Home Business JPMorgan Chase Tops Dirty List Of 35 Fossil Fuel-Funding Banks

JPMorgan Chase Tops Dirty List Of 35 Fossil Fuel-Funding Banks

JPMorgan Chase Tops Dirty List Of 35 Fossil Fuel-Funding Banks

JPMorgan Chase contributes more money towards fossil fuel industries than any other bank, putting a total of $268 billion into coal, oil and gas firms over the last four years, according to a new study.

In total, the world’s biggest banks have put $2.7 trillion into those industries since the 2015 Paris Agreement, according to the Banking on Climate Change 2020 report, which tracked data on 35 private financial institutions. While investments to the biggest coal, oil and gas producers fell in the immediate aftermath of the Paris Agreement, researchers found that in 2019 those investments shot back up by some 40%.

Another three U.S. banks—Wells Fargo, Citibank and Bank of America—joined JPM to round out the top four fossil fuel investors; Canada’s RBC took fifth position. Britain’s Barclays was the largest European investor in fossils overall, having plowed $118 billion into hydrocarbons, but according to the report, French firm BNP Paribas overtook all other European banks in 2019, putting more than $30 billion into fossil financing.

Alison Kirsch, lead researcher for the Rainforest Action Network, which prepared the report, told Forbes.com: “Banks are increasingly being recognized as major drivers of the climate crisis—the $2.7 trillion in financing that 35 major global banks poured into fossil fuels since the Paris Agreement makes that quite clear. 

“JPMorgan Chase stands out as the world’s worst banker of climate chaos by far, year after year. Given this enormous impact on people and the planet, Chase and its peers must take bold measures to end financing for the expansion of the fossil fuel sector, and commit to exiting the sector entirely soon.”

In a statement to Forbes.com, JPMorgan Chase referred to an announcement in February saying the bank would expand its commitment to low-carbon and clean energy.

“The new commitments we announced in February reflect our ongoing efforts to help address climate change and promote more sustainable development,” the statement said. “This includes financing to support climate action and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, backing market-based policy solutions to reduce carbon emissions, expanding restrictions on financing for coal mining and coal-fired power, and prohibiting project financing for new oil and gas development in the Arctic. We’re building capacity within our business to tackle these challenges and look forward to working with our clients and other stakeholders on ways to grow our impact over time.”

As well as looking at investments, the Banking on Climate Change report rated the banks for their commitment to ending fossil fuel expansion and financing. The top overall scorer was Crédit Agricole, with 82 points out of 200, while the bank rated to have done the most to restrict its oil and gas financing was BNP Paribas, with a score of 30.5 out of 120.

Responding to the report, a spokesperson for BNP Paribas told Forbes.com that the report “highlights the commitments made over the long term by BNP Paribas to reduce the use of fossil fuels,” and emphasized the bank’s top score for its oil and gas policy. 

At the same time, the bank strongly refuted the report’s finding that it invested the most of any European bank in fossil fuels. “With regard to the increase in fossil fuel financing that is granted to BNP Paribas, this does not correspond to reality,” the spokesperson said. “The bank’s financing remained stable. Transactions that have increased do not correspond to financing by the bank, but rather to participation in the structuring and distribution of syndicated loans or bond issues on the financial markets. These mainly involve asset disposals between existing asset companies and do not contribute to the creation of new oil and gas capacities.”

The report’s authors stand by their research. Lorne Stockman, senior research analyst for Oil Change International, which also contributed to the report, said:

“These banks have bet against the Paris Agreement … As the human and financial costs of climate change mount up, they have doubled down on the fossil fuels driving the climate crisis. It’s beyond time banks took seriously their responsibility for financing the greatest threat to the global economy. There is no excuse for carrying on with business as usual. It’s time to stop funding fossils, period.”

The Banking on Climate Change report was put together by an alliance of six NGOs: Rainforest Action Network; Banktrack; Indigenous Environmental Network; Oil Change International; Reclaim Finance; and Sierra Club.

Energy experts have reacted to the report with interest. Charles Donovan, Executive Director of the Centre for Climate Finance and Investment at London’s Imperial College Business School, said: “These figures confirm what we know alreadyit’s the big American banks backing oil and gas, with the Chinese giants stepping into the breach on coal.”

Donovan, who last week told this column that renewables have the potential to provide better economic stability than fossil fuels in times of crisis, said investors should consider not just the environmental but also the financial risks of backing fossil fuels.

“What investors need to understand is banks’ net financial exposures to these sectors, not just gross exposures based on lending and underwriting. That’s where better disclosures are needed and it’s up to financial regulators to make that happen,” he said.

Forbes.com has also reached out to Wells Fargo and Citibank for their responses.




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