Home Business Queer Questions For Joe Biden’s LGBTQ+ Vote Director

Queer Questions For Joe Biden’s LGBTQ+ Vote Director

Queer Questions For Joe Biden’s LGBTQ+ Vote Director

It feels like forever ago that we were all focused on the Democratic presidential debates. Now that part of our brains seems dedicated to not touching our face.

The intense news coverage of the coronavirus pandemic makes it seems unfathomable that there is still a presidential race going on (but it is), and that both U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders and former Vice President Joe Biden are still vying to win the nomination.

Voters in Alaska will go to their mailboxes, not the polls, for this Saturday’s mail-in only primary election, with a new deadline of April 10 to have their ballots postmarked, according to the Anchorage Daily News. The same goes for Wyoming’s April 7th primary, with a new postmark deadline of April 17, according to The New York Times.

Who knows what happens after that? Well, the National Conference of State Legislatures — NCSL for short — does, and you can find their calendar of rescheduled primaries by clicking here.

Campaigning in the age of the coronavirus has shifted to online for Biden and Sanders, and for President Trump, it appears to have shifted to the White House Press Briefing Room and Rose Garden. Watching the president and his statements closely for their impact on queer Americans is a man named Reggie Greer, the former director of constituent engagement at the LGBTQ Victory Institute, who last month was selected by Biden as his director of the LGBTQ+ vote effort for his campaign.

Greer started Monday, and as one of his first official acts, agreed to take part in an email Q&A. Here are his responses to my questions, in full.

Why did you decide to take this gig? 

RG: Because transgender women of color are being killed. Because transgender youth aren’t getting the services they deserve. Because trans service members have been told by our government that their service to our country doesn’t matter. Because LGBTQ+ people can still be fired from their jobs, be denied critical resources, or be discriminated against while seeking employment or housing. Because the unfortunate practice of LGBTQ+ “conversion therapy” — despite the progress we’ve made in kicking it to the trash heap of history — is still a thing in the United States in 2020. For these reasons and more, LGBTQ+ Americans deserve to have a partner in the White House who will ensure equity, fairness, and justice reaches them. 

I’m proud to play a small part in making sure Joe Biden becomes our next president so, in his words, we can ensure “equality, at home and around the world, is fully realized.”

Did you support Joe Biden before now, or some other candidate? 

RG: I did, and I do. Vice President Biden has spent his entire career fighting for people and listening to their concerns, including LGBTQ+ Americans. When he came out for marriage equality in 2012, he was the highest-ranking American official to unequivocally stand up for the right of LGBTQ+ people to marry. As Vice President, he advocated for stronger protections for LGBTQ+ students who faced harassment and bullying in schools and on college campuses. In their private lives, Vice President and Dr. Biden launched the Biden Foundation and made LGBTQ+ equality a priority of the Foundation’s work through campaigns like “As You Are,” which promoted understanding and acceptance among LGBTQ+ individuals and their families. And now as a candidate for president, Vice President Biden is building a campaign that brings in all queer voices so his administration will be prepared to write the next chapter of LGBTQ+ equality in America and around the world. 

What do you personally bring to the Biden campaign in terms of strategy?

RG: Vice President Biden and I see the country in the same way – a place where everyone’s lived experience and voice matters. And, people, in turn, want to see themselves reflected in our next president’s agenda. As Vice President Biden’s LGBTQ+ Vote Director, I see myself as a conduit for connecting Vice President Biden to LGBTQ+ people everywhere. During my time at LGBTQ Victory Institute and in the Obama-Biden administration, I was lucky and humbled to witness the amazing work being done by LGBTQ+ elected officials, appointed officials, activists, advocates, movement leaders, and students to advance equality in communities, small and large, and through community-led endeavors. Because every LGBTQ+ voice matters, the strategy will be to include as many of them as possible in this campaign so that the Biden LGBTQ+ plan turns into reality.

President Trump has convinced some people he is an advocate for LGBTQ rights. How will Joe Biden fight that lie?

RG: I genuinely believe Americans don’t buy that President Trump has championed LGBTQ+ people, our issues, or our concerns. The constant barrage of attacks on LBGTQ+ Americans by his administration have not gone unnoticed. LGBTQ+ Americans – keenly aware of what government can and should be for all of us – are looking to turn the page from Donald Trump and help usher in a new era for LGBTQ+ equality. 

Vice President Biden’s LGBTQ+ Plan can be summarized in three points:

  1. Reinstate, restore, and strengthen rights and protections for transgender Americans;
  2. Pass the Equality Act, ensuring that LGBTQ+ people are protected under existing civil rights laws, including in areas like employment, health care, housing, and education; and
  3. Re-establish the United States as a leader on LGBTQ+ equality around the world. Please visit this link to read Vice President Biden’s complete plan for LGBTQ+ Americans.

Transgender Americans like me are especially fearful that re-electing Trump will mean a national effort that we’ve already seen in several states, to strip trans people of their rights and to erase us from society. What message will you help Joe Biden send to reassure my community and our allies?

RG: Vice President Biden understands that “eight years of Donald Trump will fundamentally alter the character of our nation.” On the Eve of Transgender Day of Visibility (March 31), for example, an anti-trans, anti-equality governor signed two hateful bills into law. Biden understands the gravity of the situation facing transgender Americans and has declared that “Transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time.” In the Biden White House, we will have a champion who will lift up the voices of transgender people and work to ensure transgender protections are enshrined into law. (Here is Vice President Biden, in his own words, on #TransDayofVisibility:

How are you (and your loved ones) dealing with the COVID-19 situation and how will it impact your work on behalf of the campaign? 

RG: COVID-19 has completely upended life as we know it, and the challenges present themselves in new ways every day. From the myriad of health issues associated with COVID-19 to the sacrifices being made by medical professionals and workers, my thoughts continue to be fixated on friends, family and members of the queer community impacted by the novel coronavirus. I encourage everyone to continue checking in on loved ones, neighbors, and friends during this time. I appreciate those who have done it for me. Impacted by the scale of this crisis, we’ve shifted our campaign to digital to continue reaching and engaging voters where they are, ensuring they have the information they need about COVID-19 as well as our campaign to defeat Donald Trump and make him a one-term president this November. 

You can connect with Reggie Greer (@rwgreer) on Twitter by clicking here.




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