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Michael Fitzpatrick And Noelle Scaggs Of Fitz And The Tantrums On Maintaining Optimism, All The Feels


In the three weeks since our conversation backstage at the Riviera Theatre in Chicago, concert tours and summer festivals have been cancelled or postponed with alarming frequency in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Fitz and The Tantrums have been on the road in support of their fourth studio album All The Feels and the importance of a strong live set was a topic hit upon multiple times.

I mean, it’s everything. It was our calling card when nobody knew us and we were opening for Maroon 5,” said singer Michael Fitzpatrick. “Whether we’re playing in front of five people or five thousand people, we put on the same show like we’re playing in an arena every night. And that kind of church of music moment where we ask people to be a part of the show rather than just an observer has served us well.”

“It’s amazing. You think of all these people that travel to go to shows,” added vocalist Noelle Scaggs. “I watch it with festivals: people coming from around the world to be in the same place to see their favorite band. That’s what music does: it really opens and breaks down barriers. It’s one of those things that you can’t really quantify.”

All the Feels is an album that addresses the world and the turbulent times in which we live. Topics like stress and depression are tackled on a record that promotes acceptance.

The project’s seventeen tracks trace life’s ups and downs as Fitz and The Tantrums explore new sounds. In a music industry which continually gravitates toward the single, All the Feels has a compelling story to tell. During increasingly uncertain, times, the record’s optimistic approach to the world is a welcome diversion.

“Listen to it all the way through,” Scaggs recommended of the latest Fitz and The Tantrums release. “It’s not one of those things where you skip over. There’s an entire story that’s in the entire record.”

I spoke with Fitzpatrick and Scaggs about crafting a relatable batch of songs that address the human condition, embracing placement of their music in film and commercials as a viable alternative revenue stream and more.

A lightly edited transcript of our conversation follows below…

You guys experienced highs and lows heading into your latest album. How does All the Feels address that? 

Michael Fitzpatrick: This is our fourth album. And we’ve learned that you’ve got to write what’s true and what you’re feeling and experiencing if you want it to connect with people. For people thinking of us still as a band that makes you want to dance and have a good time, it’s like, “OK, how can you still talk about anxiety, stress, depression and still make you maybe want to dance while you’re talking about those things?”

A song like, “I Just Wanna Shine,” literally the verse is, “Good night stress, I’ll see you in the morning. I don’t got to guess, I know you’ll always be there for me.” But the chorus is really sort of the antidote – or the pep talk you would give to yourself to kind of overcome that and rise above that in your day. 

I read that you wrote about eighty songs for this album. At what point did it feel like it was starting to come together?

Noelle Scaggs: It’s kind of like an age old story for us. We always write a lot more than what ends up on the record. This is probably the record that has the most songs for us. Really, it came down to the story that we wanted to tell. And there were a lot of songs that really told the broad tale of what all the feels actually is for us. Telling stories that were organic to what we were dealing with in our lives. It’s also everything that we’re looking at in our experience from our viewpoint. We’ve always been a band that’s really wanted to introduce joyful music but also have real tales in that. I think with this one, trying to find songs that really captured that element, we just ended up with seventeen. I think we still have songs that didn’t make the record that I would probably want to put out. 

Fitzpatrick: When we wrote “All the Feels,” we kind of knew right then and there that that was gonna be the title of the album. And it just kind of was an easy one for us to pick.

You mentioned stress and depression. These are things people are definitely dealing with during turbulent times like these. How important was it to speak to people and to the human condition at this particular time with this batch of songs?

Scaggs: I think it was really important. Because it kind of takes the stigma off of being able to tell those stories. I think for a lot of people, it’s being kept in the dark because of whatever opinions other people may have of you outside of yourself. And I think it just really gives people the opportunity to talk about things that are really deeply hidden. It’s very, very important to know that you’re not alone in this world.

Fitzpatrick: The thing that’s been incredible to see too, now that the music is out there in the world and we’ve been playing shows, is the response we’ve been getting from fans. We do meet and greets every night and the stories that people tell us about how much the music has helped carry them through a dark time are amazing.

As a musician, you make a song usually in a room not much bigger than this and you’re kind of insular. Then you put it out into the world and you’re not sure what’s going to happen. When you go out and you tour it, that’s when you really get to connect with your fans. To see their reaction or have them tell us what it’s meant to them, or how much it’s helped them get through hard times – I think that’s the moment where you really sort of, as an artist, remember that what you do can have a profound effect on people. And can matter. 

If we can, through our music and through our live shows, bring people a little bit of joy or carry them through a bad time, that’s such an amazing thing to say we were able to be a part of even in a small way. 

“Ain’t Nobody but Me” really encourages acceptance. Something I’ve always identified with music is that it helps people accept things that look or sound or act different. In today’s world that seems as important as ever. Is it a role music plays?

Scaggs: I think one thousand percent. I think music has always done that. It’s always allowed people to find their individualism or find a family that may have similarities to them.

For me, when I was in high school, I really connected with people that listened to different types of music that I wasn’t really introduced to when I was growing up. And that helped me make friends and have conversations that I wasn’t really exposed to. I think music is that universal language. It really cuts through all the b.s.

And I think now when we are talking about heavy times – a lot of divide, a lot of talks in the political spectrum and social spectrum and stuff like that – I think music is really able to bring those groups together and allows them to unify in a way. And I think that’s really, really important. 

Fitzpatrick: Today, there’s more consciousness I think than ever about the fact that there are many different kinds of people out in the world. And that’s an amazing thing. And yet there still seems to be resistance to that idea. And I think that if a song like “Ain’t Nobody But Me” can sort of be an anthem to have self-acceptance, and some sort of empowerment, than all the better. 

The album addresses ups and downs but never without a sense of optimism. That’s not always easy today. How important was it to maintain that?

Fitzpatrick: For sure. That’s our thing. I feel like we do live in crazy times and while we want to talk about these hard issues, we still want to put some hopeful message in there – hope to overcome it. A lot of these things I feel like are pep talks you could give to yourself. If you’re driving around that day and you’re not feeling good and you put on that song and it becomes like your rally cry for the day, I think we all need that.

Scaggs: I think that’s our sonic calling card as well. We’re always been a very juxtaposed band. We’re able to talk about all types of stories and still have a joyful kind of sound. We really want to bring that experience to people of being uplifting and to have a good time and take the stress out of the day.

You’ve made it now eleven years with virtually no lineup changes. That’s not always something you see with a six piece band. What’s been the key to keeping it together?

Fitzpatrick: Being in a band is like a marriage. You go through your ups and downs. But we’ve always stuck together. Eleven years in, we’ve gone through all of the highs and lows and really figured out how to treat each other with respect. We do the shows and take care of ourselves physically on the road. When we first started out, it was like pizza and beer every night…

Scaggs: You can’t sustain that.

Fitzpatrick: You just can’t. So eleven years in, I think we’ve really found the best way to do that. Noelle is a foodie. She’s always finding great restaurants. Me and a couple of the guys love rock climbing. Or going and doing yoga. What are the things that keep you sane on the road? Because if you’re sane on the road, you come back to the collective a little more balanced. 

Eleven years in, we’ve kind of gone through any and all of our growing pains together. 

In the 90s, it was almost anathema to put a song in a commercial. Today, it’s become the total opposite. Placement of songs in ads or in films is a significant alternative revenue stream, plus it helps people discover new music. You guys have embraced that. How important has that been?

Scaggs: That’s a major asset for us. 

Fitzpatrick: It’s been massive for us. The reality is that when your music is in a TV show or movie or commercial, people hear it. Because now it’s not like there’s one place where people are tuning into a radio station. It’s so decentralized. There’s five different streaming platforms, there’s YouTube and radio and satellite. There’s all of these things. And, for us, it’s been kind of a game changer.

And, at the same time, it’s helped support us. Because people don’t buy music the way that they did otherwise. And so it’s also been a way for us to survive and be able to continue to make music.

There’s six of us. So, it’s real.

*** To purchase the latest Fitz and The Tantrums album All the Feels on CD/vinyl, click HERE.




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