Home Business Startup & Funding Council Post: 14 Tips For Estimating A Neighborhood’s Potential Value

Council Post: 14 Tips For Estimating A Neighborhood’s Potential Value

Council Post: 14 Tips For Estimating A Neighborhood’s Potential Value

You’ve heard the mantra “location, location, location” countless times in real estate, and there is a lot of truth to it. Location is a primary factor in determining a home’s overall value, including the value of the neighborhood. Buying in the right area can produce great returns if the process is done correctly. 

While some neighborhoods have already developed a desirable reputation, others may be less well-known or on the up-and-coming list. That’s why we asked the members of Forbes Real Estate Council how they estimate potential value in specific neighborhoods. Their top tips are below. 

Photos courtesy of the individual members.

1. Look At Market Affordability 

Comparing housing costs to the median income can let you know whether the location is affordable to locals. As rental rates increase, tenants will move to the more affordable surrounding areas, which make those neighborhoods very popular. – Beatrice de Jong, Opendoor 

2. Consult With A Local Broker 

You don’t need to hire an appraiser or buy a market research tool. For investment properties, such as apartment buildings, local brokers will give you an investment landscape with comparable properties and recent sales. Research which broker has the most activity in your investment area and consult with that person. They also can tell you what they’ve been seeing. – Lee Kiser, Kiser Group 

3. Consider New Construction Projects And Resales 

When a neighborhood remains static without growth, it is not a desired area, at least at that point in time. Areas that demonstrate the construction of shopping centers, gas stations and schools are good indicators of growth and a potential increase in land value. An area should have consistent resales and a steady appreciation to demonstrate its place as a continued desirable location. – Rita Santamaria, Champions School of Real Estate 

4. Find The Neighborhood ‘Authority’ 

While investing in new areas, I seek out the real estate agent who is the “authority” of that area. This agent is someone who has sold at least 50 homes in the area and who also knows all the unseen benefits and risks. This person can answer questions involving commute times, water qualities, water tables, special taxing districts, school boundaries, city planning and future developments. – Steven Caporale, Accel Realty Partners 

5. Understand The Past First

Start with evaluating the growth of a neighborhood over the last five years, year by year. Compare those numbers to the overall growth numbers of the city. This will help you understand if this neighborhood is appreciating faster than the region or not. Find one that is and compare it against multiple neighborhoods with this type of historical evaluation to identify your most profitable option. – Anton Danilovich, TopHap, Inc.

6. Look At Job Availability And Vacancies 

The availability of jobs becomes a major factor when it comes to reducing vacancies and improving your cash flow. The farther you go from the economic hubs, vacancies skyrocket, especially in a downturn. Investments in economically thriving neighborhoods will provide you great returns and peace of mind. This will improve your cash-on-cash return, as well as provide asset appreciation in the long run. – Amit Inamdar, Own Sweet Home Realty 

7. Know The General Plans For The Area 

If you are buying for the long-term, get to know your local planning department. They have the lay of the land at hand. Look at the information and see where you fit in. Everything you will see is a plan, so keep that in mind. Plans change, but roads are basically unchanged. Look out for the best density locations and transit-oriented communities (TOC). – Michael J. Polk, Polk Properties / Matrix Properties 

8. Follow The Technology 

Look for the technology plans of the local school district—things like one-to-one computing initiatives. The data shows a very strong correlation between the launching of a one-to-one program and improving test scores. It typically takes a couple of years for the improvements to manifest, so you can buy before the higher school rating impacts local values and rental rates. – Jay Goldklang, Great Jones 

9. Check Out The Urban Land Institute 

When evaluating whether a neighborhood is right for you, it comes down to the three big draws: school ratings, job opportunities and transit availability. If these are in the mix, it’s worth digging deeper. The Urban Land Institute is a great resource for tracking new development, city plans and density trends to help you cherry-pick which areas are a good fit and which are becoming more desirable. – Jennifer Anderson, Anderson Coastal Group 

10. Analyze The Demographics 

Research technology is a great trick for learning how to understand the demographics. There are research platforms that can give widely available data information for any specifics and narrowed down by area or property. If you get savvy with it, you won’t go wrong. – Rodrigo Brandao Schiavo, Premier Capital Realty, LLC 

11. Dig Into The Full Picture 

I think it’s important to have a look at what can’t be described in numbers. What are the demographics and psychographics of the community? Are there amenities to support lifestyle needs? Are the streets and parks well-maintained? A picture tells a story. Be a prudent investor that will drive around and capture the images that can’t be found on paper. – Michelle Risi, Royal LePage Connect Realty 

12. Keep It Super Simple 

Buy where you want a rental and not where you want to live. Working-class neighborhoods have more people looking to buy and they are looking for traditional homes. Buy in those neighborhoods and you’ll always have a buyer. High-end neighborhoods have picky buyers and longer sales cycles. Low-end areas have owner turnover, so too many properties on the market means low prices. – Joseph Edgar, TenantCloud 

13. Locate The Path Of Progress 

Look to invest in neighborhoods that are located in the path of progress. The gentrification of a neighborhood starts in one area and then usually expands outward. If you can find an undeveloped neighborhood that is surrounded by gentrifying neighborhoods there’s a good chance of the value of that neighborhood increasing. – Ben Grise, InvestWithBen.com 

14. Speak With The Local Organizations 

The maturation of a neighborhood is the most important factor in real estate appreciation. Do your homework by speaking with the local community board or Business Improvement District. Ask about plans to enhance transportation, retail storefront programs, neighborhood improvements, such as parks or cleaning up any urban blight in the area and if incentives are being offered to enhance streetscapes. – Stephen Glen Kliegerman, Halstead Property Development Marketing 



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