Home Business Open For Takeout: Part 2: A Restaurant’s Journey Through He COVID-19 Pandemic

Open For Takeout: Part 2: A Restaurant’s Journey Through He COVID-19 Pandemic


In this six-part series, I check in weekly with chef and owner of XO Restaurant Kenneth Lee. Lee shares his struggles, strategies and theories as he attempts to navigate his restaurant and staff through the COVID-19 pandemic.

(Read part 1 here)

XO Restaurant’s last day of dinner service was on March 19th. 

Although they opened for takeout the following day, they were, admittedly, a little late to the takeout party. 

On March 21st Lee decided to close his restaurant for four days to deep clean. Sales had dropped significantly over the past week. If his staff was going to stand around in an empty restaurant they may as well make good use of their time. 

The following day, Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell announced his stay at home/work at home order. By the time XO Restaurant reopened on March 25th it was to a whole new restaurant paradigm.  

In this conversation Lee and I discuss the strategies he developed during the first week of takeout only and why he thinks it is only a matter of time before residents stop eating out. 

Timeline: 3/22-3/31 

This is a continuation of a conversation that took place on April 1st. It begins with Lee reflecting on the first three days of the stay-at-home mandate. 

A: On those first days that we were deep cleaning I think that’s when everyone was going out and, like, we [the restaurant industry] experienced the initial bump in restaurant support by all of the people. So we [XO Restaurant] missed out on that completely.

Q: How do you feel about that? Do you feel like you lost some momentum there?

A: No, it just happened. Nothing to feel about it. [laughs]

Q: Your first day open for takeout, you said you got zero orders or one order?

A: One. … I didnʻt post up everything ahead of time because I didnʻt want people to try to do takeout when we weren’t even there to answer the phone. So, I waited until the actual day of to email all of the different websites and post it on Instagram and Yelp and all that stuff. So, I knew that it would be slow up front because of that. 

Q: So, once you told everyone you were back open for business, and you had that first day where you were like, “OK we’re back open but nobody really knows yet,” what were the adjustments you made moving forward each day?

A: So, I already knew that this is kind of like a land grab. The more you diversify the more people you’ll appeal to. Like, some people will just flat out not leave their house, like, delivery only, or some people will do takeout, or some people want frozen stuff. And so I think diversifying what you do is the most important thing in this, because, like, if we only did takeout at 30 percent off, our sales would be way lower than what they are. …

… So, I already thought about this whole situation. I’d been thinking about it since the deep cleaning days and … 

… I knew we had to reopen, so I came up with a frozen menu with Harry on one of the earlier days, so by the time we got to the week that we actually reopened, we already had a plan and everyone was already clocking hours working on the frozen menu. …

…So, there wasn’t really any stuff, like, “Oh, let’s add on this or this,” because I already knew that the initial first two weeks, like, even in the two weeks we’re in right now, it’s kind of like, “Just let it land where it lands, before we can analyze and take action to change things.” 

Q: Have you adjusted any of your pricing over this week?

A: Yeah. So, initially I was going to do 20 percent … But … I was looking at everyone else’s numbers and I was like, “Well I guess we should increase the rebate from 20 percent to 30 percent.” 

So, that’s another thing too, a lot of other restaurants are offering flat out percentages off, like a one time thing. But, I figured, if we give them a gift certificate rebate then it will encourage them to come back and spend it. Because if they come back and spend it they are still getting the full 30 percent, and when they spend it again they’ll get 30 percent on the full bill back. So, it’s the same thing, but it encourages them to come back if they want to utilize it. …

… Now we have 4 separate things going on. We have the 30 percent rebate on the ala carte menu … and then we have alcohol, which is ranging from 40 percent to 70 percent off, and obviously it’s not dine-in anymore, so your margins aren’t based on, “Oh, wine, make 200 percent profit, or beer, make 800 percent or something.”

Like, right now it’s kind of like a store where, you just, you don’t do anything, all you did was stock it and then sell it to them, so … OK, it costs $18. “How much money do I want to make on it?” I want to make $5, so instead of selling an $18 bottle of wine for $52 we’re just saying, “OK, here take this, $23.” And you just made five bucks. Which kind of is fair, because you didn’t really do anything. [laughs]

Q: That’s good. You’re still making a profit. Because you can’t really compete. People might as well go to a liquor store if they gotta go out anyway, so if somebody is buying a bottle of wine or liquor from you it’s pretty close to what they’d be paying in a grocery store. Is that what you’re saying? 

A: Yeah. Or even lower actually. 

So that’s the second part of the four things that we’re doing now. Well, actually there are five things. The third thing is that we have dry goods stuff for sale. Like, pantry items that we prepare, like fried quinoa, puffed rice, chicken skin. All of that stuff is for sale also. 

And then the fourth section is, I contacted all the pastry chefs and bakers … that I know, that do non-perishable baked goods, that can do it out of their house, like brownies and cookies, and I said, “Here’s a table, you guys can sell whatever you want on it that’s non-perishable and I’ll take a dollar off each sale and you keep the rest.” So it’s cash only. 

Q: I love that.

A: The baked goods sales are actually doing pretty well. The thing on that too, is that, it’s symbiotic, because people who come in to do takeout … like because we have so many different things going on, people could come in for one thing and then they’ll end up walking out with more stuff from the other categories. So, that’s why diversifying works. The more you put the more people would come in for that one thing and cross into the other regions.

Q: Are you still doing the fried chicken for $100 deal?

A: Yeah. Nobody bought that yet. [laughs]

Q: Remind me what that is. How many pieces of chicken are they getting? 

A: One order normally comes with five to six pieces and it’s a five-times order. So, that’s 25 to 30 pieces and it’s $100 instead of $125, which would be the price which you would pay for all of it separately. So, it would be $125, but it’s $100, so it’s like buy four get one free. And then on that you can get 30 percent back, so it cuts it down from $100 to $70. So, $70 for 25-30 pieces of chicken, that’s like $2.50 each piece. 

And then, also, the last thing of the five things is the frozen, and I think that is where we’re kind of jumping out ahead of people. ‘Cause the whole reason for starting it was, like, I just sat and thought, like, “What do people need?” Because this was like two or three weeks ago when everyone was still like, “Oh, support restaurants,” and whatever. But, like, I knew that, like, after the first week, or whenever, it stops being cute to support restaurants [laughs]. Because everyone’s like, “Oh, support restaurants,” but then at a certain point they’re gonna look at their wallet or their bank statements and say like, “Oh, I can’t afford this anymore.” [laughs] … 

… At a certain point people have to start thinking about their own house and having enough money for themselves. So, I knew that, like after the first two weeks a lot of people would get wallet fatigue and they would have to start going for either more affordable options or just eating at home. 

So, what’s something that we can produce that’s affordable? … If we produce it like “a la minute,” and it’s fresh, we can’t really make it that cheap because there’s just so much extra labor. … But, what’s the other way to do the reverse? Do a 10 times batch that’s frozen, because people can buy a 10-pack, or whatever, and just eat it whenever they want to eat it. 

So, that’s why it’s more affordable, because you can cook 10 times … and since there’s pretty much the same amount of labor we can lower the prices dramatically. So the prices are between $6-$10 per pound. 

Per pound that’s pretty cheap, because you probably only eat like 8 to 12 ounces per meal. So, one meal is probably around $7 to $8 for a balanced meal of vegetables, starches and proteins. 

So, the thing that we as a restaurant are offering now isn’t the experience anymore, it’s kind of service, but not really. We’re offering labor and we’re offering skill, because we cook food better than the average person can at home and we are doing it for the average person at home. …

… So, those are the costs that are fixed in other than the food cost. So, it’s the food cost, the labor cost and the convenience, and what’s the lowest price that we can charge so it still makes it worth our time. And that’s how we came up with that, which is really reasonable and I’m hoping it catches on. 

That’s one half of the reason we did frozen. The second half is, like I was saying, it’s cute to go out and do takeout for the first week or two, but after a certain point you get kind of lazy and you don’t want to go out and drive every day, unless you’re just trying to stretch your legs and whatever, but you don’t want to go drive out and do stuff everyday. Sometimes you’ve been at home all day and you still don’t want to go out, so you just go to your freezer and you just grab a meal. 

Q: Are you teamed up with Uber Eats, or Bite Squad, or any of that for delivery?

A: We have Bite Squad. But … they take, like, 30 percent. It is worth it if you’re charging full price, but if you’re charging, like right now coronavirus discount is, like, 20 to 30 percent for everybody, if you adjust your prices like that on Bite Squad, then your margins get twice as thin, because they’re taking 30 something percent. 

I’ve been considering delivering takeout on our own for orders over a certain size. 

Q: Is that something you are considering? Having one of your guys do delivery in Honolulu? 

A: I was going to do it myself [laughs] and then somebody else can watch the front for that time that I’m gone. Still thinking about it. I think I’ll probably pass on that idea, because it’s kind of about pursuing what brings back the biggest margins right now and it looks like the Frozen Hibernation Pack is doing very well.

Like, fancy restaurants, they’re based on making a lot of money on a little food, where this is the reverse. …You’re trying to make everything dirt cheap, so if somebody comes in and buys one pack for like $8 and then you profit like one or two dollars it’s not worth it. So, you have to do volume to offset it, which is what the hibernation pack is. So, because we offer a good deal on it, it would attract people to do it. And since it’s frozen it just works together very well.

Q: How much does the Hibernation Pack cost?

A: If you picked the most expensive thing in each category the total would be $247. But, I’ve cut it down to $210, so at $210 it’s a $37 dollar discount for 26 pounds of food.

Q: And they get to choose what they want? 

A: Yea. Mix and match. You get to choose six pounds of vegetables, eight pounds of starches, ten pounds of protein. And, you get chicken skins and a dozen brown butter bunnie mochi. 

Q: How many of those have you sold so far?

A: Three.

Q: And when did you launch that?

A: We launched a partial on Saturday and I think Sunday we had everything, so three days. Well, actually, four days if you count today…. So, three packs in four days. 

I kind of smelled blood and I knew that this would be the thing to pursue …  because even though the margins are so slim on each individual thing, you’re making a sale of like 15 containers at once and that’s when your $1 profit turns into $15 or whatever. 

So, I reprinted the menu and we’re promoting it on Instagram. Also, throughout the day I’m scrolling through Facebook reading about what restaurants are doing in other states that are working. 

Q: Whatʻs working for you guys best right now? Is it social media marketing? Do you have signage outside? That section of Kaimuki doesnʻt have a lot of foot traffic anyway, so whatʻs helping you guys the most to get business?

A: So, I think everyoneʻs on an even playing field as far as advertising … because of the Food-A-Go-Go and online things. Everyone has all the information they need, they just need to choose based on what niche you have. 

Like, if somebody wants Sikdorak meat you canʻt compete with Sikdorak on them craving meat. So, the style of food isnʻt really important because people will want to eat what they want to eat. 

In our category, my advantage, I would say, is the price of the frozen meals. Everyone needs a niche to excel in their one category. And some restaurants are good at pulling hard strings, some are good at advertising and whatever, so my niche is the frozen food. Frozen food and the prices. 

Check back next week to read about the addition XO Restaurant just made to their menu that has increased average daily sales by 400%.

This conversation has been edited and condensed for clarity.



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