Home Business LearnBiomimicry – The Online Course To Work On During Lockdown

LearnBiomimicry – The Online Course To Work On During Lockdown

LearnBiomimicry – The Online Course To Work On During Lockdown

With many using this time at home to learn new skills, online courses are rising in popularity and one South African organisation has launched a timely programme to embark on, whilst considering what the future holds in a post-pandemic society.

Seeking to shed a fresh light onto the subject of Biomimicry, and the tangible and immediate impact it can have on our lives today, could help in navigating our way through this intense period of change. ReWild Africa is a creative studio focusing efforts on changing our interaction with the environment and each other, looking to regenerate, restore and transform the world we live in through the mediums of film, education and physical experiences.

Founded by film director Alistair Daynes and ecologist and re-wilding expert Sam Chevallier, its latest venture brings an initiative which is accessible to a global audience, helping to shift mindsets and attitudes towards a socially and environmentally sustainable future. Biomimicry – the imitation of the models and systems of nature for the purpose of solving complex human problems – could provide a lot of the answers to questions we have been contemplating for centuries.

In the format of an online course which can be completed remotely, LearnBiomimicry has been configured by the team in-house and is a 3-module undertaking with a recommended timeline of 1-2 weeks. Focusing on the fundamentals of Biomimicry and its 3 seeds: Ethos, Reconnection and Emulation, the course gives an overview and introduction into the practice of mimicking the natural systems around us.

The team at ReWild work across a variety of sectors with businesses, creators and change-makers across the globe. Their extensive research and knowledge has stimulated the motivation behind launching the course, with a keen effort to encourage others to adopt and share their passion for change. Module 1 presents an initial outline into the why, what and how of Biomimicry with Module 2 offering a more in-depth analysis of the design behinds nature’s systems and how we can use it as a Model, Measure and Mentor in creating a regenerative future ahead. The course concludes with a Masterclass which discusses the application of Biomimicry at a global level and how it can disrupt thinking and processes, with the power for true systemic change. Offering flexibility to complete the course in your own time, each module can be done individually or consecutively one after the other.

With this unexpected downtime giving us the opportunity to assess our lifestyles, and consider what the future holds, we must acknowledge the members of our global society who find themselves in extreme circumstances exacerbated in the unfolding of COVID-19. Taking responsibility in our own individual way to share resources, offer help, and to reduce the disparity between different corners of the world, is something we can partake in. By educating ourselves more as to the workings of natural ecosystems, we can better understand the connections we form throughout society, all working towards a stronger sense of global community.

Looking ahead to life after COVID-19, we have to agree that going back to normality can not be our fall-back option. We must make certain choices and, while mainstream influences may seek to revert to ‘perceived normality’ as soon as possible, there are certain lessons we are learning which can reshape the future in front of us. Social equality, closed-loop production systems, and a world where waste becomes resource, is within our grasp and shouldn’t be dismissed as an ‘important but not imperative’ goal in the rush to get back to life as we knew it.

Jess Berliner, one of the architects behind the course, agrees. “Through emulating the way that nature uses benign chemistry for instance,” she states, “we unlock a world of potential for products and manufacturing that are not only less harmful, but can even be beneficial.” Understanding that the existence of life on earth does not function in isolation is also key, helping us to realise the interconnection between every element around us.

‘The course looks at the relationships between all of the entities, their respective roles in the system, and the flow of value through the system.” Berliner continues, “Biomimicry can help us to achieve this new socio-economic model by giving us both a mindset and a methodology to follow; as well as an inherent optimism for the transformative potential that surrounds us.” Her approach to the subject is one of hope and positivity, expanding on not only how this mindset can impact business and industry but also the enlightening effect it can have personally.

“It also acts as a worldview.” she comments, “It trains us to practice humility, gratitude and respect for the life around us – be it humans or (other forms of) nature. In such a crowded, fast-paced world, the art of making slower, more well-considered decisions is a very worthwhile endeavour. Through our practice of reconnecting with individuals and systems, we become more aware of our personal impact. These new ways of seeing create a sense of courage that motivates us to get up every day, push ourselves beyond what we know, and forge a more well-adapted tomorrow.”

So, if you are considering the possibility of working through an online course over the next few weeks, put this at the top of your list. Become part of a growing global network of change-makers who are keen to improve the world towards brighter prospects for society and the environment we inhabit. “By observing and abstracting these lessons from nature,” concludes Berliner, “we can change the way that we design to be better reformed to life on Earth; to be regenerative and resource efficient.” I’m inclined to agree. In observing non-human forms living appropriately for the greater context maybe we, as designers of products, infrastructures and of our own lifestyles and relationships, can realign our visions towards a thriving and harmonious future for communities and ecosystems across the globe.

Using the code LB-INSIDE, ReWild are currently offering 15% discount until 22nd April, on top of their launch price special. The course begins at $99 for Module 1 and can be purchased here. For questions and queries you can contact the ReWild team here.



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