Home Business Startup & Funding Buffet Bonanza: The Booming Baltimore Business That’s Helping Reinvent Indoor Dining

Buffet Bonanza: The Booming Baltimore Business That’s Helping Reinvent Indoor Dining

Buffet Bonanza: The Booming Baltimore Business That’s Helping Reinvent Indoor Dining


hen the pandemic swept the U.S. in March, Greg Bandelin could see that the spring was shaping up to be a rough stretch for Lion’s Wood Banquet Furniture. The Baltimore company’s core business was building rolling buffets and serving stations for restaurants, hotels, country clubs and nursing homes, all of them shuttered to curb the spread of Covid-19.

What he didn’t count on was the sudden demand from a panicked hospitality industry that was forced to remake itself on the fly. Within a few days, the custom-order company was repurposing its 50,000 square-foot factory to serve a new kind of customer, including two of the premiere dining and event venues in Los Angeles. Sofi Stadium, the recently christened $5 billion home of the 2022 Super Bowl, needed hundreds of covered serving dishes and heated food carts it could stock in owners’ suites. The Waldorf Astoria hotel in Beverly Hills asked for enough plexi-glass coverings to shield bartenders mixing drinks at its rooftop bar and a custom-built greeting station to protect its hosts and hostesses at an outpost of the famed restaurant, Jean-Georges.

“You have to pivot or perish, and not be scared to take chances,” the 42-year-old CEO says of his flashy new California clients. “We did a lot of acrylic out there. California has been a big market. We have acquired a whole new customer base that we’ve always wanted to crack into.”

The worry has turned into a hurry. Lion’s Wood sales have increased 50% in the past 12 months (through August) to $16 million, the bulk of that from pandemic-fueled demand. It’s a demand Bandelin is uniquely equipped to meet. Thanks to a strategy of custom builds, no debt and 48-hour turnarounds, Lion’s Wood found itself unencumbered by a warehouse full of cookie-cutter, self-serve buffet tables and other, now out-of-date pieces, giving it a competitive edge over the three much larger players that command the market. 

“A lot of people can turn around very quickly,” Bandelin says of competitors. “But order off Amazon Prime, see how it works out for you. You can’t have something that doesn’t look like it’s not meant to be there. If a diner is eating a $500 plate, it’s got to be on that next level.” 

Demand is strong at more mainstream brands, too. The company is now mostly selling indoor dining-room and bar furniture repurposed for the pandemic, including making plexiglass dividers for publicly traded pub chain Clyde’s and grocery stores. Golden Corral franchisees are coming to him for help in rethinking a concept based around a communal buffet. 

Bandelin joined Lion’s Wood four years ago. A college dropout and former cafe owner, he was looking for a new project when his wife’s friend mentioned an odd opportunity: Her aging stepfather, Bosley Wright, had a small business that made dining room furniture maker, no heir and a need for a young leader who could step in and make it their own. Bandelin, a tinkerer by nature, jumped at it, quickly learning after he did that the job might be bigger than anticipated.

“Lead times were terrible, quality control was an issue,” Bandelin recalls. “We would be held hostage mid-order for price increases, and what do you do? At the end of the day, it was the company’s reputation that was at stake. I made the decision that if this company was going to survive and grow, we needed to take action.” 

He acquired a smaller cabinet company and, in 2017, moved to a larger facility to accommodate the new volume. He built it out from scratch, eventually adding a full metal shop. Each addition has given him more control over product design and output. 

“This has been the most rapid market change in my lifetime,” says Bandelin. “The entire industry has changed. With my model, we are forced to expand as we acquire more market share and open in other arenas besides hospitality, but I can also control it.”



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