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India Eases COVID-19 Restrictions, Extremism Compounds Threat In Burkina Faso And Other Global Updates



Ensnaring developing and industrialized nations alike, the COVID-19 pandemic threatens global health and economic stability—here’s the latest from countries around the world battling the virus: 


As Italy considers plans for gradually reopening the economy, a new study shows that lifting the country’s lockdown could salvage the GDP but sacrifice 40,000 additional lives in Lombardy alone.

Spain added 367 coronavirus fatalities on Friday, it’s lowest death toll in over a month.

Emerging hotspot Brazil is constructing field hospitals and digging mass graves to accommodate overflow from hospitals, morgues and cemeteries.

In the United Kingdom, hospital deaths passed 20,000 on Saturday, a number that does not include hospice, home and other fatalities.

India, which implemented some of the world’s strictest lockdown measures, is easing some restrictions outside the country’s hotspots.

In Mexico, families who depend on remittances from migrant workers struggle to make ends meet as pay shrinks and jobs disappear due to pandemic-induced shutdowns.

In Burkina Faso, the coronavirus’ distabling influence is heightened by militant attacks that began prior to the outbreak and have displaced more than 840,000.

Four planes from Serbia delivered personal protective equipment and medical supplies to fellow European Union member Italy, in a show of solidarity.

And in Russia, a Facebook group curating art parodies has captured the attention of 540,000 followers seeking connection and entertainment amid isolation.


2.8 million. That’s how many confirmed coronavirus cases have been reported worldwide, according to Johns Hopkins University. However, from China to the United Kingdom, reports indicate that global case count could be much higher than the official tally.


Spain Sees Fewest Daily Coronavirus Deaths In More Than A Month (Forbes)

A Glimpse of Italy’s Grim Trade-Off Between Death and Growth (Bloomberg)

Brazil Becoming Coronavirus Hotspot As Testing Falters (Associated Press)

UK Hospital Deaths Pass 20,000 (BBC News)

India Eases Some Strict Coronavirus Lockdown Restrictions (Axios)

Drop In Migrants’ Money Sent Home Could Upend Life In Mexico (New York Times)

Burkina Faso Struggles Against COVID-19 And Extremist Threat (Associated Press)

Serbia Sends Four Planes Carrying Medical Equipment To Italy (Reuters)

Bored Russians Posted Silly Art Parodies. The World Has Joined In (New York Times)

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