Home Business Jim Cornette Has Wild Take On Becky Lynch’s Pregnancy; Seth Rollins Responds

Jim Cornette Has Wild Take On Becky Lynch’s Pregnancy; Seth Rollins Responds

Jim Cornette Has Wild Take On Becky Lynch’s Pregnancy; Seth Rollins Responds

Jim Cornette is continuing to defend his crown as the undisputed king of outrage.

The legendary wresting manager, and breakout star of VICE’s critically acclaimed Dark Side of the Ring, recently took to his podcast to address Becky Lynch’s pregnancy.

For anybody even remotely familiar with Cornette’s decidedly iconoclastic brand of commentary, the controversy that ensued with Cornette discussing sensitive subject matter should have come as a surprise to nobody.

“You can’t always be on top of the wrestling business in a $1 million a year spot or more, but you can [have a baby]—what is she? Can she be 30? [Lynch is 33],” said Cornette (h/t Essentially Sports)

“Well, still she’s got many more years before the [expletive] Easy-Bake Oven gets shut off. She can have all those problems like a descended stomach; and stretch marks; and hemorrhoids; and hormone problems; and mood swings; and all those other joys of motherhood later on when she ain’t making a million dollars a year!!”

Cornette continued:

“She’s got plenty of time left. What would you do if your wife came home and said ‘instead of making a million dollars next year I’m gonna basically just be a raging [expletive] for the next nine months and then give you more [expletive] to worry about around the house?!”

A master of confrontation and bridge-burning, long before the onset of social media, Cornette has ironically found relevancy to a whole new generation by being a wildly provocative elder statesman like a pro wrestling Alex Jones. One whose outdated views on pro wrestling effortlessly strike nerves with razor-sharp precision.

In fact, after previous fallouts with WWE, OVW, TNA and ROH, it was a very outdated joke that landed Cornette in hot water at his most recent gig with NWA Powerrr. Noting that NWA star Trevor Murdoch was “the only man I’ve ever known that can strap a bucket of fried chicken on his back and ride a motor scooter across Ethiopia,” Cornette refused to apologize amid a firestorm of outrage and promptly resigned.

Cornette is once again facing backlash and push-back stemming from his comments about Becky Lynch, most notably from top WWE Superstar, and Lynch’s fiancé, Seth Rollins. Appearing on Corey Graves’ After the Bell podcast (h/t Wrestling Inc.), Rollins had the following response:

“It hurt my feelings on a personal level because Jim Cornette is someone who’s a legend in our industry. And he’s someone that I personally worked with in my time at Ring of Honor, and for him to come out and say some real negative things—some real misogynist things about women in general and pregnancy and the industry—it kind of caught me off guard,” Rollins said.

“It made me lose a lot of respect for someone who a lot of people had already kind of lost respect for, and I was still holding on to hope that somewhere along the line, there was a personal connection between Jim and I that he would think twice before making just some egregious comments about women, about my wife. I can’t even forgive them,. I don’t even want to repeat them.”

Rollins, the expectant father of Lynch’s first child, continued to talk up how proud he was of his star fianceé, who is due in December.

Prior to Rollins’ response, Cornette clarified his remarks in the NSFW YouTube clip above. If he stays true to form, there will be no apology from Cornette, whose latest controversy will only last until his next one steals the headlines.



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