Home Business More People Are Listening To Audio Porn In Quarantine, Here’s Why

More People Are Listening To Audio Porn In Quarantine, Here’s Why

More People Are Listening To Audio Porn In Quarantine, Here’s Why

Audio porn is booming in quarantine as people look for intimacy, escapism, and pleasure. Producers have reported a spike in interest since social distancing restrictions began across North America and Europe in March, and say the coronavirus pandemic has led to people turning to audio erotica as a form of self-care.

The audio porn app Dipsea has seen an 84% increase in subscriber volume since quarantine measures began. Its co-founder Gina Gutierrez says isolation has forced people to tap into their need for pleasure, while listening to a sexy story is a great way to self-soothe in times of anxiety.

“Stories are so important in this time of social isolation,” Gutierrez says. “They transport us, nurture our imaginations, and remind us of the possibilities out there waiting for us. We’re not meeting any attractive strangers on the subway platform right now, but in a Dipsea story we can be.”

Escapism certainly seems to be a big part of the appeal. Devlin Wylde is an audio porn writer, performer and producer whose website has seen a 6000% increase in visitors and 300% increase in paid subscribers. His podcast, Wylde In Bed, which launched last weekend, had almost 1000 downloads in the first twelve hours.

He’s noticed that stories involving scenic locations such as beaches and castles are doing particularly well. “Erotic audio is probably the most intimate and sensual form of sexual entertainment you can enjoy on your own,” Wylde says. “The warmth of the voice you are listening to, having the closeness with earbuds in, and the escapism of being guided through a visualization of somewhere else, all make it an extremely effective and sensual escape from the trials of the current situation.”

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Audio porn has been steadily growing in popularity over the last 15 years. In 2019, audio erotica startups have collectively raised over $8 million. But British sex writer and audio porn producer Girl On The Net says it’s a mistake to think of it as a softcore alternative to porn.

“As a general rule, people who visit my site are keenest on the stories that are BDSM and kink-focused,” she says. “I think there’s a common conception that audio porn is somehow softer or more gentle than video porn, but that doesn’t have to be the case. I think the stories which work best are ones which let the listener in on what the writer finds hot, and capture that in-the-moment urgency of a particularly intense shag.”

She agrees that audio offers something different to video, and for many, listening to erotica is a way to chill out as much as it is a way to get off. “Stepping out of the real world, putting on your headphones, and getting lost in some intimate filth can be a lovely way to wind down,” she says.

Andrea Oliver, CEO and Co-Founder of Emjoy, an audio-based intimate wellbeing app, also points out that for people who are new to porn, images can be intimidating. “For many who are new to masturbation, visual porn can feel very daunting,” she says. “I think that audio erotica is the bridge that many are looking for. It allows the listener to create their own visuals, and it is more convenient too—you can listen to erotica from the sanctuary of your own headphones.”

Isolation is also a chance for people to tune into their bodies and personal fantasies, and that’s something audio erotica can help with. In addition to new subscribers, Wylde has also seen a 200% increase in requests for custom audio. People send him the details of their fantasy and pay him to produce a recording just for them.

“Everything has become a lot more personal since lockdown, with an increasing number of listeners looking for more intimacy,” he says. He notes that more people are downloading meditative audio tracks, as well as guided masturbation.

Similarly, Emjoy has seen a 160% spike in usage since mid-March. App downloads have almost doubled at 46% in the same period, with users connecting to the app on average five times a week. Since the COVID-19 outbreak the startup has seen engagement with sessions related to mindful sex and self-esteem increase by 55%, while use of their erotic stories is up by 30%. “Being at home for so long means that people of all ages are now finding that they have more time to themselves,” Oliver says. “Many, perhaps for the first time, are using this time to reflect on their needs and to focus on self-improvement, wellness, and a better understanding of their mental and physical needs. People are also looking for new and exciting forms of entertainment!”

Sex blogger R. T. Collins agrees. She had never tried audio porn before the coronavirus pandemic but she’s found it offers a level of privacy that conventional porn doesn’t. She says she’s been listening to a lot of stories on Girl On The Net’s website and commissioning custom audio from one of her favorite adult performers. “I think I was drawn to it as I’m locked down in close quarters with my partner, so I don’t always want to actively go and watch something in another room,” she says. “Also lockdown just feels like a time to experiment with new sexy things in general, given there aren’t loads of other things to do!”

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