Home Business Startup & Funding Assembling A Top-Notch AI Team

Assembling A Top-Notch AI Team

Assembling A Top-Notch AI Team

Even though there are many great AI software tools on the market, you still need to assemble a strong team when it comes to putting together projects. The technology is complex and evolving. There are also the challenges of change management within an organization. 

So then what are the roles for an AI project? Well, first of all, there needs to be an executive sponsor. AI is something that is not a bottoms-up activity. There must be substantial resources and clear-cut leadership.

“The executive sponsor or decision maker of the project is a key role that helps articulate what the business is trying to accomplish and why,” said Simran Bagga, who is the Technical Product Manager of AI and Machine Learning at Concord Technologies.

Now the executive sponsor will likely not have enough time to manage the day-to-day activities. This is why there should be a project owner, who will keep the focus on the KPIs (key performance indicators) and the timetables. He or she will also be helpful in dealing with the organizational bottlenecks and politics. 

Then there needs to be one or more SMEs (subject matter experts). These are people within the organization who have experience with the area of the business that the AI will be applied. Such a person will be critical for refining the model and coming up with the parameters.

Next, there are a variety of roles on the technical side of the project. Here’s a look:

  • Data Engineer or Data Annotation Specialist: This person often gets overlooked—but this is a big mistake. Data for AI projects is usually messy. So there is a need for data wrangling and labeling, which can be tedious and time consuming. 
  • Data Scientist or AI Engineer: He or she will spend time on both the data and the algorithms, such as with machine learning, deep learning and NLP (Natural Language Processing). “The work can result in rapid iteration cycles for building models and testing,” said Tim Armandpour, who is the SVP of Engineering at PagerDuty.
  • Machine Learning Engineer or ML/Ops:  “This person will spend much of his or her time productizing and maintaining the models once they are deployed,” said Pat Ryan, who is the Executive VP of Enterprise Architecture at SPR. “Models will drift as new data comes in, so this person must understand how the models work and the data interface to the models.”
  • UX/Visualization Engineer: A key reason AI projects fail is that the application is too complicated. Keep in mind that the end-user is often a non-technical user.  Thus, a UX/Visualization engineer can make the AI much more usable. 
  • AI Testing or QA (Quality Assurance):  AI can easily break.  But an AI Testing person can help validate the model under different conditions.
  • Enterprise or Solutions Architect: This person will help with the implementation and integration of the AI project. 

This is a lot, right? Definitely. But note that when you get started with AI, you do not need all these people. “A team for an AI project can be as small as one person, a data scientist that wears hats of many roles,” said Ross Ackerman, who is the Director of Analytics and Transformation at NetApp

If anything, the roles of the data scientist or the ML engineer are perhaps the first to focus on. They will be essential for the ultimate success of an AI model. 

“If you are building a team from scratch, pay top dollar to hire a senior ML engineer as an anchor and leader, then surround them with your best internally applicable talent,” said Jocelyn Goldfein, who is a managing director at Zetta Ventures Partners

In terms of recruiting the technical talent, you need to be expansive. Look to your own network, say with LinkedIn. Get to know new graduates who have advance degrees, even those that are not just for computer science. “Traditional data scientist backgrounds–statistics, math, computer science–are more commonly being augmented with engineers, physicists, economists, psychologists, and so on,” said Justin Silver, who is a data scientist manager and AI strategist at PROS. “Recruiting from a pool of candidates with varying technical backgrounds can yield an AI team comprised of a wide, rich set of perspectives for solving problems. This technical diversity also makes collaboration more interesting and fun and encourages team members to effectively communicate their ideas, even at the earliest phases of research when ideas can be very fluid. When faced with solving a problem, an economist might have a very different view than a physicist, and that collaboration can be a beautiful thing.”

Also look internally and see where there are opportunities for reskilling and upskilling. “While the talent pool is growing, it isn’t keeping up with the pace of demand,” said Howie Xu, who is the VP of AI and Machine Learning at Zscaler. “To meet the increasing need for AI talent, look internally for those with the right mindset and drive, and train them to fill those needs.”

Yet it is important to keep in mind that assembling a team will take considerable time. This means you need to be flexible and creative. “There are two type of candidates I will strongly recommend–candidates with solid technical backgrounds or candidates with strong domain knowledge,” said Wilson Pang, who is the CTO of Appen. “Those candidates can grow super-fast and become star performers if they are also hungry for the success in the AI domain and they can get coaching/guidance from the experts.”

Tom (@ttaulli) is an advisor to startups and the author of Artificial Intelligence Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction and The Robotic Process Automation Handbook: A Guide to Implementing RPA Systems. He also has developed various online courses, such as for the Python programming language.



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