Home Business Portland Protesters Again Clash With Police As Mayor Decries ‘Attempting Murder’

Portland Protesters Again Clash With Police As Mayor Decries ‘Attempting Murder’

Portland Protesters Again Clash With Police As Mayor Decries ‘Attempting Murder’


Oregon State Police stepped in early Saturday to help Portland police officers deal with about 300 demonstrators, as clashes near a police building led to rock and bottle throwing by protesters followed by stun grenades, pepper spray and impact munitions by law enforcement, according to police and media reports.


Protesters late Friday marched to the Penumbra Kelly Building on East Burnside Street, which is shared by city and county law enforcement and has been a frequent site of clashes between police and protesters, according to media reports.

Officers reported Saturday on social media having rocks and chunks of concrete thrown at them, said protesters were throwing “explosive devices” and complained that individuals in the crowd were shining lasers trying to blind officers.

In response, officers used stun grenades, pepper spray, impact munitions and physical force to push a crowd of 300 protesters away from the building on East Burnside Street, according to the Oregonian.

chief critic

Trump, who defended the use of federal forces to guard the federal building in Portland, said the feds again could “go in and stop the problems in Portland in 24 hours,” according to The Oregonian.

key background

Portland, a flash point in the debate over the federal government’s intervention in local protests, continued to see protests this week, albeit in smaller numbers than when federal law enforcement agents were in town, sparking outrage and adding to tensions. The police department’s East Precinct building this week became another flashpoint, with news footage showing some in the crowd attempting to set a fire, prompting Mayor Ted Wheeler to declare that they were “attempting to commit murder.” Earlier demonstrations targeted other law enforcement buildings across the city, including the Portland Police Association and the Mark O. Hatfield federal courthouse — the site Trump sent federal troops to protect. Even without the federal force, some acts of violence continued, prompting Wheeler to complain in a videotaped comment that the demonstrators were merely providing B-roll for reelection campaign ads for Trump. Police Chief Chuck Lovell said Thursday he feels the current demonstrations are no longer solely about the Black Lives Matter movement but are instead a “planned, coordinated attacks on police officers.”

further reading

Portland protest escalates to arrests, force Friday after overnight ‘unlawful assembly’ (The Oregonian)

Portland Police Declare Unlawful Assembly For Fourth Time This Week As Tensions Reignite (Forbes)



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