Home Business Iran’s Self-Own: Time Is Running Out For Fake Aircraft Carrier Wreck

Iran’s Self-Own: Time Is Running Out For Fake Aircraft Carrier Wreck

Iran’s Self-Own: Time Is Running Out For Fake Aircraft Carrier Wreck

Since it sunk last week, the wreck of the Iranian military’s fake aircraft carrier has become another serious maritime accident waiting to happen. It is a situation created by Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, who have used a highly unconventional target barge to practice attacks on, and after the latest caused serious damage, then attempted to tow the sinking vessel back to a major port.

The wreck is in waterways that are heavily trafficked by passenger ferries, tankers and ginormous ‘bulk carrier’ merchant ships. A recent satellite image, shared by Aurora Intel, shows just how close some of these massive ships are getting to it. It is a self-own of epic proportions.

I asked several experts how big the problem is for the Iranians. The answer I got, in understated terms, is that it “poses a serious hazard to navigation.” And time is running out to deal with it.

The wreck is near to the turning point for the port of Bandar Abbas near the Straits of Hormuz which is frequently used by passenger ferries. Paul Edward Roche, Former President of the Irish Institute of Master Mariners (IIMM), told me that its position “poses a distinct risk to commercial shipping approaching or leaving by the Straits of Hormuz because it is located east of the port approach.” In his professional opinion it is “an accident waiting to happen”.

A new wreck can be very dangerous for shipping even when it is properly marked. There is the infamous case of the MV Tricolor, a large car transporter, which sunk in the English Channel on December 12 2002. Despite being marked and patrolled, within days it had been hit by two separate merchant ships.

This wreck does not appear to be marked with navigation buoys. And even if it was, at night their lights might be drowned out by the lights of the town behind it. Roche believes that the biggest risk is at night or in reduced visibility such as a sandstorm or fog.

But he sees another risk: the wreck is likely to move. Heavy seas, or even the tide (which rises and falls by about 8-10 feet), could lift it just enough for it to drift or bounce along the sea floor. This is only sand over mud so it is unlikely to hold the wreck in place. And it is likely to drift westward, closer to the harbor entrance.

A ship captain I spoke to agreed with Roche’s concerns. “If all measures have been taken and declared, there should be a minimum distance of 0.5 nautical miles between my ship and the wreck. But this shipwreck can change position, so a distance of 1 nautical is more appropriate.”

But ships are getting much closer than that. The satellite image shows a massive merchant vessel, a 600+ foot long bulk carrier, passing within about 1,600 feet of it. Looking at the AIS picture on apps like Marine Traffic, you can see many passenger ferries and large merchant vessels passing near where it is.

While most of the passing ships have radar, this is often mounted very high up for long range monitoring. This creates a blind spot nearer to the ship. Steeve Cheesman, a ferry captain, points out that “it is on the westbound side of the gulf so the tankers would be empty. This makes them higher in the water so they have a larger blind sector in front of them.”

Cheeseman believes that the biggest risk will be to the world-wide trade passing by. “Generally the local ferry traffic would know to avoid it. So they would be more aware, and hence there is less risk.”

But if it is hit by a loaded tanker the environmental damage could be catastrophic. And storm surges from powerful cyclones in the Northern Indian Ocean, which could shift it, are likely to start arriving in November and last until next April. So time is running out for Iran to deal with it. But so far there is no sign that they are, and there is a question as to whether they have the means to do anything about it.



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