Home Business Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson Breaks With Trump, Acknowledges Biden Win

Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson Breaks With Trump, Acknowledges Biden Win

Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson Breaks With Trump, Acknowledges Biden Win


Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson on Sunday became the sixth sitting Republican governor to acknowledge Democrat Joe Biden’s win in the 2020 election, though Republican recognition of Biden’s clear victory has slowed to a trickle.

Key Facts

“I expect Joe Biden to be the next president of the United States,” Hutchinson said during an MSNBC appearance on Sunday, despite Trump’s continued refusal to offer a formal concession.

Hutchinson said it was “good” to see Trump tweet “he won,” in the context of again claiming the election was rigged, because, “I think that’s the start of an acknowledgment” – though Trump later denied his use of the word “won” constituted any acknowledgement of Biden’s victory, falsely claiming, “RIGGED ELECTION. WE WILL WIN!”

“It is very important that Joe Biden have access to the intelligence briefings,” Hutchinson said, noting “during times of transition our enemies have an opportunity to take advantage of us.”

Hutchinson is far from alone as a Republican calling for Trump to, if not concede, then allow Biden to receive briefings, with Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) noting “a mistake was made in 2000 to not keep both candidates informed” and citing the 9/11 commission’s finding that “that was one of the factors.”

However, Hutchinson’s acknowledgment of Biden’s victory is rare as most sitting Republican officials have closed ranks behind the president and either stood behind or stayed silent about his continued, and unfounded, claims of widespread fraud.

Key Background

Just five Republican senators and ten Republican House members have acknowledged Biden’s victory, along with dozens of former Republican officials including former President George W. Bush, former Vice President Dan Quayle and Trump’s former Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats.

Crucial Quote

“I think it’s very important for leaders in the Republican party to explain to our voters … that in fact Trump has lost the election and that these claims of election fraud are baseless,” former Trump administration National Security Adviser-turned-prolific Trump critic John Bolton said during an ABC News appearance on Sunday.

Chief Critic

“He only won in the eyes of the FAKE NEWS MEDIA,” Trump tweeted Sunday. “I concede NOTHING! We have a long way to go.”



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