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Biden To Be Saddled With Trump’s Payroll Tax Deferral Mess

Biden To Be Saddled With Trump’s Payroll Tax Deferral Mess

Among the early decisions that President-elect Joe Biden will need to make is how to clean up the payroll tax deferral predicament that he will inherit from President Trump. Biden has several options, but some require Congressional action and none are particularly attractive.

Trump’s Payroll Tax Deferral

Trump’s payroll tax holiday, which he issued via executive memorandum on August 8, took effect on September 1, 2020 and extends until the end of 2020. The initiative allowed, but did not require, employers to defer the 6.2 percent Social Security tax paid by employees until the end of the year. Trump took this route because he wanted to cut payroll taxes but did not have the power to actually do so, an authority that only Congress has through legislation. Therefore, Trump’s memorandum, which was supplemented by notice 2020-65 issued by the IRS and Treasury, called for the deferred payroll taxes to be paid back between January and April 2021. 

Simply put, this means that individuals who had taxes deferred still have to pay the money back and, per guidance from the IRS, employers are required to collect and pay back the deferred taxes very quickly. Every dollar deferred in 2020 will need to be paid between January and the end of April, 2021.

Trump became enamored with a payroll tax deferral in 2020 despite opposition from Democrats, Republicans, and business groups. The conservative U.S. Chamber of Commerce, along with over 30 other organizations like the National Retail Federation, sent a letter to Congress stating its opposition to the plan. “Many of our members consider it unfair to employees to make a decision that would force a big tax bill on them next year. It would also be unworkable to implement a system where employees make this decision,” the Chamber’s letter stated.

Even high-ranking Senate Republicans voiced their concerns about a payroll tax holiday publicly. “I’m not a fan of that,” said John Thune (R-South Dakota), the second-ranking senator in GOP leadership, speaking of a payroll tax cut. “If it’s a choice between doing (stimulus) checks and payroll tax cut, I think it’s pretty clear the checks actually have a more direct benefit to the economy.” Senate Finance Committee Chairman Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) also spoke against the provision, arguing that the extra money wouldn’t reach voters quickly.

Few Employers Deferred Taxes, But Federal Government and Military Did

Most employers balked at the payroll tax deferral, instead choosing to continue withholding the taxes from employees and remitting them to the IRS. However, the Trump administration forced 1.3 million federal employees, as well as 1.3 million active-duty military personnel, to participate in the tax holiday.

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“All active-duty military members as well as federal civilian employees will be subject to the president’s upcoming payroll tax deferral”, a White House official told Federal News Network right before the deferral went into effect. Most egregiously, the deferments are “non-negotiable,” meaning that military members and federal employees had no freedom to choose whether to participate or opt-out. This created significant financial risk for many.

Biden’s Options On Payroll Tax Deferral

With the impending spike in taxes for military members and federal employees, President-elect Biden will need to address the issue immediately upon taking office. “President Trump was waving his arm and saying don’t worry about it. You do worry about it,” Representative Richard Neal (D – Massachusetts), chairman of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, told The Wall Street Journal.

Biden has three main options to consider:

  1. Do nothing
  2. Push for forgiveness
  3. Defer the taxes for a longer time

Option 1: Do Nothing

If Biden chooses to do nothing, federal employees and military personnel will likely see their payroll taxes doubled between January 1, 2021 and April 30, 2021. The main problem with this approach is that the payroll tax deferral could easily become a financial planning nightmare with paychecks slashed by a total of up to $2,232 between January and April. More than 50 percent of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck and may struggle when their take-home pay is suddenly cut on January 1. The problem is even more acute in the military, where a HarrisX survey conducted last year found that 68 percent were living paycheck-to-paycheck at least every other month and more than half were doing so consistently each month.

MORE FROM FORBESYour Paychecks May Be Slashed By Up To $2,232 In Early 2021

Option 2: Push For Forgiveness

Instead of doing nothing, Biden could push for Congress to pass legislation forgiving the payroll taxes that were deferred. Biden would not have the authority to forgive the taxes unilaterally. Taking this approach could help alleviate pressure on military personnel and federal employees, but might raise concerns about fairness to all the other employees who continued to have their Social Security payroll taxes deducted in 2020. Is it fair to provide a windfall to 2.6 million employees, while leaving the tens of millions of other employees with nothing?

A bill has already been introduced in the House by Representative Kevin Brady (R – Texas) to forgive all deferred taxes and even some Democrats have indicated how appealing that would be. “It’s going to be very tempting on both sides to want to do that—especially for the troops,” said Representative Don Beyer (D – Virginia). “There will be an awful lot of pressure to just forgive it.”

Option 3: Delay Repayment Of Deferred Payroll Taxes

A third option for President-elect Biden would take a more Goldilocks approach. He could extend the time to repay the deferred payroll taxes; not too onerous, but not too lax. As it stands, Trump’s memorandum requires that federal employees and military personnel repay deferred taxes by April 30, 2020. Without any action, this most likely means that those employees would see their payroll taxes doubled in each paycheck through April.

With a longer repayment period, individuals wouldn’t experience a spike in payroll taxes that could wreak havoc on their budgets. Instead, they may see a more manageable increase depending on how long Biden extended repayment.

This approach is not without complications. If employees leave their job, their employer is still on the hook for repayment of deferred payroll taxes. In fact, this was one of the reasons many employers didn’t opt-in to Trump’s program in the first place. By extending the repayment timeframe, the likelihood of attrition increases.

The Upshot:

President-elect Joe Biden will have many decisions to make after he is inaugurated in January, 2021. One of the earliest he will need to address is the payroll tax holiday that President Trump implemented via executive order. As Director of the Tax Policy Center, Mark Mazur, told The Wall Street Journal, “no one will be happy no matter how that gets resolved. It’s kind of like a no-win thing.”

Further Related Reading:

Military Forced Into Payroll Tax Deferral; 1.3 Million Can’t Opt-Out

Your Paychecks May Be Slashed By Up To $2,232 In Early 2021

These 70 Employers Opted Out Of Trump’s Payroll Tax Deferral, Did Yours?



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