Home Business Startup & Funding Council Post: Digital Biomarkers Supersede Theranos: No Blood, No Jokes

Council Post: Digital Biomarkers Supersede Theranos: No Blood, No Jokes


Diagnostic technologies are the engine of the precision medicine revolution, powering identification and deep characterization of disease based on unique biomarker signatures. Our increasing sophistication in detecting these signatures has yielded futuristic technologies like Theranos’s finger-prick claiming to perform dozens of tests and digital biomarkers aiming to eventually eliminate the need for blood altogether.

While they occupy invaluable niches in the diagnostic landscape, “traditional” biomarkers (e.g., genes, proteins) have significant inherent limitations that digital biomarkers can address. By leveraging patient-generated biometric and behavioral data from digital devices such as smartwatches, digital biomarkers provide novel ways of passively and continuously assessing health at a scale unachievable with traditional biomarker-based diagnostics.

Digital biomarkers expand the reach of traditional biomarkers in three dimensions: width (expanding “N”), length (collecting more data points per variable) and depth (unlocking new variables).


The most significant limitation of traditional biomarkers is their lack of scale and equitability. Realizing improved outcomes from traditional biomarker-based diagnostics often relies on: (1) a patient’s proximity to forward-thinking healthcare practitioners (HCPs), (2) financial means, and (3) adequate experience navigating the healthcare system.

Tests more widely adopted among HCPs are still limited to patients with healthcare access and require patient proactivity in seeking care, which is generally poor. By contrast, digital biomarkers enable population-level screening and post-diagnostic monitoring, leveraging consumer technologies already owned by many patients. These technologies’ installed base, population familiarity and literacy, and per-test costs allow them to address a much larger and more diverse patient base while relieving the patient of the burden to be proactive.

For example, Apple has sold ~100 million smartwatches, many of which double as FDA-cleared ECG devices. By monitoring healthy or existing a-fib patients’ heart rhythms, the watch enables real-time nudges to schedule telemedicine consultations, reducing several access barriers associated with traditional biomarker tests. Although digital device ownership lags among low-income and rural Americans (and even more so globally), lower-cost alternatives are increasing in availability, sophistication and supported health applications. Thus, the future scale and diversity of users may more closely mirror that of smartphones. One can imagine a one-time Apple Watch purchase ($350-750) paling in comparison to the cost of the myriad diagnostic tests, HCP visits, and complications from untimely diagnoses the watch could help avoid.


The ability to measure digital biomarkers continuously and longitudinally provides a second key advantage over traditional biomarkers, which yield discrete snapshots of a patient’s health that may miss signals of pre-disease or delay diagnosis until prognosis has worsened.

Operating on the law of large numbers (i.e., data points), digital devices can better detect and characterize meaningful deviations from individual patient baselines. By doing so, digital biomarkers can help prevent disease onset, diagnose disease upon the first aberrant reading, or trigger timely HCP followups to prevent symptom exacerbation. This concept is hardly novel in diabetes management, for which continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) and closed-loop insulin dosing systems have begun supplanting lancet readings. Third-generation diabetes management solutions now integrate continuous data from connected CGMs, insulin pumps, smartwatches, voice assistants, blood pressure monitors, scales and other devices to track disease onset and progression and provide targeted lifestyle recommendations.

Smart device accelerometers, human-computer interactions (e.g., tapping, swiping, scrolling) and passive speech analysis are being used to predict the onset of neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s), depression and anxiety. In a pandemic age, an accelerated resting heart rate may help detect infections days before noticeable symptoms occur.


Traditional biomarkers are further limited by the confines of biological specimens and miss the troves of digital and behavioral patient data holding untapped diagnostic value. The voice- and motion-sensing approaches described above are key examples of non-biological disease measurements unattainable using traditional approaches.

In oncology, Microsoft researchers have shown that up to 15% of pancreatic cancer cases can be diagnosed with >99.99% specificity using patient search histories. A similar study from Penn researchers identified diagnostic patterns in the frequency and nature of Google queries weeks prior to ER admissions. Google and Apple’s digital contact-tracing API leverages Bluetooth “chirps” between smartphones to notify patients who have crossed paths with COVID-19 carriers. Tracking digital behavioral indicators can provide insight into a patient’s health before traditional biomarker tests would or could be administered, enabling earlier detection and improved outcomes.

While promising, digital biomarkers introduce novel challenges that must first be overcome. Poor patient engagement and attrition can have devastating clinical consequences. For example, in the Apple Watch Heart Study, ~60% of suspected a-fib patients failed to consult an HCP and ~80% of suspected cases dropped out of the study or were excluded. Additionally, most digital biomarkers have yet to demonstrate clinical validity and actionability required for real-world use, which may fail to materialize for many.

A host of other roadblocks remain, including data privacy and security, device measurement reliability, self-reporting and diversity-related AI biases, and financial accessibility. Traditional biomarkers and diagnostics will undoubtedly remain essential for decades to come as digital biomarkers navigate these complex challenges. As digital biomarkers gain traction in guiding clinical decisions, a few transitionary decades will likely exist, in which these diagnostic datasets are used in parallel, like multiple layers of a map.

It’s not difficult, however, to envision a future in which digital biomarkers become more substitutive than complementary. Digital biomarkers are in their infancy, sitting at a nexus of technological convergence between the worlds of consumer technology, artificial intelligence and healthcare. Just as smartphones, supercomputers and self-driving cars would have seemed unfathomable fancies to the 20th-century imagination, our future ability to measure disease using digital phenotypes is likely beyond current comprehension.

To be provocative, one can envision a 22nd century in which deep phenotyping becomes a proxy for molecular genotype and expression information, replacing traditional diagnostic tests. In this future, where exponentially maturing digital technologies may detect nuanced phenotypic manifestations of disease, Theranos’s finger pricks will seem a relic of pre-digital life, and digital biomarkers’ limit will be our willingness to relinquish privacy in the interest of health.



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