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CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta: ‘We are right back to square one’ on flattening the curve


CNN’s chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta on Monday warned that “we are right back to square one” about talk of flattening the curve of the coronavirus in some parts of the United States.

On Monday’s broadcast of “CNN Tonight,” Gupta lamented to host Don Lemon how the talking point about tackling the pandemic had not moved on since March in the 23 states now seeing increasing numbers of new infections.

“I’m particularly worried about Florida,” said Gupta.

“My parents live in Florida, this is a state where 20% of the population is over the age of 65,” he explained. “We know that the virus, there is a vulnerable population, people who are elderly, have pre-existing conditions. 75% of the ICU beds are already occupied in Florida.”

“We kept talking about flattening the curve so as to not tax the hospital system,” Gupta added. “We are right back to square one in terms of that discussion again, flattening the curve. That was March. We should be having a new discussion which is ‘bring this down to near zero.’ Instead, we’re talking about how to keep the hospitals from red-lining once again.”

Check out the full interview here:

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  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.



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