Home Business Lzzy Hale Talks Roadiestrong Campaign And The Pandemic’s Impact On Touring

Lzzy Hale Talks Roadiestrong Campaign And The Pandemic’s Impact On Touring


Lzzy Hale is often praised as one of the most prominent rock figures in the modern era, and for good reason. Her established-grammy winning band, Halestorm, have played just about every corner of the planet, and they continue to release top charting and highly praised rock records. Furthermore, the band have consistently remained relevant in the ever-growing and overcrowded rock scene, and in large part due to Lzzy Hale’s glimmering talent, but also her outspokenness on industry and social topics.

Just this month, Halestorm announced the new #ROADIESTRONG campaign, which aims to provide essential financial assistance to live entertainment crews. Through this campaign they’re promoting custom #ROADSTRONG merchandise with all proceeds going to Live Nation’s Crew Nation, a global relief fund for live music crews. Most importantly however, the campaign is bringing awareness about road crews and their reliance on an industry that’s currently not operating.

Like millions of people, roadies are completely out of work during this crisis, but unlike other jobs road crews have no other means of work outside of touring and concerts. The importance of live entertainment crews is often unrecognized by concert goers too, in part because we’re not actually supposed to see them, and the performer/performance is what’s advertised.

While no one is necessarily arguing against that aspect, Halestorm are trying to bring awareness to the road crews’ role in live entertainment, as well as the dilemma crews are placed in as a result of there being no live concerts.

Lzzy Hale shares her thoughts on the #ROADIESTRONG campaign and why exactly some bands might not make it out of this crisis.

How are you, Halestorm, and the Halestorm road crew dealing with quarantine right now?

Well it’s interesting because on one hand as a band we were kind of lucky. We had taken some of this time off anyway to write a new record, so there wasn’t like a full-fledged tour. We had some dates in April, and there was some things coming up in June and later on which have been postponed until further notice, but I think the weirdest thing honestly is that the future is so unknown.

Nobody really has an end date, like “alright, here’s the date when everything is going to get back up and swinging again,” so we’re just kind of floating until then. We’ve been writing and keeping ourselves busy, and in a lot of ways with everything that we have going on during this pandemic, we might be busier than if everything had stayed the same.

What was the moment for you when you found out just how bad this pandemic was going to affect the live entertainment industry, specifically the jobs and livelihood of touring artists and road crews?

We’re still realizing more and more things that I think even in the beginning we weren’t thinking about, but I guess it was a couple days before all of this got real, and everyone was asked to stay home. I live in Nashville, and Nashville had been run down by this tornado, and the city still hasn’t recovered. And so what we were doing as the local rock n’ roll community out here, we were putting together a benefit concert just to help out all of the venues and help all the families that had pretty much lost everything over that. It got up until the day before we were supposed to do this, and we had a conference call with some of the other musicians that were putting it on. We had to make a decision and we were like “I think we have to cancel this.” There were people traveling out of state to come see it and we just wouldn’t want to be responsible.

For about a week it was just more bad news, more bad news, and more bad news, every day it was something different. That was kind of when it became real for us. We put some stuff aside for our personal crew, and then we started putting out personal t-shirts for the Halestorm road crew to help them get a leg up and make ends meet.

We ended up just realizing that this is just so much bigger than everybody doing their own individual thing. That was one of the reasons we started the #ROADIESTRONG campaign, it’s just to get the awareness out there because at least as musicians we’re able to do other things, like we’re able to go online and do livestream shows and kind of keep the brand up by ourselves. But for the road crews, I mean you don’t have like livestream guitar string changes. We feel for these guys and basically we ended up asking a bunch of our rock star friends and a bunch of our roadie friends to kind of help us create some awareness about this, and help give them all a direction of where to go.

Recently on social media you got a lot of attention from saying “most of the bands you know and love won’t make it out of this.” It seems like this came as a reality check for many people, but why do you think it’s often misunderstood just how much bands and road crews financially rely on touring?

Well I think that a lot of people look at musicians and look at people that have record labels or albums coming out and they think “oh they’re set, they’ve made it, and they’re millionaires.” And it doesn’t help that some of those people are flaunting their mansions and stuff, or that some of the people of note and the legendary people are doing a lot of that. I think that if you are somebody of note and you have saved up and you have a brand that you have built over the years, maybe you’re going to be able to hang on for a little while longer.

I remember putting out our first record and literally having twenty dollars to my name and being like do I use this to get lunch? A lot of these younger bands that have released a record or are attached to labels they’re not getting that financial help that everybody thinks they are. And that comes with the mystique of rock n’ roll, “oh yeah you’ve made it and you’re on a label, you must be well off.” But I feel for some of these kids because think about it, you’ve spent all of this time making a record and you’ve put you’re life into it, and you’re dependent on this summer touring cycle to help you promote it and get you’re name out there.

There are a lot of young bands that we’re just not going to hear about because of all of this. They’re going to have to go back and get normal jobs and start all over again. I think about it with my reality too depending on how long this goes on. We had played the biggest places that we’ve ever played overseas, and during this last record cycle we were really building something there, but do we have to start over again because of this?

It’s a very strange time, everybody needs to be smart and have some sympathy, especially during this time because everybody is affected, it’s not just one class of people, everybody is being affected by this. The reality is it’s going to be a new world even if everything kind of goes back to “okay now we can tour.” Well that’s going to be different too, are meet n’ greets going to be the same, are crowds going to be the same, is it going to be like when you go to the grocery store and have to stand six feet apart?

You’ve also stated that you spend 90% of your time on the road, do you think this crisis hints that we should look to change the model around touring?

Yeah I absolutely think it should be different, that’s actually been a conversation that we’ve had as a band for years. As much as we love touring and I really do, it’s my first love, but I think about the bands that actually don’t love touring or feel it’s exhausting but they have to do it to make ends meet. Like I said, we are lucky because we love it, but I think there’s an unfairness in the industry, and maybe it’s a sign for everyone to relook at that model and make it better for everybody and the actual artists.

Without what we do, without the songs the musicians create, the promotion the musicians do, the live performances, and the practice of you’re instrument, without that all of these platforms, the streaming, the labels, and everything, they don’t have anything to work with. So tipping the scale, I wouldn’t mind that happening out of all of this, that would be a positive outcome.

Given what you’ve said on social media, is it safe to assume Halestorm are only considering touring again once there’s a vaccine?

Pretty much, we’ve gotten offers before and there has been talk amongst the industry about drive up shows, or streaming but on a stage, and as much as I think that all of those are good spitball ideas for an audience, there still is the reality that we have to have our crew fly in and travel. You’re living two feet from each other on any particular tour, and on any particular show day there’s no real way that you can be socially distant while you’re setting up the stage, or while you’re handing off guitars.

There’s just no real way to do that, so we’re looking out for our camp too because our crew is like family, and a lot of these people have been working with us for over a decade. I think the reality is until there’s a definite vaccine, a definite endgame, and a definite decline in all of this, we just have to hunker down. And hey, maybe we’ll write two records instead of one.

Regarding road crews and the #ROADIESTRONG campaign, moving forward what can we do not only as concert goers but as a society to better appreciate and support their work and contributions?

I honestly think just peeling back the curtain and that mystique of what you’re seeing at the show, and how it’s just involving the bands. I think for most people, and no fault to the fans or anything, it’s just part of how it is. You’re not supposed to see the guy behind the curtain or notice the guy in camo shorts and black trouble shooting because the amp is down. I think for the most part it’s just about creating awareness, tell your stories and talk about what it means to you. I’ve been reaching out to our rock star friends and saying hey make some videos, talk about your sound guy, talk about how the rock show literally would not exist without these guys.

We’ve all done club shows before without roadies and without a crew and all of that, but for the concerts that are life changing, pick out any concert that was literally something that changed the course of your life, a lot went into that. These are the guys that get up at the crack of dawn and then are the last to leave. They’re practically super heroes, and hopefully after this all blows over there will be more of an appreciation for what they do, and maybe more options and more benefits.



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