewels as Dungeness crab fondue with braised artichoke, melted leek and gruyere and Brie cheeses) available for home delivery. The decision is wise for business, and beneficial for a local community that will be eating more meals at home during foreseeable weeks. They considered the modification from serving customers to outfitting a fleet of delivery vehicles as a practical necessity rather than a hassle—just another day of adaptability in order to succeed.

Another characteristic of winemakers within Napa Valley appears to be practical foresight.

Many winery owners not only tramp the land they own, but are serious about the health of soils—not as some marketing ploy but as a means to generate even higher quality wines by improving local ecology. ‘Organic’ is no longer a buzzword here as a much as an accepted way of farming: yellow mustard cover crops line earth between vines, and demands of erosion control in terraced vines within the Mayacamas Mountains require full time, rather than seasonal, crew employment.

This remains farmland. Those who love and tend it have mucky boots, wrinkled trousers and wind combed hair. They will stand with you in rain on a magnificent hillside and talk about soils and slopes and voles and feral cats and grapes per ton and smoke taint from wildfires, even as you shiver beside them in your prim shoes and dinner jacket (best to save such attire for dinner). This is farm country, where an evolving emphasis on agricultural health during past decades has grown to include a greater focus on soils, and not just vines. These farmers have learned, constantly and repeatedly, to adapt to survive—and sometimes thrive.

During one lunch, a winery owner asked about my own past days of working in Pakistan. She and others at the table were fascinated at tales of being ‘locked down’ for days and weeks on end; of spending such episodes cooking meals and drinking wine with friends. They marveled at such recollections of physical and social restrictions. It all seemed so bizarre. So distant.

Yet that was only four days ago.

On January 16th in the year 1920, the 18th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States went into effect. It banned the production, sale or transportation of intoxicating liquors. This lasted for 13 years. Some grape growers in Napa Valley pulled out vines and replaced these with orchards. Others packed up grapes and shipped them via rail cars to sell in locations as far away as New York.

With these grapes they sent instructions on how ‘not’ to allow these grapes to ferment, and how such non-fermented juice did not require corks. These printed words were actually a coded way of explaining to end recipients how to make wine. As the Napa Valley Register described such times, ‘In an era when the economy of the Napa Valley could have been severely crippled, it survived and thrived.’

Undoubtedly—despite restrictions during coming months—those working in this valley shall once again thrive. Adaptability is woven into the social terroir within California’s Napa Valley.



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