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Mindset Matters: The New Wave Of Disability Culture Beyond The Americans With Disabilities Act


Part One: Visibility

The next wave of disability advocates does not solely lie in the political arena, but rather in the realm of the artistic minds of there creators. Film and television are becoming the next platform for the evolution of disability culture. As we celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the community is faced with a new set of challenges, and that is a way to amplify the many voices and narratives that shape the disability experience.  Using the medium of film and television as a tool for inspiration to influence and take ownership of one’s narrative is essential to the growth and development for a stronger sense of identity within the larger chronicle of American life. As the anthropologist, Clifford Geertz wrote “It may be in the cultural particularities of people — in their oddities — that some of the most instructive revelations of what it is to be generically human are to be found.” It this very premise of why seeing people with disabilities and hearing their stories is so important. For a community that is 1 out of every 4 Americans and globally larger than the size of China, the varied nature of the disability experience should be intimately connected to the essence of the human experience. This simple truth is the role of the artist is fundamental in expressing that shared reality. 

We are currently watching the film and television industry embrace this new reality and new voices are beginning to emerge across the landscape. Prompted by organizations such as the Ruderman Family Foundation who had written an open letter last December urging studio and network executives to audition and cast actors with disabilities. Those who signed the letter were many A-list actors and directors that included George Clooney, Joaquin Phoenix, Bryan Cranston, Eva Longoria, and Bobby Farrelly. More recently during the 30th Anniversary of the ADA Oscar-winning actress Octavia Spencer shot a PSA for the Foundation calling for the increased and more authentic onscreen representation of people with disabilities stating that “Nothing can replace lived experience and authentic representation…That’s why it’s imperative that we cast the appropriate actor for the appropriate role, and that means people with disabilities as well.”

Hollywood is beginning to wake up and is starting to explore these complex and nuanced stories allowing audiences to discover the many voices that encapsulate this community. Netflix, the streaming service with close 200 million paid subscriptions worldwide has been one of the driving forces in both purchasing and developing content that show the disability experience in a much more heterogeneous way. From documentaries such as the Sundance award-winning film Crip Camp to the docuseries Love On The SpectrumThe Speed Cubers, and Deaf U, Netflix has recognized that embracing diversity is not only good business but is an honest representation of their audience. Netflix has even gone a step further beyond just documentaries, over the past several years they have put their economic might behind several productions that include Atypical, a family dramedy about a young man living life on the spectrum. They have also produced Special, the semi-autobiographical series of Ryan O’ Connell based on his memoir about a gay man with cerebral palsy who decides to tackle his challenges and start “limping to adulthood.” Netflix has also produced a family program, The Healing Powers of Dude, the story of Noah, an 11-year-old boy with a social anxiety disorder about to enter middle school, he turns to a mutt named Dude, a sarcastic emotional support dog who might need Noah as much as Noah needs him. 

The capacity to develop such varied content only exemplifies the breadth of stories that are yet to be told. While the Americans with Disabilities Act gave us the framework to fight for equity and justice across our daily lives from education to the workplace, it is the need for visibility that will become even more paramount moving forward. Those involved in artistic endeavors such as film, television, fashion, and design stand at the next frontier in shaping the culture of disability and refining the human experience.  The next Mindset Matters column will open up the conversation further to the role of the artist as an advocate and the importance they play in reframing everything from beauty, cultural norms, to expressing the untold narratives of people that are part of the larger fabric of the human story.



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