Home Business Startup & Funding 10 Books Warren Buffett Thinks You Should Read

10 Books Warren Buffett Thinks You Should Read

10 Books Warren Buffett Thinks You Should Read

One of my favorite things to do is ask writers whose books I love to list a few books they love; it’s a great way to get excellent recommendations. 

The same applies where business is concerned. If you’re a fan of Warren Buffett, then reading a few of his favorite books might help you uncover new perspectives, new ideas, and new ways to improve your business. (And maybe invest a little smarter, too — especially in yourself.)

The folks at Most Recommended Books have compiled a list of 40 books Buffett has recommended over the years.

I’ve whittled that list down to 10, along with comments from Buffett.

When Bill Gates first met Buffett in 1991, Gates asked Buffett to recommend his favorite business book.

“It’s Business Adventures, by John Brooks,” Buffett replied. “I’ll send you my copy.”

“Keough’s best ability is to cut to the chase on an issue, to cut through the bureaucratic fog. Keep it simple is his principle and mine too.” 

“In my office, you will not see the degree I have from the University of Nebraska, or the master’s degree I have from Columbia University, but you’ll see the certificate I got from the Dale Carnegie course.”

“Much of what you become in life depends on whom you choose to admire and copy. Start with Tom Murphy, and you’ll never need a second exemplar.”

“I obviously recommend, first and foremost, this book, considered to be the ‘Bible of Value Investing.'”

“An outstanding book about CEOs who excelled at capital allocation.”

“Sums up what Charlie (Munger) and I have been saying over the years in annual reports and at annual meetings.”

“The best book I read in 2015.”

“My friend — and now partner — Jorge Paulo and his team are among the best businessmen in the world. He is a fantastic person and his story should be an inspiration to everybody, as it is for me.”

“By 1999, State Farm had amassed a tangible net worth exceeding that of all but four American businesses. If you want to read how this happened, get a copy.”

The opinions expressed here by Inc.com columnists are their own, not those of Inc.com.



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