Home Business Startup & Funding Council Post: All-In-One Vs. Best-Of-Breed: Putting An End To An Endless Debate

Council Post: All-In-One Vs. Best-Of-Breed: Putting An End To An Endless Debate


Cory is the chief operating officer at BlueConic, the world’s leading customer data platform. 

All-in-one marketing suite, or best-of-breed? The debate has raged for decades. The collapse of the dot-com bubble in 2000 and subsequent recession seemed to tip the scales in favor of centralized control and single-vendor suites. Fast forward to 2020, where ever-changing privacy regulations and consumer expectations have marketers scrambling to keep up. Add the Covid-19 pandemic and associated economic slowdown, and you have a perfect storm for disruption.

As the COO of a customer data platform for marketers, I believe that in this environment, it’s never been more apparent that marketers need technology that’s flexible, interoperable and adaptable. So, let’s put an end to the debate once and for all by looking at the current state of all-in-one marketing suites and how they compare with a best-of-breed marketing technology stack.

A Brief History Lesson

Before diving in, it’s important to understand why all-in-one marketing cloud suites came to be in the first place. Marketers have long lacked access to data that not only provides a single customer view, but also enables them to take action on that data in real time. Marketers need this holistic view to understand their audiences and orchestrate individualized experiences that foster loyalty and lasting value among customers. This ambition is not new; indeed, direct mail had a similar, albeit more simplistic, remit: Use data (addresses) to meet people where they were (at home) to increase awareness and share of wallet in support of longer-lasting loyalty.

Marketing cloud suites originally set out to solve this issue by building a suite of solutions that not only provided this elusive single customer view, but also gave marketers a single tool to interact with their customers. These marketing clouds certainly had the right idea. But when something sounds too good to be true, it usually is.

Why Integrated Marketing Suites Fall Short

According to Gartner, the number of marketers who prefer an integrated suite approach has declined to just 29%. The decreasing percentage reflects their understanding of the opportunity cost of being locked into a suite. In fact, several issues have become increasingly evident:

• Marketing clouds are not data or platform agnostic, meaning critical data and tools outside the cloud ecosystem can’t easily share data with the suite.

• These tools often lack a single user interface from which marketers can operate.

• Lengthy implementation periods make it difficult to replace poor-performing technology within the suite with more effective tools, limiting its value and return on investment.

The Best-Of-Breed Approach

Instead of relying on a restricting set of tools that usually only “speak” with one another, marketers can use custom technology stacks that provide flexibility and agility.

A best-of-breed approach offers a number of distinct advantages. For example, most marketers like to experiment with new channels and strategies, many of which require new marketing technologies. Other times, marketers are forced to embrace new channels to make it through tough times. A best-of-breed approach affords the opportunity to implement new solutions into their martech stacks at will (versus just the tools offered under the umbrella of certain providers). Custom technology stacks also make it easier for marketers to remove or consolidate systems over time as the business requires.

And when best-of-breed martech stacks are built around a single-source-of-truth dataset, marketers gain access to an actual single customer view. With real-time customer data in one place and ready for activation across channels and systems, marketers can understand which messages resonate with certain individuals and segments (and which ones don’t) in every stage of their journey.

Embarking On A Martech Stack Revamp

As with any change management initiative, revamping a martech stack takes time and thoughtful consideration. Fortunately, there are several axes to evaluate your current stack and the changes you want to make. Ask yourself if your current stack does the following:

• Future-proofs your business: For example, if Apple continues to cut back on third-party data collection or the U.S. follows the European Union in increasing consent management requirements, then you may want to move to new solutions that increase your first-party data. 

• Increases your ability to respond to market changes: Marketing cloud software still requires enormous technical resources and IT maintenance. As the group closest to the customers, marketers need tools they can directly and immediately apply to new and time-sensitive challenges and opportunities.

• Optimizes for interoperability: As consumers adopt new technologies, marketers can’t lag far behind and be confined to an inflexible approach to integrations. It’s your tech stack and thus should be agnostic about what you put in or take out.

If your current stack falls short on any of the above requirements, consider building a best-of-breed martech stack that can augment your marketing processes throughout the customer life cycle. Here are some tips to get started:

• Construct a martech stack visualization that establishes a true single source of customer truth at the center and denotes where each “connecting” solution will fit within your overarching martech structure.

• Conduct a cost-benefit analysis for all tools to rein in sizable expenses and get more value from new and existing marketing tools.

• Assess your team’s technology proficiency to ensure you have the skills needed to fully utilize the products you plan to purchase.

• Review all processes to ensure that stakeholders and responsibilities are well defined.

• Audit your martech stack regularly to make sure each person is extracting the desired return on investment from individual tools and the stack as a whole.

The marketing clouds may have set out to solve for the elusive single customer view, but they failed to deliver on that promise. By embracing a best-of-breed approach, marketers can not only get more utility from a stack that’s specifically designed for their needs, but also activate their marketing programs based on an actual, consolidated source of customer data truth.

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