Home Business Startup & Funding Council Post: Common Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make And How To Avoid Them

Council Post: Common Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make And How To Avoid Them

Council Post: Common Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make And How To Avoid Them

Almutaz is the founder of Eighty6, a multi-discipline direct marketing company. Connect with him about behavioral economics and marketing.

According to a Harvard Business Review study, approximately 75% of all startups in the United States fail, depending on how failure is being defined. Under 50% of these businesses will ever celebrate their fifth anniversary, and only 33% of those that survive end up making it to their 10th year. 

All this is to say that being an entrepreneur and founding a successful startup is difficult. It’s a long and difficult road, and you will make mistakes, regardless of how hard you try not to. In fact, there are a few common mistakes that entrepreneurs make, especially during their first time attempting to start a business. Thankfully, the key to mitigating risk from those mistakes, and hopefully avoiding them altogether, is understanding as much about them as possible.

Assuming They Can Do It All On Their Own

Far too many entrepreneurs make the mistake of assuming that starting a business is just something they can do by themselves. It makes sense to a certain degree because that cherished “nobody can do this better than I can” spirit is a big part of what made them want to be entrepreneurs in the first place.

But having a great idea for an innovative new product or service and actually starting a successful business are two entirely different concepts and should be treated as such. Rather than discussing things with friends and family members — otherwise known as people who have probably never started a business — reach out to people in the professional community and see what advice they’re able to offer.

Try to network and forge contacts with the types of people who can help your new business get off the ground. Try to find a mentor, and surround yourself with people who have the types of skills that you don’t.

Taking this step early can save a significant number of headaches later on.

Underestimating The Importance Of Marketing

Another major mistake that a lot of newer entrepreneurs make involves underbudgeting on their long-term marketing costs, failing to recognize the role of marketing in launching a business or some combination of the two.

In no uncertain terms, regardless of how unique your idea for a product or service may be, the world is filled with businesses like yours. Therefore, you need to capitalize on any opportunity to stand out in a crowd and differentiate yourself from those competitors. Marketing is a big part of how you do that — by always communicating the right message to the right people at exactly the right time.

You need to be able to use marketing to communicate core ideas, such as:

• Who you are as an entrepreneur.

• What your business does in a literal sense.

• Why that is different from everyone else, and why those differences are important.

You’re not going to be able to do that for free, and a marketing strategy with that focus will take time to build. Therefore, you need to start thinking about marketing and advertising as soon as possible because nobody is going to invest in your product or service when it launches if they’re not even aware that it exists at all.

A Failure To Understand The People Who Matter Most

Finally, perhaps the most devastating mistake a lot of entrepreneurs make involves failing to understand as much as they can about the people they’ve dedicated themselves to serving: their customers.

You may have a legitimately innovative idea for a new product or service. That’s terrific, but if it doesn’t actually bring anything of value to a customer’s life, they can’t be expected to run out and buy it with enthusiasm.

After you’ve developed your idea for your product or service, sit down and ask yourself the following questions:

• Why would someone want this?

• What does it enable a person to do that they can’t already do right now?

• What challenge is your ideal customer-facing, and how does this help them overcome it?

• What pain is your ideal customer experiencing, and how does this help them ease it?

• What need does your ideal customer have, and how does this help them meet it?

Make no mistake about it: Your business needs to be focused on helping people and driving value to your customers, or it probably shouldn’t exist at all. It doesn’t matter how cool your product or service is — if it isn’t generating as much value as possible for your customers, it’s a solution in search of a problem instead of the other way around.

In the end, remember that the most successful entrepreneurs focus their efforts outward toward their customers rather than inward toward themselves. They primarily want to make a difference in someone else’s life, not their own. Once you focus all your efforts around that idea and proactively address the other challenges on this list, you’ll be able to survive some of the most devastating mistakes that many entrepreneurs make on a daily basis.

This won’t just help your new business get off on the right foot. It’ll make sure that you’re able to keep moving forward, setting yourself up for years of success.

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