Home Business Oregon Governor Says Federal Agents Are Leaving Portland. DHS Head Says They...

Oregon Governor Says Federal Agents Are Leaving Portland. DHS Head Says They Aren’t.



Less than 30 minutes after Oregon Gov. Kate Brown announced the Trump administration agreed to withdraw federal agents from Portland, Department of Homeland Security Acting Secretary Chad Wolf said the agency is “not removing any law enforcement.”


“As I told the Governor yesterday, federal law enforcement will remain in Portland until the violent activity toward our federal facilities ends,” said Wolf, contradicting the freshly made announcement from Brown.

Brown said in a statement the federal government had agreed to remove forces in a “phased withdrawal” following discussions with Vice President Mike Pence.

“Starting tomorrow, all Customs and Border Protection & ICE officers will leave downtown Portland,” the Democratic governor said, explaining Oregon State Police officers will instead work to “keep the peace.”

But Wolf insisted the DHS will maintain its “current, augmented federal law enforcement personnel in Portland,” adding that the state of Oregon has agreed to cooperate with federal forces.

Brown has not yet addressed the discrepancy in announcements.

Crucial quote

“Over the past 24 hours, Governor Brown and I have been in regular communication and have agreed to a joint plan to end the violent activity in Portland directed at federal properties and law enforcement officers,” said Wolf in a statement. “The Department of Homeland Security will not back down from our legal duty to protect federal law enforcement officers and federal properties in the face of such criminal behavior.”

Key Background

Trump ordered the Department of Homeland Security to deploy forces earlier this month to protect the federal courthouse, which has been attacked by demonstrators during two months of anti-racism protests since the death of George Floyd. Though the president has continued to defend this decision, describing the protesters in Portland as “anarchists” “who hate our country,” local leaders have continuously called for the removal of forces, saying they’ve stoked tensions instead of quelling them. Federal agents have deployed tear gas, less-than-lethal munitions and flash bangs against Black Lives Matter protests every night for over two weeks.


The Department of Justice on Wednesday announced the expansion of Operation Legend, the Trump administration’s law enforcement program targeting Democratic-run cities facing recent spikes in crime. Dozens of federal agents are being deployed to Cleveland, Detroit and Milwaukee to aid local and state law enforcement. The mayors of major cities have rejected a Portland-style crackdown on their turf, but are tentatively accepting support from the federal government so long as “the limits of their activities are clearly delineated and monitored,” in the words of Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett.

Further Reading

“‘Very serious conversations’ underway to remove federal officers from Portland” (Oregon Public Broadcasting)

“More Federal Forces Heading To Portland” (Forbes)

“Portland Inmates Complain Tear Gas From Protests Is ‘Flooding’ Their Cells” (Forbes)



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