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29 Top Tips On How To Thrive In Business During Lockdown By Real Entrepreneurs

29 Top Tips On How To Thrive In Business During Lockdown By Real Entrepreneurs

With countries like the UK currently in lockdown again due to the Corona Virus pandemic, I turned to my community of business mentees to ask for their top tips to help other entrepreneurs to understand how to thrive during lockdown, in quarantine or more generally during testing times!

As this is the second lockdown this year as a business mentor I have found that many of the entrepreneurs and mentees in my community have adapted and pivoted with more enthusiasm and positivity this time. I believe their top tips can help you to do the same.

So here are their top tips;

1)     Be adaptable & innovative in your industry. After analysing the alterations in the cleaning sector, we undertook further infection control & COVID safety training and invested in antiviral fogging equipment. Developing two new services – Preventative Cleaning & Anti-Viral Fogging – to meet the change in needs of our existing and potential clientele and promoting via social media platforms has seen business double since the beginning of lockdown. Aaron Queeley, Operations Director, So Clean So Fresh Cleaning Company 

2) Network with purpose and execute virtual omnipresence! Think long term; who can you connect with immediately and for future partnerships. I have networked virtually with not only my future customers but my stakeholders and people I want to work with in 2021 so that when the time comes to pitch a partnership, they already know me by first name. Kayleigh Benoit, BIND London Founder

3)   Collaborate!  Find similar businesses or professionals who can add value to your business. For example, you could split the costs and workload on a masterclass, workshop, product or service. Collaborations can grow your network, save your business money and time.  Roneish Myers , Finance Coach & Founder of MoneyHeave   

4)     Eat to thrive through lockdown, rather than survive! If entrepreneurs are to stay sharp and ahead of the curve through lockdown, maintaining our mental health through nourishing brain foods must be a priority. Omega 3 fats from oily fish like salmon, flax seeds and chia seeds, antioxidant foods like berries and green tea, whole grains from rye bread and whole grain oats, not to mention adequate sleep and enough water are some of the ways entrepreneurs can nourish themselves from the inside out and support optimal cognitive function for creativity, motivation, inspiration and innovation. Claudine Thornhill, Nutritional Therapist

5)     Double down on your (social) networking. According to Statista, we have seen a 21% increase in people spending more time on social media (e.g., Facebook, Instagram). To keep your content topical, check what is trending on “LinkedIn News” or on Twitter. Filter through to ensure it is relevant to your industry or your brand and use this to fuel your content for your polls on your stories. Nicole Walters, Founder of Wellekin

6)     Almost everybody, right now is at home, (or in a sunny clime) with their phones and laptops to hand. The people you need to connect with that you would usually need to pass through at least 2-3 gatekeepers to speak with are pretty much available! If there was ever a time to strengthen your professional/business network, this is it. Wunmi Lawanson, Cosmetic Formulator at ZeeZee Flair

7)     “Treating yourself as you’d treat a good friend”- Kristin Neff. As Entrepreneurs we are driven ,hardworking and at times overly self-critical.   Self-compassion encourages us to recognise our shortcomings and mistakes and offer warmth, acceptance, and recognition of our humanity.  3 Ways you can practice Self-compassion :  1. Think and speak kindly: Think of what you would say to a good friend facing a challenge and direct those responses inwardly. 2.Express gratitude: Focus on appreciating what you have right now.  3.Forgiveness: You are human, you will make mistakes, accept what has happened, apologise to yourself and others. Forgive yourself and move forwards.  Self-compassion is not a luxury it is a necessity!  Tosin Mason, Founder of Azriah Zuri-

8)     “Shifting your perspective from money-oriented to process-oriented is pivotal. What brought us here won’t take us to the next level, so we must identify patterns and act accordingly. Changing an approach can be daunting at times. We can mitigate the fear by knowing more, thus being more.” – Cameron Mordi-Semple, NOVA GFX 

9)    Use social media to create great content that is a good visual representation of your brand to build awareness ie blogs videos which will encourage customers tell other about your company. It is a great idea to create product/service demonstrations, so people can see you in action. Make sure to include a call-to-action in all your content, eg: “visit our website” or “call us today”, this will make sure that you’re giving your customer a clear message about where they can go next if they’re interested in your product/services. Sandra Brown-Pinnock, Founder of Primal Beauty Natural Hair & Skin Care Products

10)  Do not accept defeat! “it is not the strongest or most intelligent who will survive and thrive but those who can best manage change.” Be proactive, change does not equal failure. The key things to think about are what aspects of your business or products can be adapted to provide products or services during lockdown? Look for gaps in the market, engage with your target audience, find out what they need and adjust accordingly. For us, it has been about pivoting to digital and making use of funding opportunities! The current pandemic has brought an opportunity to deliver our service virtually which has enabled us to increase our reach nationally and support more underrepresented young women. Letricia Black founding CEO of Understanding Girls Like You (U.G.L.Y Tribe) 

11)  With social media usage soaring, social media marketing should be prioritised. On Instagram you can use the ‘Instagram Stories Question Sticker’ to ask your followers questions so that you can really get to know your audience and find out what they are struggling with, as their answers will help you to market your product and/or service in the most effective way.  Tene Edwards Author of Walk With Wings and Facilitator of Build Your Empire: Social Media Marketing Masterclass 

12)  Continue to build and maintain your network while staying relevant and being consistent in your business. Adapt your business and services where possible to meet you customers needs Danielle Blenman founder of Love 2 Dance company

13)  My top tip to help businesses thrive during lockdown is to get creative with your content on all social media platforms. Platforms such as tick tock and the reel feature on instagram, has helped me connect with thousands of people and enabled me to continue to inspire people to get creative with their interiors at home. Tereena Malaika, Interior Content Creator 

14)  The stress and anxiety that lockdown causes can force us to only do work when it suits us or when we feel like it. So, my top tip is to stay consistent with your work ethic and actions. Set a few large goals each month, a few more achievable goals each week, and smaller goals each day which contribute to the larger ones. Whether you feel like you are achieving massive wins or nothing at all, keep plugging away at these goals because this will be a key factor in helping your business to survive and thrive during lockdown. Katherine Christopher, Director, K Christopher Interiors 

15)  Interact with your customers via email, phone, or social media. Keep new and existing customers educated and informed on your offerings and provide them with opportunities to buy vouchers or put down deposits towards future spending when you reopen. Continue building those relationships because they want to hear from you, they want to support you, and they will want to spend their money with you for a continued service. Busi Chamboko, Skin Specialist, Second Skin Therapy

16)  Lockdown is a great time to form relationships and build connections for your business. Reach out to the people you would love to connect with to form a network. Slide into the DM’s on Instagram, connect on LinkedIn and pick up the phone, people are more reachable and contactable. Carlene Phillips, Director, KIDS LIFE CLOTHING  

17)  Position your business 1-click away from your customer. More people are online, this is the perfect time and opportunity to showcase on your social platforms. Unveil your business and interact with your customers. Marcia Roach, Founder and Head Designer of MARCE jewellery

18)  Think fast & Pivot! Think on your feet and position / diversify your product/ service to fulfil a common community problem experienced as a result of lockdown. The idea here is to increase relevance & demonstrate empathy with your target audience. Vanessa Ullam, Founder of Crescent Kids 

19)  Plan and prioritize your goals, and do the most challenging or important tasks first. Dividing your day into four sections makes it easier to work on one important task at a time. Now is the perfect time for storytelling and demonstrate to your audience/customers the human side of the business through your social media. Finally, don’t forget to pick up the phone and build relationships with your customers, suppliers, etc. Natalie Joseph – Founder and Creative Director of Natalie Joseph Lingerie

20)  2020 has changed the way many of us are now doing business. Building an online presence, if you do not already have one, can help your business thrive in lockdown. Whether this is for marketing purposes or services you offer, the web has become a go to place for many consumers. Utilising online platforms can increase sales, provide networking opportunities and keep your clients/customers up to date with your business. Selina Patricia, Business Coach 

21)  Now is a great time to experiment with Advertising & Promotions, more people are at home, using the internet, watching TV, reading mail. Now is the time to re-introduce them to your business, product and service. Launch new products, a special offer, a special promotion, online advertising. Remi Curtis, CEO & Founder of Motherland Treats 

22)  Use the feedback, reviews, insights and data you have for your customer’s to provide them unique and helpful messages, low-cost gifts or experiences that give value and keeps their spirits up. Think how can you provide a ten out of ten experience with your brand when it’s solely online? Cater to the needs of your customers. What do they need more or less of now that they are in Lockdown? Little thoughtful actions from you and your business could help your customers keep their spirits up, help you retain and possibly grow your customer base. Kayleigh Oliver, Founder & CEO of Junction 5 Studios

23)  Use technology and the fact that many people are at home to your advantage. As many people are at home, they will now have more time to tune in to your Instagram lives, as well as online workshops and masterclasses. This will help you get your business out there and attract new audiences. Nikkita Tew – Founder of Young Spender

24)  Although lockdown is a difficult time for all, make sure your customers know you care about them. Stay in touch with live broadcasts where your clients can ask questions directly. If going live fills you with dread, post pictures and videos that invite discussion. While you actively engage, also take note of what your customers and potential customers are saying – is there a new problem for you to solve or a way to improve your offering? If so, make sure you act on it! Natasha Glover, Founder, Brown Skin Dark Lips

25)  Revisit your customer profiles. People’s needs and priorities have changed since the lockdown. Evaluate your marketing communication and adapt your messaging to communicate how you meet those needs. Pamela Adeyeba, Founder, Unveiling Pearls Jewellery 

26)  Lockdown is an opportunity to take your business to the next level. It’s important that as a business you think outside of the box and get creative with what you have. With the access to online platforms such as Instagram and LinkedIn; we are able to promote our services; not only to our local communities but also to the world. Let lockdown be the opportunity to showcase your unique selling point. Phillippa Reymonde Mills, PR Consultant and Brand Strategist, PHILLIPPA REYMONDE PR 

27)  Be flexible: Each year brings its own degree of unpredictability and change but 2020 also brought lockdown. The restriction of physical movement has intensified the requirement for your business to adapt. Use online tools to keep your finger on the pulse; crises alter priorities and fear creates new needs. Untie yourself from rigid business plans to anticipate demand and develop proactive solutions to suit the transforming landscape of customer need in these volatile circumstances. Dr. Belle Kassner MBChB, MRCGP, Primary Healthcare Consultant, Public Speaker, GP

28)  Be open to bringing something else to your offering. If what you were doing before is not relevant during lockdown offer/do something else that complements your existing business but is a stand alone entity in its own right. Jennifer Patrice Celebrant

29)  Network as much as you can while people are at home. This will allow you to connect with other businesses to learn what is working for them so you can incorporate that into your business. Jazmin Molai, Founder of Dreams and Purpose 



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