Home Business Startup & Funding 3 Questions To Ask Your Loved One’s Healthcare Providers During The Pandemic

3 Questions To Ask Your Loved One’s Healthcare Providers During The Pandemic

3 Questions To Ask Your Loved One’s Healthcare Providers During The Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for those caring for an aging loved one. Since seniors are at higher risk of complications and death from the disease, family caregivers are caught between protecting their loved ones from the disease and getting them the professional healthcare and in-home services that they need.

The CDC is recommending that those in at-risk populations, including seniors, practice strict social distancing and limit contact to that which is absolutely necessary. So, how can family members find balance between needed care and protecting their aging loved ones? The first step is to ask the right questions of healthcare and in-home service providers. Here are three important questions to ask.

1) What is Necessary?

Reach out to your loved one’s healthcare providers for guidance on what appointments, visits and procedures are necessary right now. Some things can be put off, but others might be necessary for your loved one’s continued health and well-being. During this time, anything that can be put off, should be put off.

2) Is Telehealth an Option?

Many healthcare providers are adopting increased telehealth options during the pandemic, including phone calls, video calls, apps and other technology to deliver care without the patient needing to be seen in person. Ask if this is an option for your loved one.

3) What Precautions Are Your Taking?

If a procedure, office visit or home care visit is necessary, find out what precautions the provider is taking to keep staff and patients safe. All staff should be receiving regular temperature checks and symptom checks, and they should be required to report if someone in their home is ill. They should be limiting contact with symptomatic patients, too. Providers should be using personal protective equipment at all times and washing hands often.

Many are posting this information on their websites, but you should ask about it, too. Do not allow anyone in contact with your aging loved one who is not following these guidelines.

Armed with the answers to these questions and support from your loved one’s healthcare providers, you can make solid decisions that will see you and your family through this crisis. Don’t ignore or postpone care that a healthcare provider recommends, but make sure you are taking smart precautions to protect your aging loved one.



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