Home Business PM Boris Johnson Admitted To Hospital Due To Coronavirus Symptoms

PM Boris Johnson Admitted To Hospital Due To Coronavirus Symptoms


Topline: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, one of the most powerful people in the world to test positive for COVID-19, has been admitted to a hospital because of coronavirus symptoms, Johnson’s office said Sunday. 

  • Johnson, who was first diagnosed with coronavirus on March 26, had been quarantining inside his home but continuing to run the country. 
  • Government officials said the move was “precautionary” because Johnson had continued to experience symptoms 10 days after being diagnosed. 
  • Johnson will continue to run the country, his office added, and would stay in regular contact with government officials.

Crucial quote: Queen Elizabeth II made a rare televised address Sunday, saying that “we will overcome it,” and imploring British citizens to practice social distancing.

Big number: Britain is currently the deadliest hotspot in Europe, after experiencing a record 708 one-day jump in deaths, according to the Associated Press.

Tangent: President Trump has tested negative for COVID-19 twice. 

Further reading: Here are the 30 state and federal U.S. lawmakers that have tested positive for coronavirus.




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