Home Business Startup & Funding 5 Tips For Protecting Caregivers From Burnout During The Pandemic

5 Tips For Protecting Caregivers From Burnout During The Pandemic

5 Tips For Protecting Caregivers From Burnout During The Pandemic

The majority of Americans are feeling stress from the fallout of the pandemic. But for family caregivers the stress is compounded, leading them to feel overwhelmed, exhausted and burned out.  

For them, COVID-19 has added yet another level of anxiety onto their shoulders. In addition to caregiving duties, they may be dealing with trying to work from home, having children at home needing supervision and helping with at-home learning. Or they may be going to work and worried about bringing the virus into the home of their loved ones.  

Adding the pandemic to the pressures they already face can snowball, leaving caregivers feeling as though they have no options. And, family caregivers are known to neglect their own health and wellness, often falling seriously ill themselves and deteriorating faster than their loved ones. Because caregivers are so laser-focused on everyone else, they might not realize they are burning out. 

It’s important for those around them to give care to the caregiver, and to notice when they need help. Family caregivers might not ask for it, but if observant friends, family and co-workers see the signs or physical or mental exhaustion, they can take action.

Here are some tips to help the caregivers in your life from burning out: 

  1. Let family caregivers know you are there for them, and that they can depend on you to be there when they need you. Give caregivers a sense of comfort by letting them know you have their back and that you’ll support them through difficult times. 
  2. Offer family caregivers a break from their overwhelming duties, even if it is only giving them time to relax for a few minutes a day. Just knowing they have personal time to look forward to can be a huge stress-reliever, allowing them to feel refreshed and prepared for their caregiving duties. 
  3. Suggest that another family member or close friend take over some of their caregiving responsibilities. It can make a caregiver feel loved and supported (and relieved) when some of the burden is lifted. 
  4. Make a point to have regular check-ins with the caregiver, and ask how he or she is coping. Often the focus is on the loved one who is being cared for, but the caregiver could be struggling and feeling even more alone than the care recipient. 
  5. Encourage family caregivers to reach out and take advantage of educational materials meant to offer support to caregivers. Look into community resources, caregiving assistance employer and support groups where they can engage with others in the same situation. 

Here are some resources for caregivers: the AARP website for family caregiver local resources and solutions and the Help Guide for Family Caregivers.

Make sure that the caregivers in your life understand that taking time for self-care is important for everyone, and especially during troubling times. Self-care will keep them healthy and able to care for their loved ones while living the best life they can.



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