Home Business Meet The Force Behind Disney’s Star Wars Extravaganzas

Meet The Force Behind Disney’s Star Wars Extravaganzas

Meet The Force Behind Disney’s Star Wars Extravaganzas

Few dates are as synonymous with Star Wars as May the 4th. Aficionados have made it an annual celebration of the sci-fi series as the date sounds so similar to its famous catchphrase: ‘May the Force be with you’. Disney owns the rights to Star Wars so its theme parks are usually the focus of the festivities. Not this year. The coronavirus is keeping their gates closed at the moment but they have already cast a spell on fans.

Disney’s parks are famous for their night time shows. More like son et lumière spectacles than fireworks displays, they are designed to be so breathtaking that they keep guests in the parks until closing time and ensure that their day has a happy ending. Its Star Wars extravaganzas at Disneyland Paris are no exception.

Star Wars: A Galactic Celebration ran from January until the middle of March this year and turned a 200-feet mock-up of an Art Deco hotel into one of the world’s tallest cinema screens. It is a technical tour de force as scenes from the Star Wars movies are projected onto the tower which is home to a drop ride during the day.

Mystifyingly, despite being beamed onto turrets and protrusions, the images appear to be flat so they look crystal clear to the crowd below. It’s such a convincing effect that it’s common to see guests swaying in time to the scenes when Luke Skywalker’s X-wing weaves down the trenches of the Death Star. It takes more than the wave of a magic wand to pull it off.

More than 100 lights are hidden in the tower and flicker like stars during the space scenes which are beamed by 17 4K projectors. There are four layers of video projection on the tower to maximize the brightness of the images and ensure a backup is always on hand.

The scenes are synchronized to John Williams’ stirring Star Wars score as well as fireworks, flamethrowers and lasers which erupt from the tower.

Adding to the immersion, classic Star Wars characters like C3PO, R2D2, Chewbacca and Kylo Ren act out short scenes at the foot of the tower on a stage in front of giant screens showing landscapes from the movies. The backdrops appear at precisely the same moment that the footage of them is beamed onto the tower and that too coincides with the music and fireworks.

Timing is everything and Disneyland Paris has a wizard behind the scenes to ensure that it all goes off without a hitch. He is video technician Martin Clerel and his career path to the park started a long time ago in a country far, far away.

What does your job involve?

I manage a team of video technicians and also operate Star Wars: A Galactic Celebration, the nighttime spectacular. We have two technicians who work on it. One is in charge of the server which is like a big computer that puts all the media on the different screens and does the video mapping on the Tower of Terror for the night show. We also have a camera operator who operates four different cameras that are remotely controlled from the control room.

Why did you choose a job in the theme park industry?

I have always really liked Disneyland Paris. I remember when I was a kid I had an annual pass and I always checked out the new rides and the new shows on the internet. I also love technical equipment, especially in the field of video. I’m a bit geeky because video is all about computers and networks now.

Technology changes really quickly in this industry and I always want to find out about the latest developments. Disneyland Paris is perfect for me because we have some of the best equipment and it’s all permanent. I started this job in February last year but before that I filmed events and had to set up my equipment each time.

What was the career path that you took to get here?

I studied video and did an audio-visual degree in France. Then I started my own company doing little events like weddings and corporate events. After that, I wanted to work on something bigger so I sold my company to my partner, did a lot of events and worked in television in France as a video technician for around three years. Then I moved to Australia where I traveled and learned to speak English.

After a year I went back to France for a couple of months before moving to Canada for five years where I worked for a big events company in Quebec. I was based in Montreal but traveled all over Canada, the States and Argentina. We were doing big sports events like the NHL and I worked a lot with the Ottawa Senators team. I did all the projection mapping on the ice for the players and then I came back to France. I was thinking of going back to Canada but I found the job at Disneyland Paris and have been here a year since then.

What does a typical day involve?

In the morning we test all of our equipment and the backups to make sure they are OK. When that is done we are ready to operate the shows. We have several shows during the day such as First Order Recruitment, First Order March, Legends of a Galaxy Far Far Away and The Imperial March. Then at night, Star Wars: A Galactic Celebration illuminates the sky above Walt Disney Studios Park. During the day we use a quarter of the equipment but the night show uses all of it – the video projector, the LED screens, everything. Before the night show starts we test it all again to make sure everything is ready.

We turn on the projectors a long time before the show begins so if there is something wrong with one of them we have time to replace it. Then we check them physically and test the video return. To do this we close the projectors, so that they don’t project on the tower, and then we check the monitors to see if they all show the correct image and the definition is OK. This is the most important part of the preparation from my side. When all the checks are complete the show takes place and then it’s the end of the day.

The maintenance team does a lot of things for us in the night that we cannot do in the day. For example, if the projectors move during the day the focus won’t be good. When that happens they need to be re-aligned but we can’t do that because we work all day. So the maintenance team does that for us in the night. We ask them to check things and we have books to make sure that everybody works together fine. All in all, this is great team work which makes sure that the magic happens for our guests!

What skills do you need to do your job?

To do this job you have to be really rigorous and passionate about video. You also have to be able to communicate. I have ten permanent technicians in my team and we also work with temporary ones. So I would say there are between 20 and 30 on my team in total.

How important is team work in your job?

I have a lot of communication to do because I work with my team on all of the stages and I train the video technicians how to turn on the equipment, how to do all the tests and how to make sure their backups work. I also have to train them how to react because if something goes wrong they need to be able to act fast to save the show.

What do you like most about your job?

The dynamic is very different from my previous jobs. For instance, the equipment is always there so it is really different to when I was doing sports events. I was working across Canada then so I was always on a plane or in hotels.

What is the highlight of your day?

The highlight is definitely the night show Star Wars: A Galactic Celebration because we use all the media servers, we have the projection mapping and, for sure, it is the most attended show.

What has been the proudest moment of your career so far?

That was definitely the opening night for Star Wars: A Galactic Celebration this year because I had a new team so I had to teach everybody. I was really stressed for the first show but I was trying not to show it to my technicians. I was really proud to do it and everything went very well.

What is the biggest challenge in your job?

I would say Star Wars: A Galactic Celebration is the most stressful moment of the day. There are a lot of people, and it is a big show, but we have all the equipment to make sure it runs perfectly.

What advice would you give to someone looking for a job in the theme park industry?

If someone was looking for a job in the theme park industry I would say they need to be passionate, very involved in what they want to do and they shouldn’t give up. I think I applied a couple of times and never got it so if you really want a job here, or in another theme park, just keep applying.



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