Home Business Planned Parenthood Endorses Biden After Pledging To Triple Election Spending In 2020...

Planned Parenthood Endorses Biden After Pledging To Triple Election Spending In 2020 Over 2016



The advocacy arm of Planned Parenthood, a frequent target for Republicans, endorsed Joe Biden on Monday, calling Trump “dangerous” after pledging to spend $45 million this cycle, three times what the group spent in 2016.


In a statement, Planned Parenthood Acting President Alexis McGill Johnson said, “this election we have a choice — between Donald Trump, whose incompetence and disregard for the law are a danger to us all, and Joe Biden, who is committed to fighting for reproductive health and rights for all.”

“Donald Trump is dangerous. We must do everything we can to get him out of office this November,” she added. “For us, and for so many, the choice is clear. Planned Parenthood Action Fund is endorsing Joe Biden for president.”

The statement noted Biden’s support for abortion, contraception and sex education and his role in getting the Affordable Care Act passed as motivations for the endorsement, while applauding his reversal of his support of the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal spending on abortion.

The non-profit organization, which gets about a third of its funding from government grants and is a frequent target for pro-life Republicans, consistently backs Democrats with its PAC, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, with 98% of contributions going to Democrats and 0% to Republicans so far this cycle.

The endorsement comes after the PAC kicked off a $45 million program targeted at battleground states, three times what it spent in 2016 and eight times what they spent in 2018.

Key Background

Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization that provides reproductive health care services to millions of Americans, including contraception, cancer screenings and abortions. Its role as an abortion provider is a frequent point of critcism for pro-life Republicans, who have called to defund the organization arguing that their tax dollars should not fund abortion.

Key Quote

“It’s a simple proposition for me: health care is a right, not a privilege dependent on race, gender, income, or ZIP code,” Biden said in response to the endorsement. “As President, I’m going to do everything in my power to expand access to quality, affordable health care, including reproductive health care. I’m proud to stand with Planned Parenthood in this fight.”

Chief Critic

Pro-life conservatives took to Twitter to slam McGill for telling NPR that 2020 is a “life and death” election, referring to health care. “Interesting choice of words from Planned Parenthood. I agree this is life and death. I am proud to stand up and protect life. #ProLife,” tweeted Minnesota Senate candidate and former Congressman Jason Lewis.



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