Home Business Startup & Funding 3 Keys To Reinventing Yourself For A Major Career Change

3 Keys To Reinventing Yourself For A Major Career Change


Someday you might experience an “aha!” moment in your career, and you realize your attitude has changed. Maybe you are not enjoying your job anymore or you don’t agree with the company culture. Maybe the dynamics of your position have changed dramatically without your input. It could be for any number of reasons. The moment is when the truth becomes crystal clear, and you recognize that what you are doing is just not working out.

There is no magic wand to wave that will suddenly drop you into your dream job, so what happens next is up to you. If you think you are ready for a career change, it’s a good time to assess your skills and ask these questions:

  • What am I good at, what do I like to do and are there companies I’d like to work for?
  • What are some high-growth and secure industries where my skills would be an advantage?
  • Do I have the means to stop work and devote the time needed to pursue my new career? 
  • Is my family or close personal network on board and supportive?

It’s not a bad idea to look at your current situation again before taking the leap. You may be able to forge a different path to get where you want to by staying where you are. And there is always a chance your manager or the HR manager may have some suggestions for your future at your current company. 

But if you have decided making a change is your next step, here are three keys to reinventing yourself for a new career:

  1. Identify your current skill set. You know your skills better than anyone. Write down your most valuable strengths and talents. At the same time, determine the company culture you want to be a part of.  With these two pieces of information, you can start to think about businesses align with your values and where your skillset and experience will be appreciated.
  2. Find a good match. You now know your skills and the types of businesses you prefer, so the next step is to do some research to find a few matches. Look for businesses where your skills will stand out, and where you will most likely succeed. If you are unsure of your top strengths, try out a skills assessment like Gallup’s CliftonStrengths is an option. You can find other similar assessments online to help you pin down your best qualities.
  3. Research potential industries and employers. You have a good idea of what you’d like to do, what skills are most desirable to businesses and what types of company culture you prefer. With this knowledge you can start to really examine and identify the careers and companies where you will do best. 

The one thing to keep in mind while doing your search is this: it will take time. It takes work, and you’ll need to put a lot of thought and energy into your reinvention. But it will be worth it in the long run.



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