Home Business Startup & Funding Council Post: 16 Clear Signs You’re Ready To Expand Your Business

Council Post: 16 Clear Signs You’re Ready To Expand Your Business

Council Post: 16 Clear Signs You’re Ready To Expand Your Business

We’ve all heard stories of promising businesses that expanded too fast and too soon, only to and crumble under their own weight. These cautionary tales can scare some leaders into hesitation when it comes to expanding their own business.

It’s difficult to know when the “right” time to grow is, but you don’t want to wait until your window of opportunity has passed you by. To help you understand when the ideal moment to expand is, we asked the members of Forbes Business Council for their guidance.

Below, 16 of them shared some clear signs they look for when determining whether or not to expand, and why that factor is so important to consider. Learn from their insights as you plot your own growth trajectory.

Photos courtesy of the individual members.

1. Customers Keep Asking For A Solution You Don’t Currently Offer

The biggest mistake you can make is creating a solution before identifying the problem. You might think you’ve got the next big idea, but that doesn’t mean it’s the answer that will resonate with your customers. However, listening to your customers will help. If customers are repeatedly asking for the same solution and you don’t have it, this is a sign it might be time to expand your business. – Lisa Patrick, Lisa Patrick

2. You Can Demonstrate Clear Social Value

Turn your attention to the social value your product or service can bring to the table. Can your business address a pressing social need or advance an important cause? Can you help a new customer type achieve these goals? By using social impact, companies can reveal alignment with new customers or business verticals and quickly determine how they can stand out against potential competitors. – Theresa Schieber, Givewith

3. People Rarely Try To Negotiate Your Prices

Do you have pricing power? Warren Buffet said it’s the No. 1 thing he looks for when investing. If companies rarely negotiate with you on price, it could mean you have significant upside potential there to increase and fuel growth. If you have been able to deliver profitably, then you likely enjoy a cost and/or technology advantage over your competition that could scale. – Gabriel Smith, Pricefx

4. You Have Momentum

If you’re not sure you have momentum, ask yourself this question: Does it feel like you’re pushing a rock up or down a hill in your business? If it’s the latter, you’re most likely ready to expand your business. The reason this factor is so important to consider boils down to traction. When you have it, expanding your business can be easy. When you don’t have it, growth is a struggle. – Wesley Bush, Product-Led Institute

5. You’re Profitable With Current Sales And Infrastructure

We take a look at the organization as a whole and ask, “Is the current operational infrastructure and process profitable with current sales?” If the answer is yes, we know we can scale the infrastructure and process with top-line growth. – Trevor Outman, Shipware, LLC

6. Your Team Could Run Things While You Focus On Expansion

You need a solid team that can successfully run your current business so you can focus on the expansion of your business. You also need to ensure that you have enough money to fund your expansion plan until it becomes profitable. If you have the right team, enough cash to fund your expansion and your industry is growing, then you should definitely expand without any doubt. – Harpreet Munjal, LoudGrowth

7. You Have Your Entire Team’s Support And Excitement

If you have a strong support system of employees, contractors, vendors and others who are excited to build your business alongside you, there’s a good shot you’ll be successful. The opposite is also true. Even if you have all the resources in the world, if you have a team with low morale, enthusiasm or drive, it will be incredibly difficult to take new steps. No one accomplishes anything alone. – Mori Kabiri, Counself Inc.

8. You’re Already Running Like A Well-Oiled Machine

As a business owner and leader, the day-to-day activities of your operations should run like a well-oiled machine with contingency plans in place. When that has been established, then it’s time to explore other opportunities and test out expansion plans. Growth should be continuous without you resting on your laurels for too long. It keeps people on their toes and is a motivational force. – Brian Chew, OC Wills and Trust Attorneys

9. Business Is Good

Business is good. You’re very comfortable and only pretending to feel the closest competitor. You’re putting customers on the waiting list. Cash flow is good and you’re working long hours. It’s probably the perfect excuse to expand. Leaders must resist the temptation to remain so loyal to a prevailing pattern that they forget it’s going to change. This is what they forgot at Kodak. – Olakunle Soriyan, KENNETH SORIYAN RESEARCH AND IDEAS LLC

10. Your CAC Is Lower Than Your LTV

At the initial stage of your business, your customer acquisition cost (CAC) may be higher than the lifetime value (LTV) derived from your customers and the situation may remain the same for some time as you grow. Once you experience that your CAC is significantly lower than your LTV and your existing clients are staying with you longer, it’s time to push the peddle. – Syed Gilani, Safr Technologies Inc

11. There’s Consistent Demand In Your Sector

In my industry (e-commerce/shipping/logistics), increased demand is the surest sign that it’s time to expand your business to meet consumers’ needs. I’ve always looked at my business using a top-to-bottom approach that involves understanding the mindset of my partners and consumers, and using that knowledge combined with data and analytics to make expansion decisions. – Chris Cashin, Parcel Consulting, LLC

12. You Have A Nimble Leadership Team

If the demand for your solution is growing, reflect on your leadership before you choose to expand. Growth needs to be managed effectively to ensure that your culture, employee and customer experience improves. Leadership agility becomes key to let your business and employees flourish during times of growth in the short- and long-term. Winning strategies focus on people, plans and profits. – Andreea Vanacker, SPARKX5

13. You Have Consistent Cash Flow And Financial Stability

In order to earn more money, you need to spend money. Analyze if your business is structured in such a way it creates revenue for you and check if you have the resources to support you financially. Design growth in such a way that you come back to a balanced position, even if you fall down. Make sure your business is scalable. Consider your existing customers, even when you expand for new customers. – Kiara Cancer, Extraordinary Headhunters LLC

14. You’re Outgrowing Your Current Resources

You’ll start noticing certain things like your inventory is running out faster or there are many new tasks to be accomplished and few employees to complete them. This is a great sign, but you will have to adapt and make changes, such as hiring more people, to maintain the level and quality of service and product. – Kevin Leyes, Leyes Media

15. Expanding Will Improve Profitability And Sustainability

Most owners believe expanding their business is a given that must and should happen, but sometimes growth needs a second look to determine if it is a wise choice. If expansion means more profitability and more sustainability, then yes. But what if expansion means more work, with the same (or less) profit? Too often, this is the case. Don’t grow for growth’s sake. Grow for increased profit and value. – Rhett Kniep, Centurion 7 Business Advisors

16. You Simply Know It’s Time

When it is time to expand your business, you will know it. The signs and messages are out there. You just have to be receptive to hearing and responding to them. If your customers are telling you what they need, listen to them and adjust. – Dawn Brown, MD, ADHD Wellness Center PLLC



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