Home Business ‘Justice League’ Release Date? New Batwoman? More ‘Lucifer’? What We Might Learn...

‘Justice League’ Release Date? New Batwoman? More ‘Lucifer’? What We Might Learn At DC FanDome


Some educated speculation on what Warner Bros. might reveal at their stand-alone DC Comics-related virtual convention event.

Well, this explains the timing of the date change for Wonder Woman 1984 (and concurrently Tenet). DC and Warner Bros. have announced what they are calling the DC FanDome, which the Internet is already referring to as “DC Fan do me.” But no, it’s not an online singles site for the very biggest fans of Legends of Tomorrow, Teen Titans GO! and Aquaman, but rather a free virtual fan experience that will launch for 24 hours on August 22 at 10:00 am PT. Think of it as a virtual Comic-Con, one year after DC skipped the SDCC completely and in a year when actual conventions are being put on pause for obvious reasons.

Anyway, content will be available in 10 languages including English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Brazil Portuguese, Korean, Japanese and Chinese. Additionally, content programmed from specific countries will be in their native language. Again, quoting the press release…

The epicenter of the DC FanDome is the “Hall of Heroes,” where attendees can experience special programming, panels and content reveals from a wide variety of films, TV series and games. From there, navigate deeper into the DC Multiverse, exploring five additional satellite worlds, each with its own localized content and unique activities and one world fully devoted to our younger fans:

DC WatchVerse: Everything from panels and exclusive screenings to never-before-seen footage, featuring cast, creators and behind-the-scenes crew from across DC Films, TV, Home Entertainment and Games.

DC YouVerse: Attendees venture into this world where the fans are the stars to see the most amazing user-generated content, cosplay and fan art from around the world, including, perhaps, your own.

DC KidsVerse: This area features a broad range of family-friendly activations for our younger fans, which can be accessed directly at DCKidsFanDome.com.

DC InsiderVerse: This creativity-based world contains a centerpiece video featuring legendary artist and DC CCO/Publisher Jim Lee, President of DC-Based Film Production Walter Hamada, and creator of the DC TV Arrowverse, Executive Producer Greg Berlanti, welcoming fans with a 101-style introduction to the DC Multiverse. From there, attendees can go behind the scenes with the master artisans who bring DC to life in all its forms, from comic books to games, TV, movies, theme parks, consumer products and more.

DC FunVerse: Take your DC FanDome experience and gather cool shareables; check out our comic book reader; DIY cool WW84 Golden Armor and Batmobile kits; plus digital giveaways and a store filled with merchandise, including some limited-edition exclusives.

That sounds enjoyable enough, but the big question is merely related to what big news might be announced and/or what reveals we might get to see over the course of those 24-hours. So, with that in mind, here are some educated guesses about what we might learn or see if we dare enter… the DC FanDome.  

The release date for the SnyderCut of Justice League:

We know that the four-hour version of Zack Snyder’s Justice League will be constructed for inclusion in HBO Max’s streaming service sometime next year. Whether it arrives as a singular feature film or a multi-part mini-series, one big question is when we get to see this thing. That’s especially interesting now that both of WB’s big summer 2021 flicks (The Matrix 4 and The Batman) have fled to later release dates, leaving only Godzilla Vs. Kong (May 21) and The Suicide Squad (August 5) to hold down the fort. Moreover, will the lack of copious summer blockbusters, all due respect to Space Jam: Legacy, lead to some kind of limited theatrical release for this presumably IMAX-friendly superhero sequel?

The actress who will replace Ruby Rose on Batwoman season 2:

Fans and audiences were understandably blindsided by the announcement, just after the conclusion of the second season, that Ruby Rose would not be returning as Kate Kane/Batwoman in the second season of the CW superhero show. Whatever Rose’s reasons for quitting the show, word quickly spread that the character would neither be recast nor killed off, leaving a new character, allegedly named Ryan Wilder, to eventually don the bat suit. How that will impact a show where most of the supporting characters revolve around Kane (even the arch villain is her long-lost sister), this event would make an ideal moment to introduce the next would-be CW star, even if the second season itself won’t air until early 2021.

A sixth season for Lucifer:

Lucifer, about the devil (a ridiculously hot Tom Ellis) showing up in Los Angeles and teaming up with a local cop (Lauren Germain) to solve crimes, was canceled on Fox after four seasons, but a #SaveLucifer online campaign led Netflix to give the show a fifth season, one which has yet to air. There have been rumblings about Netflix a sixth go-around for Warner Bros.’ patently absurd but generally entertaining fantasy melodrama. If everyone (including show runners Ildy Modrovich and Joe Henderson and Ellis himself) can dot the “i” s and cross the “t” s, this fan event would be an ideal place to announce both the Netflix premiere date of the fifth season and the eventual existence of a sixth season.

A new trailer for Wonder Woman 1984:

August 22 will be just six weeks away from the October 2 debut of the Patty Jenkins-directed superhero sequel. Sure, we’re probably getting a second trailer either during the premiere of Tenet on July 31 or during the July 17 reissue of Inception, which will allegedly include sneak peaks at Tenet and future WB flicks. Nonetheless, it’s unlikely that WB will let an event like this go without dropping another trailer, one them primed to play with A Quiet Place Part II over Labor Day weekend. Besides, offering a new look at the Gal Gadot/Chris Pine flick will lessen the pressure to show too much from the future DC Films flicks. Speaking of which…

Confirmation of a Henry Cavill appearance in a future DC Films flick:

There was talk last month about Henry Cavill potentially returning as Superman in some capacity for a future DC Films flick. No, it wasn’t for a solo movie (understandable since Superman Returns and Man of Steel both underperformed) and no it’s not related to the SnyderCut of Justice League, so the educated guess was that it was a supporting role or glorified cameo in the likes of Shazam 2, Black Adam or something else down the line. Total speculation, but if WB wanted to “win” the weekend, they could do worse than have Cavill and Dwayne Johnson show up together and trash-talk each other, WWE-style. Bonus points if Jason Momoa shows up just for fun.

Posters, art and screenshots from upcoming DC Films flicks:

Had production not stopped dead in its tracks in mid-March as a result of the coronavirus, there’d likely be enough footage from the likes of Matt Reeves’ The Batman and James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad to offer a “much too early” teaser trailer. And, heck, maybe they can edit something together with what they’ve got. Regardless, we can expect something of value, marketing-wise, from the next few DC Films flicks (including, of course, DC Super Pets). Warner Bros. has correctly pulled back on the whole “year-in-advance” marketing launches, after getting burned with Godzilla: King of the Monsters. Still, there’s no harm in playing to the fans as long as you don’t mistake it for general audience interest.

Anything, anything at all, about The Flash movie:

Director Andy Muschietti and producer Barbara Muschietti recently promised something resembling news for the hilariously beleaguered Scarlett Speedster movie. Ezra Miller was cast in the role almost six years ago, and four of the DC Films flicks announced at that time (Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Suicide Squad and Shazam!) have sequels on the way. We’re looking at a scenario where the CW’s Flash show may run for a relatively healthy seven-to-eight-season run (if not longer) before we actually get that Flash movie. Is there still a Flash movie? Is Miller still headlining? Will it be a variation on “Flashpoint”, and will such a story constitute a soft reboot of the DC Films franchise? And will anything “new” actually stick?

Harley Quinn gets renewed for ten more seasons and gets a Teen Titans GO! cross-over:

This is more of a helpful suggestion. DC Universe’s animated Harley Quinn episodic is perhaps the best comic book superhero show on TV right now, and that’s coming from someone who really loves Legends of Tomorrow. Patrick Schumacker’s Curb Your Enthusiasm meets Venture Brothers comedy, unapologetically vulgar and horrifically violent while still telling empathetic character-driven stories in a “fantastical rendered mundane” fashion, is about to wrap up its second 13-episode season. There’s no official word on a third season, but the Kaley Cuoco/Lake Bell show deserves one. Otherwise, an irate Bane (James Adomian taking the affectionate piss out of Tom Hardy’s Dark Knight Rises accent) may try (and probably fail) to blow up the DC FanDome.

Oh, and, yes, I’m willing to bet that Harley Quinn and Teen Titans GO! absolutely take place in the same universe. The Cartoon Network staple is equally unhinged and borderline insane as its not-so-heroic teen titans teach children valuable lessons about managing rental properties, surviving in a gig economy and how to defeat Daylight Savings time as they battle villains, including Santa Claus on the regular. I know I’ve been raving about this unique blend of kid-friendly comedy, adult-skewing deconstruction and unapologetic lunacy for years, but it’s really something special. The upcoming “Night Begins to Shine 2” may be, by default, summer’s biggest entertainment event. But yes, a cross-over announcement would seal the deal on the DC FanDome.



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