Home Business Startup & Funding Council Post: 15 Effective Ways To Improve Talent Retention

Council Post: 15 Effective Ways To Improve Talent Retention

Council Post: 15 Effective Ways To Improve Talent Retention

Turnover in many businesses can be a source of discomfort for management. Employees leaving a job typically means that they are unsatisfied with what it offers or think they can do better. In both cases, it reflects negatively on the company as a whole and its managers specifically. Employees typically expect a business to work in their best interests regarding growth opportunities, as well as payment for services rendered and hours worked. When companies don’t meet their expectations, they leave.

Oftentimes, an employee leaving can cause significant disruption in a company’s operations, especially if the lost talent was a high performing team member. Filling in the position they left vacant can take months. This is why managers should focus more on talent retention as a long-term investment in the company’s skilled workforce. Below, 15 professionals from Forbes Business Council explore the measures managers can take to ensure that employees want to stay on and continue to lend their expertise to the enterprise.

1. Share Your Company Vision

If managers strongly believe in the company vision, everybody under them will too. Enthusiasm is contagious and people always have FOMO if they believe you’re onto something great. We gave great care to our early managers to make sure the company vision was passed down the line. When we achieve goals, it only strengthens the employee’s bond to the company! – Harrison Baum, Daily High Club

2. Improve The Resignation Process

One of the unique things our law firm does to retain employees involves improving the resignation process. We go beyond the exit interview by visibly encouraging resigning employees to try something new with their career. When we combine this singular attitude with our robust alumni program, we have had more success with former employees coming back than most similarly situated law firms. – Thomas Dunlap, Dunlap Bennett & Ludwig

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3. Train And Treat Them Well

Retaining the best employees can be achieved by training them well in an environment also that treats and compensates them well. Employees want to feel appreciated, and they want to be a part of the day-to-day direction of the operations. A command and control environment will not sustain a great employee. However, a culture that is inclusive to all will add to retention goals. – Anissa Jones, Total Health Chiropractic and Wellness Center

4. Motivate, Recognize And Incentivize

Motivation, recognition and incentive—these three elements will be very useful for keeping the most outstanding employees in the company. A person who sees their work recognized, receives motivation to improve and is encouraged to do so with various strategies by the company will feel committed. By seeing that they are valued, their level of interest and growth will increase, as well as their productivity. – Kevin Leyes, Leyes Media

5. Seek Regular Feedback

To improve retention, companies should seek regular feedback from employees. Do so via one-on-one weekly meetings and anonymous surveys on a quarterly basis. Ask for feedback on what you and the company should start doing, stop doing and continue doing. – Adam Radulovic, XL.net

6. Show Them They Are Heard And Valued

Pay attention to them. Employees generally want to be heard, to know they are valued and to have a relationship with management. They love it when management knows about them and their interests outside of work. This takes time, so take it one conversation at a time. – Renee Schafer, Data Security Inc.

7. Empower Them And Have Trust

Empower them, trust them and give them responsibility. It will either make or break them or it will make or break your relationship with them. Promote them to the point that they leave or they thrive. – Chris J “Mohawk” Reed, Black Marketing

8. Invest In Their Development

Excellent employees are not easy to find. They stand out by being innovative, offering outstanding support and leadership and boosting morale and company culture. Investing in the future development of these employees is the best way to keep them. They are dedicated and as a manager, you must reciprocate that dedication to their professional development. – Andrew Sobko, CDL1000

9. Have Consistent Check-Ins

Have consistently scheduled check-ins. Just saying that you have an open-door policy is no longer good enough! A leader must walk the walk, not just talk the talk. Make sure you have a recurring monthly meeting to discuss topics beyond the task list. This meeting should focus on what the employee is proud of, what roadblocks they are working on overcoming and where you can best support them! – Caitlin Strempel, Rising Ranks Digital

10. Provide Equity To Key Employees

Providing equity to key employees is the best form of retention. When employees are co-owners of the business, it changes their mindset from “the company has a challenge” to “we have a challenge.” – Dylan Taylor, Voyager Space Holdings

11. Intentionally Practice Deep Listening

To retain their best employees, managers have to intentionally practice deep listening. This is not just about the day-to-day work, but really tuning into the emotional and psychological state of their people. Employees are looking for managers to be human. Now is the time for managers to “lean in,” lead with empathy and actively invest in building authentic relationships with each member of their team. – Cheryl Fields Tyler, Blue Beyond Consulting

12. Be Of Service To Your Team

Always aim to be of service to your team. When you are of service to the people that you work with, they will move mountains for you. If you are constantly asking for things to get done and they never seem to get there, take a hard look in the mirror. It’s you, not your team. Be of service and you will build a team that sticks together. – Jordan Edwards, Mixology Clothing Company

13. Prioritize Mental Safety And Wellness

Invest in creating a human-centered culture where psychological safety and mental wellness are prioritized. By helping your employees improve their overall mental wellness, you can help them feel balanced, feel connected to others and ready to meet life’s challenges. If they lack the vitality, resilience, energy and they do not feel they are supported and trusted, retention will become a problem. – Andreea Vanacker, SPARKX5

14. Ensure They Have Good Work-Life Balance

Make sure that everyone has a good work-life balance. We lost an employee due to burn out and it made me realize that it’s very important for leaders to demonstrate work-life balance so that the team knows that it’s okay to take time for themselves. – Emma Rose Cohen, Final

15. Practice The Right Amount Of Affirmations

Managers should practice the appropriate amount of affirmations. People will get a boost in confidence when their good work is recognized. This action also helps employees open up to managers when it comes to any disagreement that needs to be resolved. It also ensures positive communication in the work environment. – Reeve Yew, Funnel Duo Media Sdn Bhd



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