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Packed Boardwalks And Wild Lake Parties On Memorial Day Weekend, As Birx Warns There Should Be ‘No More Than 10 People’ At An Outdoor Gathering



People crowded on boardwalks, partied in lakes and packed into water parks around the country during Memorial Day Weekend as all states have lifted social distancing in some way, while Dr. Deborah Birx hit the Sunday morning talk show circuit to warn of gathering en masse.


“During this reopening, social gatherings should not be more than 10 people—even if they’re outside,” said Birx on ABC News on Sunday morning.

Scenes from Twitter show people waiting in line for Big Rivers Water Park in Texas, Crowding Maryland’s Ocean City boardwalk and partying en masse at Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri.

“We know being outside does help. We know sun does help in killing the virus, but that doesn’t change the fact that people need to be responsible and maintain that distance,” said Birx on Fox News.

When pressed to answer whether the White House had made the right call in allowing states to reopen and have these large gatherings, Birx responded: “We want to be clear all the time that social distance all the time is absolutely critical. And if you can’t social distance while you’re outside, you must wear a mask.”

In contrast, a woman at a weekend river party in Arizona told Today:  “I truly believe our mental health is as important as our physical health…we need to have fun.” 

TwitterVideo of packed lake party in the US emerges amid the COVID-19 pandemic

Critical quote

“It’s difficult to tell,” said Birx when asked on ABC News whether she sees the country re-closing to again contain the spread of Covid-19.

Key Background

This weekend, the United States’ coronavirus death toll nears 100,000. And seemingly random events have led to mass spread of Covid-19: Several attendees of high school pool party in Arkansas have contracted the disease, 180 people were exposed to the virus from a Mother’s Day church service in California and 91 others gained exposure from a hairstylist who worked for eight days with the virus. 

Further Reading

An Incalculable Loss (New York Times

A cluster of coronavirus cases was reported in Arkansas after a swim party (CNN)

Trump Economic Adviser: Unemployment Could Remain In Double Digits Through November (Forbes)

Church-Related Coronavirus Outbreaks Reported As Trump Pushes For Reopening (Forbes)

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