Home Business New Book, Empty Arenas: Wrestling Broadcaster Jim Ross In The Age Of...

New Book, Empty Arenas: Wrestling Broadcaster Jim Ross In The Age Of COVID-19


Over the course of the last forty years, Jim Ross has established himself as arguably the greatest announcer in the history of professional wrestling.

He began calling matches for the National Wrestling Alliance in the late 70s during wrestling’s territorial days and presided over one of its most profitable periods as lead announcer on WWE’s Monday Night Raw, telling the “Attitude Era” story as legends like “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and The Rock went at it each week.

That tradition continues today as Ross drives forth the narrative every Wednesday night on TNT during All Elite Wrestling’s Dynamite program.

Over the course of the past month, AEW episodes have taken place without a live audience, moving forth despite the coronavirus pandemic, a surreal environment in which to watch a broadcast usually defined by fan reaction.

“It’s an adjustment but not insurmountable,” said Ross of calling the first Dynamite episode without a crowd. “I turn up my headset so I’ve got some volume and then I can get lost in the monitor, focusing in on the action where the audience isn’t noticeable. Blending into the show is what’s key.”

The bestselling author expounds upon his wrestling career and more in his latest book Under the Black Hat: My Life in the WWE and Beyond. While colorful characters like Vince McMahon and Ric Flair populate the pages of the new memoir, its Ross’s relationship with his wife Jan, who was killed in a 2017 car accident, that’s most striking.

Ross’s career is remarkable for its longevity and the ability to adapt to changing habits in viewers as wrestling moved from regional entertainment to cable television and into the internet era. For nearly twenty-five years, Jan was at his side through the ups and downs.

My relationship with Jan is connected to everything I’ve ever done and will do,” said Ross. “Being in quarantine brings me back to 2017 after the loss of my wife, when the house was quiet and alone… I’ve surrounded myself with positive people and a supportive environment and, if you can do that and have that kind of approach, you’re a lucky human being. I’m doing that with AEW and having the time of my life.”

In addition to his duties at AEW, the WWE Hall of Famer presides over a barbecue line and co-hosts the “Grilling J.R.” podcast, leveraging a strong brand. In a recent email exchange, Ross expounded upon the art of broadcasting, the importance of telling a compelling story and more. That transcript, lightly edited for length, follows below…

As much as this book colorfully tells the tales of your time in the squared circle and behind the mic covering everything from wrestling to football, the biggest theme that emerges is love. The strength of your relationship with your wife Jan carried you through what were some ups and strange downs during your WWE tenure. Your longevity is a major part of your legacy. How connected to that legacy is that relationship with Jan?

Jim Ross: My relationship with Jan is connected to everything I’ve ever done and will do. She was my best friend, my confidant, wife, lover… she was everything.

In an entertainment entity like pro wrestling – not unlike the NFL, NBA, etc. – paranoia as a performer runs rampant. There are insecurities and you’re constantly battling them. Jan was always there though – a present rock for me who believed the glass was half full, not half empty.

The greatest part of my life was her and she was the biggest part of the success I had in building my career. Jan was, and always will be, the greatest coach’s wife I could have ever had.

You said at the end of the book that Jan never held grudges and you learned from that. What else did that relationship teach you that you were able to apply to your career?

JR: Jan taught me to try and see the good in people first and not be so skeptical (as the professional wrestling business is often guilty of). Positivity was huge with her. She never said anything negative and she had a way of communicating with people that I learned from.

Jan was a magnificent listener and taught me so much about it. I was an alpha male and didn’t always want to listen – but she taught me the importance of honesty, listening and trust.

She was a good Catholic girl from Pittsburgh and I credit her with teaching me some of the biggest lessons I learned in my life. I never wanted to show weakness when the pressures mounted but Jan was just the opposite. She gave me security.

You mention in the book that you picked up the habit of describing the action alongside your father. What are some formative experiences that stick out for you which impacted you as an announcer down the line?

JR: For me, at a young age, my sport was always football. Those situations were me analyzing football games. How I did that was not necessarily by doing a pure play-by-play out loud, which would have annoyed everyone in my family – but it was a start. It did teach me at an early age that I had to prepare and I had to bring something to contribute.

I was a voracious reader, starting when my grandpa taught me to read at age 4. By age 5, I’d read the sports section in the newspaper, pouring over stats from all kinds of games. My dad didn’t read the paper and I would read the stats out loud to him. Through that, my dad was the one who taught me how to do my first sound-bite. I remember him saying, “Don’t tell me how to make a watch, tell me what time it is.”

I learned that perfecting the art of the sound-bite would be the vehicle to my end destination.

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When we last spoke, you brought up Jack Brickhouse. In the book, you reference broadcasters like Curt Gowdy, Ray Scott and Keith Jackson. All of those guys broadcast games to a different generation of fans who didn’t have a smartphone or the internet. What did they teach you about the timeless art of play-by-play announcing that holds true today despite quickly changing trends and tastes in viewing?

JR: They taught me that as great broadcasters, we should complement the game, not dominate it. You’ve got to be prepared with information germane to the storytelling. In broadcasting speak, less is usually more.

If you recall some of those great calls by Ray Scott, and my old WCW colleague Jack Brickhouse, less was always more. The game was their priority – not themselves. They also taught me to never talk down to your audience and, above all, remain a fan. To be among the best, you must have that same passion and love for the game as when you started.

I was particularly fascinated by the chapter about your entering the world of pro football, calling XFL games in 2001. You wrote that “the true greats I’d grown up listening to could make anything better – not just their sport of choice.” You’ve called boxing, MMA, football and wrestling. How do you go about making the events you’re calling better?

JR: The good news for me has is that all the sports I’ve been privileged to call in my career, I’ve been a fan of. I’ve always had product knowledge and that’s essential in anything we do as broadcasters. Not knowing the sport you’re calling is not an option.

More than anything, I’ve embraced my love of storytelling. It may come across as egocentric – and maybe it is – but if you put it on a monitor, I can narrate it. I’ve always viewed the action being broadcast as music. What I’ve got to do when I see it is put the right lyrics to it. If I have the right motivation, preparation, love and respect for the game I’m calling, I can do a good job.

I was very blessed to grow up with both of my grandfathers. They were two great blue-collar, eastern Oklahomans and their storytelling was unsurpassed – filled with charisma and passion. I wanted to be a storyteller like them. Too many times broadcasters are more concerned about the cute quote or one-liner. That’s fine and all if it’s authentic – but if it’s pre-packaged and manufactured, you’re messing with me. Most sports are over-talked by and large on every level.

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I’m not sure people consider wrestling announcers when they think about the great broadcasters – even though their role in driving narrative and painting a picture for viewers is unparalleled. How big of a role does the wrestling announcer play in helping to generally tell a story?

JR: It’s a huge role because bad audio over good video automatically adversely impacts the video. Fans need a steady diet of what you’re thinking about the moment unfolding before you – but not everything that’s happening.

Wrestlers are out there without a mic, doing largely extemporaneous work of a physical fight. They lay out a picture and tell us a physical story – and they depend on the broadcasters to narrate it all.

I would rather hear no announcing than bad announcing. As a broadcaster, lacking passion, being lackadaisical and simply telling the audience what they’re seeing just isn’t going to cut it. The game is being refined, social media has changed things and the audience is smarter than ever before. Broadcasters must remember their role.

Sound-bites are king and you’ve got to complement what fans are seeing, laying those appropriate lyrics over the music.

In writing about calling the match between Hulk Hogan and The Rock at Wrestlemania 18, you wrote that while you were at work in calling that match, you were also a fan – “always a fan.” How important has maintaining that been to how effectively you’ve done your job now over all these years?

JR: Being a fan is a box that must be checked. I’d venture to say that when Keith Jackson was calling college football, he loved college football. When John Madden was calling NFL football, he loved the game. It’s easy to tell that by the passion and zest in their voices. You knew they weren’t jesting you and that’s extremely important.

On that night in Toronto at Wrestlemania 18, Jerry Lawler and I had the best seats in the house for the broadcast. But every now and then I had the propensity to take my eyes off the monitor and look up. Sometimes you do that and you lock eyes with a fan having the night of their life. Those things, to a legitimate wrestling fan, remind me how much fun it is to be a fan and how much fun it is to be at a live event enjoying what these guys do.

That moment made me proud to be in the business. Hogan had more matches behind him than ahead of him – the crowd knew it – and it was like a reunion of a favorite classic rock band. And then you had the new kid on the block in Dwayne Johnson – and we all knew he’d be special. It all encapsulated why I was there. What I saw that night, as far as a performance was concerned, was nothing short of extraordinary. It reminded me, in an emotional way as I was surrounded by 70,000 people, that I was narrating their story.

It all reminded me why I was doing what I was doing and where being a fan led me.



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